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About Collie

Personal Information

  • Name
  • Orientation
    moonlight aromantic
  • Gender
    nonbinary transmasc
  • Pronouns
    he/him, they/them

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  1. I see your account is already gone, but just gonna put this out there that you don't need to be aromantic to have an account here. And aromanticism is a spectrum, with some having romantic attraction rarely or under specific conditions as well. You're always welcome to come back. Well wishes to you.
  2. Collie

    Identity Changes

    I was the same at one point. I'm sure of myself now. For me, it's having an obsessive brain and being prone to OCD because I want to "be 100% sure".
  3. I did once, to try and fit in. Almost had myself convinced the crush was genuine, even. I was trying so hard.
  4. Yes. And I'm very much sure that I'm aromantic. For me it's less about romance or a desire for it (which I don't have) and more about wanting someone who would be available to share my life with and bond with.
  5. Lifelong Christians and converting Catholic here. 100% yes to all.
  6. I'm offened because comic sans scandalized the goldfish
  7. Labels don't have to be 100% accurate. Sometimes 97% is good enough.
  8. Welcome! Defining your orientation is always up to you. :)
  9. Honestly.... really depends. There are certain people I almost want them to be in love with me because I'm attached to them. The idea of getting extra attention from them is appealing, even if I don't return the feelings romantically. But, in general..... it's awkward. Like.... shoot your shot. I admire your bravery. I had someone ask me out once. It was.... super awkward. I applaud him for puting himself out there, but.... well. We never got over the awkward after that.
  10. Still feel this way. Much nope very nope many nope wow
  11. I think it can be a mix, but usually people are born this way, probably. It's a lil bit fluid.
  12. Some guy in Homestuck, apparently I actually am in the dark on this
  13. God fucking dammit Dave, there goes the last shit that I ever gave (reference)
  14. Diagnosed autistic. I don't feel they are connected, but they do say that we are way way more likely to identify as non-cishet.... I think it's simply because we don't fit in anyways. So we deal with less compulsive heterosexuality.
  15. Have OCD, diagnosed, take meds. OCD is easily summed as "the doubting disease". It's made up of intrusive thoughts which are persistent... these thoughts cause anxiety, and leads you to perform "compulsions" in order to try and quell the thoughts. It's a repeating cycle that gets worse the more you feed it. My experience, is that OCD can have you questioning every single "what if". Combine this with questioning romantic orientation.... it's a special Hell.
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