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Everything posted by DannyFenton123

  1. Oh my god, Steven Universe. Just in general, oh my god.

    1. Zae


      Yes, I really want to know what's gonna happen next~

  2. Gremlins. Those things still creep me out today.
  3. I attended the town hall meeting for Jeff Flake today xD 

    1. Vcat


      "Brutal face-to-face confrontation with angry constituents"

      So it was a pretty tame crowd then?

    2. DannyFenton123


      Don't worry, we only chanted 'FLAKE OUT FLAKE OUT FLAKE OUT' a few times ;) 

    3. Vcat


      Hahahaha the azcentral article makes you guys sound like a mob

      And Happy Birthday! :aroicecream: (I think that's ice cream lol)

  4. International Woman's Day!

  5. I dropped my phone today, and it's broken :(

    1. Ace of Amethysts
    2. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      That's typically how dropping a phone works.

    3. Untamed Heart

      Untamed Heart

      I'm sorry to hear that! My friend broke hers two weeks ago. It fell out of her pocket, into the toilet just as she flushed it...

  6. All Livable Planets Have Air MAGIC
  8. I'm offended that you would critisise someone else's musical choice.
  9. I am severely offended by the lack of papos in this thread
  10. I've been called an 'asexual feminist' in my high school on account of my unshaven leg hair, which I assume was meant to be taken as an insult rather than a statement of fact. I do remember one girl asking why I had leg hair, like she was genuinely confused, and I just shrugged and said I couldn't be bothered. So glad I never have to take PE again. Not only did I suck at it, the uniform was wayy too short for my jeans-and-hoodie senses and all the boys were creepy.
  11. Call them whatever you want, but I'm still calling them papos
  12. Watching the inauguration in French. I nearly burst into tears when he was sworn in :(

    1. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      I feel sorry for every American who isn`t a straight white male and/or doesn`t conform to social norms.

    2. Untamed Heart

      Untamed Heart

      Me too, but I was slightly heartened by the amount of people who turned out to protest, and seeing the difference in the amount of people who showed up to Obama's inauguration compared to Trump's. I still feel awful for everyone else, though. Trump apparently forgot/doesn't care about what such a wall as he's proposing did to Germany...

  13. I dyed my hair purple again :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zema


      We need the pics danny! You can't leave us waiting like this! :crying:

    3. DannyFenton123


      I'm sorry! My laptop broke :(

    4. Zema


      Why do these things have to happen? :crying:

  14. I think I need glasses. I couldn't see some of the smaller fonts on the board xD 

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      If you do and you want help choosing, I'm sure the Discord server people will laugh at you being ridiculous happily help you decide :P 

      If you do and you want help choosing, I'm sure the Discord server people will laugh at you being ridiculous happily help you decide :P 

    2. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      I have reading glasses because my distance vision is kind of blurry sometimes.

    3. Dodgypotato




      It's worth it. After enduring any laughing or teasing from people irl, they get bored after a while and you can see things properly in peace. : P They are a bit difficult to get used to at first (really weird wearing them).

  15. Person on a game starts calling me a 'fake boy' because I play a male character and heard me complaining about my grandfather wanting me to be ladylike. So he starts going off on me because wow, he feels so betrayed that this person he thought was a guy wasn't a guy, and annoyingly enough I crash before I can say much or block him or whatever.


    When I log back on I see a bunch of other people in the chat arguing with him about how backwards he's being. So that was some holiday niceness. Merry Christmas!

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Happy Christmas Danny! That was a nice turn.


      Christmas: Half way out of the dark


    2. Untamed Heart
    3. omitef


      That's amazing--I'm glad that other people actively supported you!

  16. Does anybody remember a game called Ceasar III? It was this Roman city building game where everything caught on fire... at least for me it did xD

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      So like Roman sims? That's what I do in sims if I'm angry. Make a sim and BURN HIM!

    2. DannyFenton123


      It wasn't so much like Sims... More like a level in between Civ and Sims. Great game, but I wasn't very good at it as a kid so everything burned. Or collapsed. Or starved. Or rioted. Or was eaten by wolves.

    3. Tal Shi'ar

      Tal Shi'ar

      I never saw Caesar 3, but I think i do have a copy of Caesar 2 somewhere.

  17. Chains Hang On Killer Endermen MINES
  18. I just realised I accidentally signed off on an email as 'Danny' to one of my English friends.

    I realised this when they emailed me back 'Hi, Danny...' like the awesome friend they are :arolovepapo:

  19. Yeah, I get this. I wouldn't care about being naked but for the scars. I'm incredibly uncomfortable unless I have something covering my legs from waist to ankle. There's also a scar on my arm and even though I've been able to pass it off as some childhood accident, I still much prefer wearing long sleeves.
  20. Stardew Valley. My sister showed it to me yesterday, and I've already logged hours and hours onto it. I love it :arolovepapo:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DannyFenton123


      Haha, you won't regret it. Unless you have a test coming up, in which case you might wanna hold off ;) 

    3. Cereal Tendencies

      Cereal Tendencies

      Nah, recently graduated, so no more tests for me! :D

    4. paporomantic


      The list of games that I'll be playing in retirement is becoming too long and will include this one, thanks :D What remains is to actually secure the retirement, which is harrrd.

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