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  1. I used to feel this way, and let me tell you what people told me: labels aren't tattoos, they are stickers. You aren't committing to anything. So if it is helpful to you right now, use it right now. That changing in the future is as easy as peeling the sticker off and putting a new one on. You aren't hurting anyone by using it now and not using it later.
  2. I'm aroace and absolutely want to raise kids. I'm not sure how I specifically want to go about that (I don't want to be pregnant but there are lots of other options), but I've always liked the idea of adoption, well before I knew I was aroace. When I get to a point in my life that that's reasonable for me, I'll figure it out there.
  3. I don’t believe in them at all. Are there people you’ll click with better than others? Sure. But if it wasn’t them, it would have been someone else. It may still be someone else a few years down the line. Edit: my thoughts on it are more or less what The Good Place has: soulmates may not be real, but the connections we make are, and are far more valuable and important than some random assignment (end edit) I don’t even like them in fiction, as no matter how they are done, there’s always someone who will be left out (platonic soulmates still exclude loveless people for example). And I’ve rarely seen a story that addresses that while accepting they can still be happy.
  4. Neon

    Multiple labels

    Your labels are for YOU. Use whichever, and however many you personally find help you. Anyone who has a problem with your self-definition needs to grow up and get over it.
  5. This could be frayromantic, aroflux, or possibly a combination? (disclaimer: I am not in your brain so cannot tell you for sure)
  6. THIS! To me, the difference between romance repulsion and what OP is describing is the difference between being an big introvert and being severely agoraphobic. For the former, nothing needs to be done, unless it is something you really want to change. For the latter, therapy is highly recommended.
  7. I agree with everything that @Ekaterina said, and don't have much to add on that front. But with this bit specifically, if your anger is causing you or others distress, I highly recommend that you seek therapy to help with it. You can typically check if a therapist is queer-friendly online, and you can ask them about aromanticism specifically in an "interview" before you actually meet with them/pay them money. That way you can figure out a way to better deal with your anger without having to deal with queer/arophobia.
  8. Neon


    Right now, aromantic and cupioromantic seem to bring you comfort and happiness. So use them right now. If something changes in the future, so be it. You don't have to sign any legal documents committing to a label until the end of time. I also had the same worries. After a little while of using the labels, those worries went away for me.
  9. I honestly have no clue. There’s not enough research on us yet for me to even have a feeling any which way. I was born like this, but the aspec community is so diverse.
  10. I don't have resources for you, but I have advice. One, when picking a doctor, schedule an "interview" with them, where you can talk through their beliefs and if they can provide what you are looking for. Two, don't write off gynecological exams because you haven't and won't have sex. You don't need to have sex for something to go wrong with your reproductive system that needs to be caught and addressed.
  11. Unfortunately, the only person who can answer these questions for you is your partner. I suggest sitting down with them and discussing your concerns. If you need help with that, reach out to a relationship counselor (despite what Reddit may tell you, there's no shame in getting help with interpersonal problems). Ideally the counselor would be ace friendly, but that's kinda hard to find, so just make sure they are LGBTQ+ friendly.
  12. 1. Do not respond 2. Talk to your boss about the situation (ie "hey [boss], [person] from [company] gave me his number yesterday despite me repeatedly saying I'm not interested. I'm a little worried about continuing to be the one helping him, and was wondering what the next steps here are.") 3. Keep a record of any interactions with him going forward. If something escalates, you'll want some kind of paper trail to point to
  13. I sometimes feel that way, but I make an effort to go to in person queer spaces (especially those that explicitly include aromantic people) and it always kills that feeling.
  14. Hey, take it from someone a bit older, your true friends won't leave you when they start dating or get married or whatever. Yeah, they'll probably have the "honeymoon phase" of new relationships, but they'll always come back to hanging out with you. However, and this might suck to hear (sorry), but you can't expect any kind of relationship to last when you call the other person/people's interests disgusting. You don't have to lie to them, but you can just say "I'm not going to get married," or even "I don't care about romance personally."
  15. I'm romance averse (uncomfortable with romantic feelings directed at me). But I also just worry I hurt people when I reject them.
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