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Hogwarts Houses!


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Hufflepuff!!! Erudite and Amity tied for first on the quiz, and the Percy Jackson quiz link from page 1 took all my answers and gave me a blank answer, so unknown? or I am the child of no one! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Proud Ravenclaw (and Pottermore agrees)! (Although I make no claim that Ravenclaw is better than any of the other houses.... it just suits me most.)

Apparently I am half Candor half Erudite followed by Abnigation. 

I am also apparently a child of Athena according to the quiz someone linked to earlier.


I'm starting to see a trend here...  I tend to belong to the groups that value intelligence.

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  • 1 month later...

slytherin (with hufflepuff tendencies)--i'm ambitious and confident but honest, fair, and hard-working.  and probably Aphrodite--i'm a fashion design student and I love beauty (not just in people).  though i'm gifted and arachophobic, so there's an argument for Athena.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28 July 2016 at 6:07 PM, hippiecat said:

I don't think I perfectly fit into any of the houses... but i guess Ravenclaw? I think I've considered all of them except for Hufflepuff (because I'm pretty lazy and stuff).


I've recently realised that I actually am Hufflepuff :P and my Ilvermony house is Thunderbird. The combo is pretty spot-on :D

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  • 1 month later...

I used to be a Ravenclaw, but I've changed a lot since eighth grade -- now I'm proud to say I'm a Hufflepuff! :D

My Ilvermorny house is Pukwudgie, and my wand is a 10" Willow Wood with Unicorn Hair core and "quite bendy flexibility". My patronus is a calico cat, (although I've also gotten a mink on Pottermore before.)


My faction is Amity, but I also have traits of Abnegation, followed by Erudite, then Candor, with Dauntless in last place, according to the official quiz (it's a great quiz btw, highly recommend). I wouldn't say I'm divergent though, as the Amity traits are much greater than the others.


I'm a daughter of Hebe (if you don't know who she is, here's a link .) (Also her cabin is amazing.) (Didn't use that quiz that was linked on the first page -- they probably wouldn't have her as an option at all.) I also really love Hestia though -- but she's a virgin, so she's more like...an adopted grandmother? Mentor? Idk, I just think she's great. I don't think I'd be a Hunter though, even though the no dating thing fits perfectly.

In Percy Jackson quizzes, I tend to get Athena as my godly parent. :)

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On 6/16/2016 at 12:41 PM, Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion said:

Also apparently I am a child of Athena....um.....
I looked it up and apparently Athena is a virgin, so that fits surprisingly well. Apart from the whole PARENT thing.
 Also apparently she values the triumph of civilization over barbarism. So it actually makes sense for me I guess.



The Riordan wiki site says "Athena's children are literally born from her thoughts. It is the meeting of minds. Athena thinks that it is the purest kind of love."

So that's how that works. :)


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  • 2 months later...

Gryffindor, Erudite and child of aphrodite 


I always liked Slytherin a lot more but I guess with my adrenaline addiction it's kind of obvious I'm more of a Gryffindor :D


And I guess aphrodite is not fitting at all...? But if the quiz thinks so xD


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If I had been sorted at the age of 11 as in the Harry Potter books, I might have been placed in Ravenclaw, but at this point I think I'm definitely a Hufflepuff.


I took the Divergent aptitude test three times. I got Abnegation and Amity the first time, Abnegation and Candor the second time, and Amity and Candor the third time. Since in that society it would ultimately be my decision which faction to join, I would probably choose Candor.


I never read any of the Percy Jackson books, but the test that a few people linked in this thread told me I would be a child of Athena.

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  • 2 months later...

For Pottermore, I'm a mystery : first time I did the test I was sorted in Griffindor, second in Slytherin. I don't know how this happen. Though Slytherin makes more sense at Griffindor; I see it as the House of Outcasts and Misunderstood, and it fits me. But Griffindor, really, I don't know; I'm pretty sure that in case of danger, I'll run away screaming, and Griffindor is for the brave ones. For Ivermorny School (the American wizard schooln; I think they added it to pottermore after Fantastic Beasts), I got Thunderbird twice. It says that it represents the soul of the wizard. I like that.

For Divergent, I was tested as... divergent. But considering the movie, I may not say that at loud it's dangerous :D. My score as dauntness and erudite was equal, and abnegation is just after.

For Percy Jackson, I had Hephaestus.

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On Pottermore several a couple of years ago back when it was.....better (with the games and stuff like that), I got Slytherin. On the second time at its current (?) state, I have Hufflepuff and I have that every time I try with any other unofficial quiz site.

For the official Divergent quiz at the end of the book, I think I got a tie between Dauntless and Amity and Erudite? so I'm Divergent. I probably need to check the book again. I understand why since I'm a nerd, salty, and artistic (probably) but Amity and Dauntless do not go together lol it kind of explains how weird i am tho

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm ravenclaw! (at least, it's what i strongly identify with, and sorted myself into on a forum v similar to this!) i think i'd like to be a hunter of artemis! that'd be so cool, just hanging out with my friends!! (and you know, fighting too)

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