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Hogwarts Houses!


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35 minutes ago, Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion said:


Also apparently I am a child of Athena....um.....
I looked it up and apparently Athena is a virgin, so that fits surprisingly well. Apart from the whole PARENT thing.

Just so you know, virginity didn't actually mean "chaste" until after Christianity was founded. In Hebrew, it meant "young woman" and in Greece it meant "sexually independent, free from marriage" or "a woman who has no relationships with men".


And if Annabeth can be a child of Athena, so can you.

On 5/3/2016 at 9:04 AM, Namakemono said:


As for Percy Jackson, I took this quiz and got Hades.

I just took that quiz and got Dionysus. He's a patron of gender variance, so that makes sense. I now headcanon all of his children as trans, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming.

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Slytherclaw* / Erudite


* Gradually transitioning from Ravenclaw to Slytherin if you wish. There are quizzes helping figure out one's hybrid Hogwarts house, e.g. at Buzzfeed or Hypable.


Disclaimer: I've spent almost zero time on reading / watching fantasy, just I see that a big part of aros / aces are potterheads so I thought it would be useful to classify myself :P

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My house is slytherin, which seems appropriate #notallslytherins 


My divergent are apparently dauntless and erudine, being almost exactly the same? though I don't know what that means D: Haven't read that one. 


And I'm a child of Athena and Hephaestus =9 Wisdom, War and Crafts + Fire, Metal and Sculptures? Odd combination but fine by me xD 

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Pottermore placed me in Hufflepuff and, on a second shot different account, I got Ravenclaw because I toned down my niceness and went for my intellect. Both are cool, Hufflepuffs are kind and accepting of all (YES), Raven is intellectual (yes)! The aptitude test for factions placed me in Amity first and Abnegation second, very correct, but I'm also lowest at Erudite. Hey, I can be damned smart while being a decent human being, thank you! My lowest score this school year was 84% in Foreign Languages! As for the camp quiz... Hermes? Come on, that quiz had really weird questions! Well, Hermes seemed to care a lot about his kids in the books, that's nice.


EDIT: Did the Buzzfeed Combo house quiz and got Huffleclaw, yes this fits me to a tee.

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I was placed in Slytherin, and honestly, I definitely get it. I'm snide, sarcastic, and if you cross me, you'll get it back tenfold, but I'm also very loyal to those who show me love and loyalty in return. All in all, I think my house really gets a bad rap. Our flaws are only more noticable than those of the other houses because so much negative attention was called to it by Salazar Slytherin, Voldemort, and the Death Eaters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/29/2016 at 5:48 PM, Saber_Wing said:

I was placed in Slytherin, and honestly, I definitely get it. I'm snide, sarcastic, and if you cross me, you'll get it back tenfold, but I'm also very loyal to those who show me love and loyalty in return. All in all, I think my house really gets a bad rap. Our flaws are only more noticable than those of the other houses because so much negative attention was called to it by Salazar Slytherin, Voldemort, and the Death Eaters.

Yeah, Slytherine gets a bad rap. I think part of the whole point though is there are people who fit the stereotypes and those who definitely don't in every house, with most people somewhere in between. If you ever feel bad about who loudly represents your house, just remember us Ravenclaws got landed with Lockhart of all people xD 
I have met several lovely Slytherins IRL, so no hate, IDK maybe the Gryffindors will hate you more, :D it is traditional

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think I perfectly fit into any of the houses... but i guess Ravenclaw? I think I've considered all of them except for Hufflepuff (because I'm pretty lazy and stuff).


And I would love to be one of the hunters of Artemis (obviously she can't be my godly parent)! It's funny when reading the books and for the characters the no-dating is such a difficult thing and I'm like... a group of awesome girls who aren't allowed to date? WHERE CAN I SIGN UP.


Don't really know about the Divergent stuff.

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  • 3 months later...

I never read the Percy Jackson series, sadly. ^^;

Or, er, not sadly. It never really interested me. :/

Anyway, as for Hogwarts Houses, I am a proud Gryffindor-Ravenclaw mashup! (Though I honestly feel more Ravenclaw-ish. XP)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That Diverget quiz seems a bit faulty. I got almost the same amount of everything except Dauntless. Apparently I'm very diverent :D
Most erudite and candor though.


I've never taken the house test but I think I'd end up in Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

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  • 7 months later...

Harry Potter house: Slytherin

Divergent Faction: Uhh...that's really hard...I believe that if humanity falls, it will be because of our selfishness, but I can't see myself living in Abnegation. I'm having a hard time choosing between Candor and Erudite, but I think I would go with Erudite because I value privacy.

I took the official Percy Jackson quiz once, and I was told I was Grover instead of a demigod. I think that if I were the child of a demigod, I would be the child of Athena though.


Also, I have a long-coming rant about Harry Potter houses that I might put here later.

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Always saw myself in Slytherin, and every sorting quiz I've ever taken has agreed with that, so I'm a happy camper. 

I've never read or seen the Divergent series, but I took the quiz and it said I was equally Erudite and Dauntless.

I also took the cabin quiz, along with a few others, and got Zeus every single time...I'm starting to see a pattern here. 

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