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Everything posted by Dodgypotato

  1. You don't. The soccer training comes to you. I wish that bugs would stop drowning themselves in my coffee.
  2. Dodgypotato


  3. Hahaha! Banned because you started practicing BDSM before me!
  4. Banned for... Sadism about banning! Yeah! That's right!
  5. No! Banned for not banning me! How dare you not ban me!
  6. Banned for thwarting me!!! Hahaha
  7. Banned because James likes your ban. >.>
  8. Lol there was a 'Annoying things that aromantics say' thread posted on AVEN a few hours back, and the aromantics just hijacked it. Amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dodgypotato


      You're really not missing much, just a load of people stirring up dumb arguments, haha... I haven't seen anything interesting on there in quite a while.

      But you know there are ways of getting on there if you're desperate... : P And no, I didn't just say that. 

    3. Ace of Amethysts
    4. aussiekirkland


      I might go help hijack the thread haha

  9. Yep. There have been videos of people asking random people how they feel about women not shaving their armpits. And they often immediately reply, "It's gross!" or something along those lines. And then they get asked, "What about men?" And they reply it's normal or fine or whatever. But then when asked, they can't explain what the difference is. They can't explain why it's fine on men but not on women. It's literally the same thing in the same place. It's not as if armpits are different on men than women either. It's not unfeminine, as lots of people think, there is no difference at all! D:
  10. Me: puts my legs over mums'

    dad: "you need a boyfriend"

    me: ??????????

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      That makes literally no sense! :(

    2. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      Heteronormativity. Go away.

  11. Yeah I was asked out in public by one of my *****friends***** if I wear/was wearing a bra. Surrounded by the whole class. This was year 7 I think. So around 11 years old. I never found a need to. I still wouldn't if I truly had a choice in the matter. I got pressured into it eventually because I got paranoid that girls would keep trying their best to humiliate me. I also was pressured into shaving my legs, which really sucked for me because as I mentioned, I had really bad eczema on my legs at the time. Really really not good for it... For me, it was just a horrible time of absolutely no one telling me that anything was going to happen. Yeah, I had no idea what puberty was or periods or anything. So there I thought that something was completely wrong with me. Because I mean, I didn't see anything good to any of the changes - it was like a disease out of no where. And on top of that there's people from every direction pressuring me into hiding and suppressing all of these changes. What was I supposed to think? Obviously I thought something was wrong with me.
  12. Banned for not getting my pun!!! Geez! : P : P Cuz she made a tangent joke! (tangent = tan(x). Trigonometric identity: tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x) )
  13. Banned for not being supportive of Ace of Amythest's identity. (if I could like my own posts right now I could, I am so proud of my puns)
  14. Banned for having no good basis for your ban. ;D ;D ;D
  15. I just never used to pay attention to like... Anyone else at all. Lol! I mean, for example, I used to hear the words 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual' thrown around increasing more and more around ages 13 and 14. But I honestly learnt what all those sorts of terms meant only at almost 18 years of age. And then came the whole.. Am I bi? pan? etc. Yes. Extremely. We have soooo many soapy romance drama shows at the moment, the majority scripted. And a lot of people are just sucking them up like they're the best thing ever. Hah! Strange. But I think the majority of the rest of the world is very romance obsessed as well. Especially countries like India. I don't think it's as bad here. I know in some cultures, if you don't marry, you're perceived as a failure. Truly and utterly, way more so than here. Some places your parents are just constantly pushing at you to to get married regardless of your happiness. They'd rather you to suppress who you are in order to find a partner. I think that's horrible. With women in particular - I've witnessed this. If a woman is not particularly feminine, their parents will press them to suppress their masculinity (or neutrality) in order to 'attract men'. That's so dumb. You would then have to suppress your true self for the rest of your life. That would be horrible.
  16. Banned because your set should be closed under addition and scalar multiplication.
  17. Moffat is obsessed with entering romance into everything because it's what he thinks will sell. And sadly, he's right. The majority of fans for that kind of stuff go crazy for someone turning someone who seemingly hates romance into a romantic soppy git. I hate it as well. We can't just have one non-romantic character. Ever. Those fans make me so mad. You don't need romance IN EVERYTHING. If it's not a romance genre, don't insist on putting it in everywhere!!! It's unnecessary! I confess that I get really really REALLY annoyed when there is a complete over saturation of romance in things that are not classified as a romance piece of entertainment!
  18. I'm closeted NB, so vast vast majority of people think I'm a woman irl. Repeating what others have already said, but anyway... I really don't care what women do with their bodies. It really bothers me when they think it's gross for women not to do the same as them. Why is hair seen as inherently bad on women when it's FINE on men? It's literally the same thing, except it's generally thicker and more dense on men. Also when people get grossed out by muscles on women. I don't understand that. People get grossed out whenever a woman is not stereotypically feminine. And that pisses me off. I didn't even realise this was going on for many years of my life. Up until a few years ago, I did as well. Because we're all conditioned to. We all grow up, and are presented with the 'perfect feminine woman'. And told it's disgusting if we don't shave. Around entering high school, I didn't want to shave. I never wanted to. Made it worse that I have eczema and couldn't if I wanted to anyway. But that meant I had to hide it. I could never show my legs because I would be completely shunned for not shaving. I don't give a shit now, but I did when I was 10-12 years old... And when I realised the pure brainwashing most of us go through (at least in Australian culture), I was disgusted. And then of course I figure out a few years later that I've also been brainwashed into thinking that I can't be happy without a romantic relationship, and that that was bullshit as well. Haha! But yeah, I don't care what others do. Slap on a cake face. Be bald all over. But don't force it onto me. Don't say that I'm disgusting and shouldn't show parts of myself because it's not good enough for you. Especially if it's just because you perceive me as a woman. Especially if it would be a different story if you thought I was a man.
  19. If the 1% stat about aces is accurate (and it's not - there's most likely way more), then there are over 3x as many aces than people in Australia. Thanks, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?! And to people who say, "They're only 1% of the population, they don't matter." Yeah, Australia can just go blow itself up and no one would also care, then? THEN WHO WOULD THREATEN YOU WITH DROP BEARS, HUH? :nopapo:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Oh yeah, considering the statistic is probably too low, there must be at least a Germany's worth of asexuals.

    3. Ace of Amethysts
    4. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      They can cover an area the size of Wales @Ace of Amethysts ("Wales" has become a legitimate unit of area btw)


  20. Hahaha! You're way better than my parents. If I even mention someone not of the same sex as me, we're automatically engaged in some sort of romantic relationship. Even in 2015 (last year of high school), I kept staying as late as possible at school. Dad suspected it was because I'd "Found someone". Lol..
  21. Not yet eaten a rainbow :sadpapo: PPPAR
  22. They are used the same way, yes. But some people are transitioning over to using the term 'zed' because some sexual/romantic people has expressed their distaste for the term. Which, might I add, is not usually because of the specific meaning of the prefix 'allo' (other). The most common thing I've heard is that they just want to be called sexual/romantic. So changing to 'zed' doesn't really make that much sense. Except for the people who are actually offended by 'allo' for whatever reason. I confess that I still have no idea whether or not I'd actually enjoy a romantic relationship. Just because I've never experienced romantic attraction to date, doesn't mean I'm sure I never will. I have no idea. I think it seems too stiffling, as I even have trouble with platonic relationships (friendships) sometimes. But I don't know.
  23. I'm kind of the same, I guess. I've come to the conclusion that because I honestly believe that gender is stupid and harms our society more than helps it, I probably just can't conceptualise me having one. It doesn't affect me at all, other than other people's perceptions of me. It's deeper than disliking stereotypes, I'm not 'not a woman' because I don't like gender roles. It feels wrong to be called a woman, there's nothing that makes me a woman. There's nothing that makes me a man. There's nothing that makes me anything. I suppose if I could pick a sex, I would choose male, and to be perceived as a man. But in the end I just really don't care because it's just so meaningless. I don't know if that line of thinking will help you at all... I hope it does. Your 'My feeling when I think of my gender is like my brain returns a 404 error.' Does sound similar to what happens to me. : P Not sure for a long time if I was a man, a woman, agender, neutrois, bigender, or some demigender. I decided not quite that I don't care, but it doesn't matter (for the reasons I put in the first paragraph).
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