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which orientation do you feel more sure about, your romantic or sexual one?


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I feel sure about both. Took a while though, me being ace took some adjusting as before I suspected for a long time I was bi. And even though discovering I was aro made all the pieces fit together, I really had to come to terms that I was not going to fit the social mold.

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Without a doubt im sure on my romantic orientation, although im now 99% sure about my sexual orientation. Oddly enough the hand thing (ya know… Rubbin pipe) helped me realize I had no interest in spilling the sauce inside someone. 

The 1% is (sex will feel good, don’t know until you try). Well no, because with the hand thing I have complete control. I dont know what benefit sex would give me that self pleasure doesn’t give and exceed in…  Also there’s the fact that I might enjoy some sex techniques which aren’t Insert D into hole. 

If I enjoyed that type of stuff I don’t know how I would still be ace. Its just very weird to exclusively take interest in non hole related niche sex stuff since allos usually at least do some hole stuff. I might be a niche version of sex favorable ace under very specific activities. 

Oww…Im not as sure as I thought about my sexuality… 

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i have to say both, i'm equally aggressively aro and heterosexual.  when i think of, like, sexual attraction to a woman, romantic attraction to a woman, romantic attraction to a man--i really can't imagine any of them as more likely than any other. 

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I am certainly sure of my romantic & platonic orientation, but have been questioning my sexuality recently. I've been saying I am pansexual, and while I'm still attached to that term, I wonder if I'm greysexual too 

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Romantic orientation, for sure. My sexuality just feels like a mess which is why I choose to not label it (at least not using any of the big orientations like gay, straight, bi, ace, etc.)

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Sexual orientation. I am very much asexual, and I in NO way could change that. It just repulses me. Romantic orientation I’m still struggling as what if one day I like someone…? But then again, I could never romantically like a man or woman. Non-binary person? Perhaps.

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More sure in my romantic orientation. Like, absolutely sure.

sexual orientation confuses me. Like, I’m clearly on the ace spectrum but sometimes I’m not sure about where at the spectrum. Also, i have a very strong sensual attraction and even if I’d say, I’m quite good in taking it apart from the sexual one, it confuses me in relationship woth my sexuality 

Edited by Acecream
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i'm pretty confident in my romantic orientation at this point but my sexual orientation is still a bit murky. i think the closest i could say is bi because i definitely have some sort of attraction to all sorts of people, except i don't have much sexual experience to know if i'm into that aspect of it if that makes sense? like it's hard for me to tell the difference between sexual and simply aesthetic/physical attraction.


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Definitely sexual orientation. Like someone else here said, it's less nebulous of a concept. I am also a romance favorable aro so that makes me feel a bit unsure.

On 6/28/2022 at 7:21 PM, loneranger98 said:

i'm pretty confident in my romantic orientation at this point but my sexual orientation is still a bit murky. i think the closest i could say is bi because i definitely have some sort of attraction to all sorts of people, except i don't have much sexual experience to know if i'm into that aspect of it if that makes sense? like it's hard for me to tell the difference between sexual and simply aesthetic/physical attraction.


For me aesthetic attraction is just "oh, they're pretty" and with sexual attraction I might feel arousal and/or think about doing ~things~. They are connected though, best way I can explain it is like this. Please be nice to the diagram, I rushed it. Untitled598_20220705162456.png.97ebacbe5de732d3295b7deddd02fbf4.png

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sexual for sure

mainly because I asked a buuunch of online strangers what sexual attraction means and apparently finding someone to be very very visually attractive isn't one of them

romantic? unsure, because romance hard


im probably just aroace in denial but the denial don't stop so the questioning don't stop :)

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I don't have a difference, I am as sure for both. 

I was confident quicker about my sexual orientation, almost immediately. But after I accepted I was aromantic too, I become as confident about this identity. 

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I'm sure for both now, but it took a lot longer for me to realize I was aromantic and accept myself for it. Although I knew I was asexual pretty much as soon as I learned about what being ace is. 

Edited by queer_kaleidoscope
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