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How Do You Personally Pronounce the Name of This Forum?


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5 hours ago, roboticanary said:


yes!  the 'ay' from aro and the rest rhymes with -pocalypse.  the only valid answer.  well, ay-row-calypse (first two syllables = aro) can stay but you're on thin ice. ?

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Ah-ro-cah-lips. As @Leton. said, the French prononciation.

I also say ah-ro instead of ay-ro (Frenchie forever, I was so confused to learn this is not how English people pronounce it). And it is the combination of aromantic and apocalypse... I always love the name of this forum for that by the way.

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Thinking about this again and the first thing that actually popped in my head was /ə.ˈɹoʊ.kä.ˌlɪps/ instead of my above reply ? I do generally pronounce the first two syllables of “aromantic” like /eɪ.ɹoʊ/, though. 

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Being a French speaking native I pronounce it the French way too.This may be an English forum but it looks so French that I can't help my accent.

  • aromanticism = aromantisme (FR)
  • aromantic = aromantique (FR)
  • apocalypse = apocalypse (FR)
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