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Aromantic Moments

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2 hours ago, Mark said:

Don't people usually attend classes there to learn about something they are interested in learning about?

Apparently not, I asked my friend how her first (education) class went, and she replied, "There weren't any good looking guys there."


I was like, "... That's not what I asked." x D



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4 hours ago, Mark said:

Don't people usually attend classes there to learn about something they are interested in learning about?

EXACTLY! I attend those classes to get professional feedback on my work because I need to get together a good portfolio for my uni application. It's all to get accepted to a good uni and make my dreams come true, but I guess my dad thinks boys are the only thing that's on a girls mind when she's my age and single...

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On 4/3/2016 at 4:17 PM, Deitsuck said:

This one time in class when we were given pieces of paper and told to write down traits of our ideal girl/boyfriend. Needless to say I left it blank.

I had to do this in ninth grade while we were reading Romeo and Juliet, and I just wrote "I don't want a boyfriend." across the paper. I got an F.

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2 hours ago, artemis said:

I had to do this in ninth grade while we were reading Romeo and Juliet, and I just wrote "I don't want a boyfriend." across the paper. I got an F.

I have to read Romeo and Juliet next year for ninth grade. I hope I won't get this assignment because apparently it seems popular O_o

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8 minutes ago, Spud said:

I have to read Romeo and Juliet next year for ninth grade. I hope I won't get this assignment because apparently it seems popular O_o

It's just so weird. The whole play being seen as "the ultimate romance" even though it ends with the completely pointless death of two teenagers. 

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Just now, Vega said:

It's just so weird. The whole play being seen as "the ultimate romance" even though it ends with the completely pointless death of two teenagers. 

You forgot to mention that the whole play takes place over the course of 5 days or so.

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When you're reading Romeo and Juliet and there are so many stupid things you can't help but sigh and roll your eyes every five seconds.


Fortunately I'm sitting across from a person who finds it just as stupid, so we can sigh and roll our eyes together and make this ordeal just that bit more bearable ;)

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On 18/04/2016 at 10:52 PM, Vega said:

I would rather be in a car than on a train watching some couple make out. 

For me it would very much depend if I was watching or doing. Though the latter's unlikely since I have no QPP I'd be likely to take a train journey with.

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On 5-5-2016 at 11:23 PM, Spud said:

I have to read Romeo and Juliet next year for ninth grade. I hope I won't get this assignment because apparently it seems popular O_o


The assignment doesn't say it has to be realistic traits. 

My ideal boyfriend: 50m tall, breathes fire, walks on two legs, excellent swimmer, has a tendency to destroy Tokyo.


As for aro moments: in high school friend of mine kept showing me pictures of J-pop artists and squealing over them. I was more like: 'that guy has awesome hair. Oh wait, you actually have a crush on him. H-how? He lives half a world away and you'll never get to meet him. Why are you sad your crush is a failed one? You knew... Be more logical about your crushes, damnit.'

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2 hours ago, Apple Cake said:

Last week all my class was arguing about women vs men and one of my classmates jumped out saying that one problem is that "all girls are really emotional and easily seducted" or something like that. Everyone agreed and started clapping. I was so annoyed


Sexism and arophobia? I love intersectionality!


I had an aromantic moment last night when I couldn't sleep because I was too busy trying to figure out better ways to get to know my squish, and what kinds of answers she would have in response to different conversation topics. Just imagining conversation after conversation with her, discovering layer after layer of her personality.

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I just found out my squish had a crush on a guy, and I felt so happy for her. I started giving her all sorts of advice to get him to pay more attention to her. Our conclusion was that he's an arsehole. 


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I remember last year I started reading an article about action games (I can't remember exactly what the article was about). However, in the first or second paragraph, it said something along the lines of, "Action games need romance to have any sort of emotion". I immediately said NOPE and stopped reading.


This next one was actually by one of my lecturer's at uni. So each week, my chemistry lecturer shares his "molecule of the week". This week it was tetrodotoxin, which is a highly toxic compound produced by the fugu fish (you know the one that Homer Simpson tried to eat that one time?). Anyway, he was say that some guy tried to poison his wife with it, but the FBI noticed and arrested him and sent him to jail. The man and his wife still remained together afterwards, to which the lecturer said and I quote, "They say love is blind, but maybe love is stupid". Made my day.

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Today in health class, while talking about drugs/smoking, the teacher asked if we would date someone who smoked. I was laughing internally like: "No. I wouldn't date anyone who didn't smoke either."


And then she asked a bunch of questions about a scenario where someone you "liked" smoked what would you do blah blah and I didn't know how to respond to any of them xD:P

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9 hours ago, Spud said:

And then she asked a bunch of questions about a scenario where someone you "liked" smoked what would you do blah blah and I didn't know how to respond to any of them xD:P

Oh no! Imagining something when you have nothing to compare it to is the single worst.

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Right now me and my friends are trying to figure out one of our friend's crush... He's had like 5 crushes since September



I don't get it


I'm really hoping they don't ask me about crushes :P

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2 minutes ago, Simowl said:

Right now me and my friends are trying to figure out one of our friend's crush... He's had like 5 crushes since September



I don't get it

One of my friends is constantly getting crushes on his female friends too. All the time, with our mutual friends, it's like "oh she's so smart and wonderful I really like her!" and I'm just like WTF. :P


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5 minutes ago, Vega said:

One of my friends is constantly getting crushes on his female friends too. All the time, with our mutual friends, it's like "oh she's so smart and wonderful I really like her!" and I'm just like WTF. :P



It's confusing...

The amount of times I've said I liked someone for people to think I meant it as a crush... no... >.<

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26 minutes ago, Simowl said:


It's confusing...

The amount of times I've said I liked someone for people to think I meant it as a crush... no... >.<

"You should meet my friend, I really like him."

and so on. :P


I agree, I have such a hard time understanding how a person's mind goes from friend to dating.

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holy heckkkkk i just had an Aromantic Moment™


my best friend broke up with her girlfriend like...the week before prom and theyve been avoiding each other for weeks now? and its gotten to a really awkward lunch table because we all sit together and finally theyre asking me separately 'what did i do she won't talk to me' and my aro ass is just here like "........" because ive got no idea and i honestly don't understand how anyone can be really properly in love with anybody ever :/ and it Sucks because in the space of one day ive become the Only Conduit for the 'what did i do' emotions between them that are frankly a little bit late >:/


UGH i jsut dont get why they cant talk to each other with their own grown ass mouths and figure it out for themselves like adults instead of dragging me into it like this. like i get it theyre both my friends and i totally want the best for them but You Have Communication Skills For A Reason Use Them

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