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Aros and alcohol (poll)

Aros and alcohol  

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I like beers and ciders and wines are growing on me and I used to like mixed drinks but I don't drink more than one drink at a time anymore so keeping around various juices to mix with isn't practical. 


so mostly I drink ciders these days, but I usually forget to buy more when I run out. but having a cider or a sweet beer with a snack or as a snack can be very nice :) I like ciders better because I can drink just half or a quarter and leave the open bottle in the fridge and while it goes flat it still tastes nice the next day, you can't really do that with beer. 

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On 6/17/2016 at 2:04 PM, PerformativeSurprise said:

Nope.  I hate the taste of alcohol, and I hate the idea of anything impairing my judgement.  Since I don't like the taste or the idea of being tipsy/drunk, and it's expensive, I see no reason to drink.

Same with all of this.

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I drink and will get drunk semi regularly, and have been since well before I was legally allowed 0u0 (Thanks, Australian drinking culture) My friends and I tend to view it as a way to wind down and relax, and I find I'm more open socially it is the social lubricant when I'm drinking because it does lower barriers. I do need to moderate how much I drink (and if I do drink at all on occasion) when my medication changes though, because I end up on mood stabilisers/antipsychotics.

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I enjoy having the occasional beer. It doesn't even taste that good, so I don't know why. It's just... Nice. It must have good effects, because I won my first game of Settlers of Catan whilst drinking. Everyone else had milkshakes and hot chocolate and stuff. xD

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I had my first proper drink on Saturday in celebration of my friend's 19th birthday. My friend mixed in some bourbon(?) with coke and gave it to me. It mostly just tasted like normal coke but with a slight aftertaste of alcohol. It was probably only 1 standard drinks worth, but meh.

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I drink socially and quite enjoy it. I like club and bar environments when I go out with friends. I have a lot of inhibitions though and a lot of anxiety that make having fun difficult for me so lowering those with alcohol is a big help.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm practically teetotal - last time I had anything, it was a couple of shots last April. 

The time before that, probably around 2008? I drink so rarely I can basically remember what I had to drink at the time :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put "drinks very occasionally" but really I don't drink (I say as I have a beer). I'm not old enough to drink, at the ripe old age of 20, but I've had a couple drinks before with my family, and I once did a shot of everclear to stop my friend from drinking it (she was already way too drunk and that stuff is poison). I'm currently on vacation in Europe, and I'm enjoying having a drink or two with lunch or dinner, but beyond celebrating my 21st birthday I don't plan on drinking a lot once I return to the states. I'll probably drink a little socially with my friends, since that's what ROTC people tend to do, but I really don't like the idea of being impaired.

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11 minutes ago, Kickaxe said:

I really don't like the idea of being impaired.

There's impaired and then there's stone drunk. Impaired can be fun, drunk is just stupid to me.

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I quite enjoy drinking, myself, but mainly because I like the taste of a finely aged single-malt scotch whisky or an interesting herbal digestif.  In times when I've been financially well off, I was as likely as not to have a single drink with dinner, but these days I can't afford that.  I rarely drink more than one or two servings of booze.

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I don't drink. Mainly because of my meds, but I also never really liked the taste. I do like it when it's used in cooking. All the actual alcohol burns off, you get an interesting flavor left behind, and it tenderizes things like meats. 


My parents wanted me to be into drinking it. As a kid (probably around 9 or 10), they introduced me to manishewitz. It was ok, but not as great as grape juice to me. Later, in my teens they tried to get me into riesling. Still, wasn't into it.


For my 19th birthday in college, all the girls on my dorm floor tried to get me to drink a lot. They tried to get me to drink a huge tumbler of mixed wine coolers. I threw it all up immediately. They took me to Greek Row, and gave me beer. Hated the taste, but gave in to peer pressure and drank it. Got a little tipsy, but not bad. That was one of the last times I actually drank alcohol. Was not a fun time, and seeing the girls get really drunk and their personalities change was also a turn-off.


I think truly the last time was when I was about 23. (I'm 32 now.) I couldn't sleep and had horrible withdrawal symptoms from a med. My mom suggested I have a huge glass of vodka quickly. That was...an experience I didn't want on top of everything else. It didn't really help me. I don't understand the obsession with it.

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39 minutes ago, anzu2snow said:

I think truly the last time was when I was about 23. (I'm 32 now.) I couldn't sleep and had horrible withdrawal symptoms from a med. My mom suggested I have a huge glass of vodka quickly. That was...an experience I didn't want on top of everything else. It didn't really help me. I don't understand the obsession with it.

That is terrible advice at any time, much less when you're going through withdrawals. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 01/07/2016 at 5:43 PM, Mogseltof said:

I drink and will get drunk semi regularly, and have been since well before I was legally allowed 0u0 (Thanks, Australian drinking culture) My friends and I tend to view it as a way to wind down and relax, and I find I'm more open socially it is the social lubricant when I'm drinking because it does lower barriers. I do need to moderate how much I drink (and if I do drink at all on occasion) when my medication changes though, because I end up on mood stabilisers/antipsychotics.

I guess I am another shining example of Australian drinking culture. The recent euro-migrant side of the family had me drinking wine with dinner early in my life to combat their perceived bad Australian attitudes to drinking and the Australian side were slyly encouraging me with beer and cocktails. Well you can't really escape it when you have cocktail Christmas every year. I can be proud to say I have never binge drinked (fund-raising pub crawls don't count. they are for charity!) 

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  • 3 years later...

Yeah I'm a non drinker I dun see the point really apart from the fact people socialise over it. But you can socialise over other things I think. Seems like a lot more younger people don't than before tho and all those health trends.

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ok this is interesting. I drink and tend to be around people who are comfortable with drinking a lot. I was quite surprised that to say yes was so low down, with barely over a quarter of people answering yes.

Like I guessed that drinkers would be in the minority from the prompt but that was more severe than I thought

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I don't drink. Or maybe in some family reunions like weddings, champagne to fit the norm, but that's unlikely. I don't go in bars or things like that with my friends so I don't drink with them.

I just don't like the taste of alcohol. So I don't drink it lol. And the idea of being drunk never attracted me so it can be a motivation that would justify that I forget my taste.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/26/2021 at 9:16 PM, roboticanary said:

ok this is interesting. I drink and tend to be around people who are comfortable with drinking a lot. I was quite surprised that to say yes was so low down, with barely over a quarter of people answering yes.

Like I guessed that drinkers would be in the minority from the prompt but that was more severe than I thought

Yeah, same.

Although, for my country's standards I was really late to start. I was in uni, 21 years old. For a country where most start drinking in middle school (around 13-14) not drinking earlier made me weird. But it took me until uni to find friends that I felt save enough around to open up and not be afraid to make a mess out of myself.

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I mean I'm pretty sure in the UK you can theoretically drink alcohol from the age of 5 if ur parents give it to u on private premises it's pretty legal. XD tho not reccomended 

though UK is sort of different to places like France or italy where they have a culture of having wine or something at dinner. 

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2 hours ago, mewix said:

I mean I'm pretty sure in the UK you can theoretically drink alcohol from the age of 5 if ur parents give it to u on private premises it's pretty legal

My cousin, from a very young age, had definitely learned the shape of a wine glass and would always try to cute his way into getting a sip, he was very angry when I put some lemon juice in a glass and left it on a table.


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