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cute kitty Meow! Mewo!

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Everything posted by cute kitty Meow! Mewo!

  1. it's relative. from the perspective of the earth, the sun moves around the earth. religious folk prefer the perspective of the earth.no need to correct what isn't actually wrong. they don't like the yang to their yin, that's perfectly ok, both yin and yang are as one, and where one is acknowledge the other is still true, even if only a shadow. your need to have her see yang and not yin is no different than her need to have you see yin and not yang, I know you find it hard to believe that the sun revolves around the earth but it's just as true. if you want the objective truth, go be the sun, then the earth, then the solar system, then the universe, and don't forget to be each molecule and atom too. they all judge those around them in such a fundamentally different way that we can't even fathom what it's like to be them.
  2. it seems some people consider hiccies and biting and other things as making out. I thought making out was just kissing enthusiastically. idk. I don't really kiss people on a regular basis so I'm not the best person to ask what kissing is lol.
  3. Kissing can seem romantic to me, which (usually) makes me gross out about it. ick! IDK if I'd like romantic kissing if I fell for someone tho I've never actually dated someone who I liked romantically. But kissing can be in a sexual context for me, and I like that kissing. more like making out really tho. idk. apparently making out means more than what I mean it to mean? idk..
  4. I'm demi, so therefor terrible aro no just kidding demi is part of teh community too lol uh, IDK, I can be an average aro, but sometimes idk. I can get really obsessed with new friends, and, hm, I was gonna say and I like romantic music, but really, I like songs about romance that's got difficulties. or recently had ended, or that is about to end. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. idk, some of the things you say sound about right but maybe you're a little too deep. or maybe i misunderstand what you mean by ego. but if it's ego, that's an individual experience for you. I think it might be common, but it isn't itself a necessary aspect for a person to be romantic. hopefully this doesn't sound super critical or anything :unsure:
  6. regarding some of the recent comments, speaking for myself. When I enjoy kissing, it is distinctly a sexual experience. when kissing "feels romantic" I dislike it. kissing I would personally not consider inherently romantic, but the most common forms of a couple kissing I see as romantic. The "sexual" kissing I enjoy is really just making out tbh. and it's been years since I was enjoying that kind of kissing in-action - since then my expression of sexual attraction has changed, so I can't tell if I'd be into it still. regarding romantic feelings - falling in love is something that I did not realize I was experiencing until I slowly came to admit to myself that I experienced it. but now that I've identified it, in knowing that some people do not experience it, it's obvious to me when I am in-love, and when I am not. it's frustrating when I am not in-love tho because a part of me wants to fall in-love with someone, and this ends up giving me a lot of anxiety. I would interpret the phrases such as "crazy in love" and "love hurts" to not at all refer to the actual romantic aspect of the experience, but instead, the anxieties that often arise because of it. to me when I am in-love I just... feel.. attracted... to them... I MAY have thoughts about wanting to be with them but really that is not constant. but a strong feeling of vague interest in them is pretty easy to experience just by looking or thinking about them. what drives me crazy is, wanting to DO something about those feelings. it is like a tension which - if I am allowed to enjoy the feelings by interacting romantically with my partner or date, it is a wonderful and good and healthy feeling. but, if I have to contain it to myself, because the person does not appreciate my attraction to them - this is when it hurts, when I suffer, when I have a ton of anxiety, when I become desperate to try to figure out HOW to even interact with them at all without smothering them with romantic interest. And the more I hold my feelings quiet, the more and more this suffering intensifies. To think back to the people from my past who are in my past, there is suffering there too, a longing for what was to still be, and it hurts. I also get this feeling with lost friends, but with a romantic attraction there is also the feeling which I had to identify as romantic - in fact, it was looking to my past that led me to discover that I felt romantic feelings at all, and then experiencing them again for a friend that made me confirm that I do feel romantic feelings. but, being in love with someone who does not return the feelings, for me is 10x worse than pining for something from the past. in the later, I can clearly see there is nothing I can do to even interact with the person, so there is no compounding of the anxiety - it only stays constant, tho it hurts, it does not intensify. when I am interacting with someone however, and cannot express my love for them, that is when it royally sucks. it is just too much to handle. I am sorry that I cannot provide any info on what romantic attraction feels like. That is not something which is possible to do. I can only describe what I feel - but those descriptions are, "intense" and "warmth" and "love" and "interest" and none of these things are reserved for romance. I feel all of those things for other things. just, the only thing that helped me to figure it out for my experience, was to compare my feelings for people over and over and over again, slowly being better able to identify the difference, to the point that I was sure there WAS one but not sure WHAT that difference was, until I came to suspect that difference was romantic, until I came to confirm it. And this was only possible because I still feel romantically towards 3 of my 5 crushes. so when I think of them, I feel in the now the romantic feelings. if there were no current feelings to observe, I doubt I could've done that process to any conclusion. and even as it is, I'm still unsure - I was worried I was developing romantic feelings for someone, and couldn't be sure what I was feeling until I saw her and talked to her in-person. that, now that I know what I feel, it is easier for me to say "you just know what it is when you feel it" because that is exactly how I know. I just do. it feels like romantic attraction. it is like touching a dry material blindly and knowing that it is fur and not a carpet, despite the fact that it is thick and course and stiff. you've felt this pelt before and identify the animal exactly, and know it isn't any carpet you've felt. It feels unique to our brain, our brain has learned to identify that it is different. but the reality is, I had to learn to identify it at all. oh also, I don't get the whole "merging" or "as one" thing a lot of people get. I do agree that it tends to be a common romantic message, but I don't believe it's a universal sentiment for all romantics, since well, I don't share it. tho I do want to be close with the person and spend a lot of time with them, but well, this is not reserved for my romantic feelings. I guess it tends to be more intense with romantic feelings. also - personally, I do in fact believe that romantic feelings are better and superior to platonic ones. I am sorry that this is my oppinion about my feelings. I would think it's weird however, to make some claim that this is true for all people, especially knowing about aromantic. necessarily, since an aromantic does not feel romantic feelings, romantic feelings are in fact less than platonic ones - I mean after all, they are zero. hehe. last regarding the bed - I would not claim that sharing a bed is necssarily romantic, but bed-sharing certainly brings romantic anxiety to me - I do not like sharing a bed unless it is literally my partner. I could under some circumstances do it however - especially if there is a lot more people than appropriate sleeping surfaces. I do not believe I'd find sharing a room to be romantic however. there are some ways to share a room romantically of course but without explicitly attempting to make it romantic, two people sharing a room is just a pair of roomates. it's nonromantic by my impression of it.
  7. wish granted - but the store is so crowded there's literally a traffic jam and no one can move for hours. i wish to be washing my dishes right now instead of avoiding it.
  8. it has always confused me why the "newest content" section shows the thread with the newest post, but rather than show who posted it, shows the thread. I'd expect either that there is the newest created thread there with the thread creator, or the most recent updated thread with showing the newest poster who posted in it.
  9. Granted. Here ya go: I wish for more patience.
  10. an ex-con who's way too stoic for his own good is certainly quite odd. He lives in mansion with no furniture and shoots his own car.
  11. this is so true it all makes sense now. wait, no it doesn't, never mind. I'm still confused why people who aren't youre romantic partner care so much about you telling them you love them. but at least some of it is more making sense now...
  12. stumbled upon a vid titled "the perfect anime" and mildly curious checked it out. the intro, the guy convinces me about how most people have an anime which they've seen and something about it really connects for them, and how despite possible flaws to them they just find it to be wonderful. he says these are, for that person, the perfect anime, and I'm like, ok yeah! I get that. then he stays he's found one for him, and I'm getting kinda interested like, curious, I wonder what the anime is like. and he starts describing it, about how it's a film about star cross lovers who learn about each other vicariously and how it's about the dreamlike quality of adolescent fancy. and I'm like, "lol sounds horrid!"
  13. I am afraid to connect to friends sometimes, out of fear of misinterpreted advances. shoot, this one doesn't really fit this thread actually, sorry. this is not something that was an early sign for me, it didn't develop until after I had a history of people "breaking up" with me when I had no idea our friendship was anything other than platonic friendship. maybe that is what the ealry sign is lol!
  14. I'm reading through a webcomic I found and it's a good read and stuff but... like, half the plots are romantic plots, and what's worse if a boy and a girl so much as glance at each other that makes them in a relationship. it's really annoying, and I don't even understand....
  15. very true lol. I just don't like being needed I guess.
  16. I confess that I am more likely to be a chicken owner than a cat owner. or maybe I'll be a cactus owner. if it starts with a c, does it count as a cat?
  17. I confess I think I might be realizing that.... even now, I am somehow convinced that given time I will finally be ready for a relationship, despite the fact that my entire life I've been constantly telling me "I should put dating off 'til later. I'm not really ready to be someone's partner" I need to just let it go. This girl goes solo!
  18. generally I'm comfortable with nudity. It would depend on the context really.
  19. I confess, that one of the main reasons I'm wanting for a companion/partner is, because of how I am restricted in life, and I am afraid that people would either tell me that's codependency or even, say that wanting a partner to make up for my deficits is no different than wanting a "better half" to "become whole" and therefore inherently romantic most of the reason I want someone as a part of my life is, tho, because it would make housing, food, laundry, and vacationing all a lot more manageable and affordable. Also, social events would be more accessible lol, since there are a lot of things that are awkward if you go to them alone.
  20. I don't really understand it at all. but that might have to do with my asocial confusion in general.
  21. lol actually... I've only ever recomended people break up. I'm always biting my tongue 'cause that's all I'd say to most people, something like they say "ugh my datefriend likes chocolate but I hate it" and I go "you should obv break up. not worth!"
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