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    Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high...
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Beelzebufo (4/4)

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  1. And another mandatory SPN meme...
  2. Some people in my life really need a life and to get out of my life.
  3. I thought I was, the final comment king, but I just handed, my comment crown to...
  4. Lots. Sadly, even the not-so-fake people in my life can be toxic too.
  5. Did we experience a (D)DoS attack? The forums went kaput about half an hour ago, right at the time 500+ guests loading stooff at the same time.

    1. roboticanary


      yeah, not sure about that.

      currently can't see anything weird now so it looks like whatever happened has been has been sorted

  6. (I Fought the Law - The Clash)
  7. (We Didn't Start the Fire - Fall Out Boy) It's the 2023 version. 😺
  8. No thank you, I'd rather have dried raspberries.
  9. It is/was a big pile of "meh". It has it's niceties, but it's too Lawful Neutral for my liking. Too much judging-on-action-more-than-intent, for one thing. It's also a big time killer too, if one takes part in a lot of active threads there, especially in the JFF/Arcade sections, if one cares at all about catching up.
  10. (Voice Of America - Asia) Asia's an English band. 😸
  11. I've been described as cat-like before. 😺
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