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About alto

  • Birthday 09/29/1994

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  • Name
  • Orientation
    aromantic demisensual asexual
  • Gender
    voidpunk/cat therian
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  1. I use pet names on one of my friends all the time. However, she enjoys the attention. There was this guy that used to use pet names on me, he was romantically into me and I wasn't into him, but I didn't mind the pet names. What I minded was the fact that he struggled with severe mental illness and never got help for it, so he slowly became more and more psychotic over time. Eventually I had to cut him off because I just felt too awful with my inability to help him. Honestly, I still wonder if I made the right decision.
  2. This is going to be a really hard talk for you both. But you need to say that you are aromantic, and you don't want to lose him by breaking up with him. I suggest the Oreo method. Say something very loving (about how you love him as a friend, because that seems to be sincere on your end), say the hard stuff, and then end it by saying something sweet to him about how wonderful a friend he is to you and how much you care. Say your relationship is going to have to change, but how you feel about him hasn't. I don't know if any of this is good advice, but it might be? I'm just going by my own common sense here. Good luck.
  3. You might be aro-spectrum. Have you heard of queerplatonic relationships?
  4. alto

    Potentially ace spec?

    you might want to look into graysexual?
  5. Welcome to Arocalypse! Labels can change over time, there's nothing wrong with that.
  6. I am currently a parental figure to a friend of mine. I wouldn't have thought of this earlier in my life, but it has brought me so much happiness! I am not a kid person, but I really like being a parent in this way. It's a lot of fun!
  7. You really do sound like you're in love with love, not with anyone in particular :)
  8. Internalized homophobia happens.
  9. I believe in them. I just believe you can have more than one ;)
  10. alto

    Aro + Autism

    I am diagnosed autistic. I am lith/aromantic. Honestly, I am not sure if it is connected to having autism. Kind of doubt it tho.
  11. is a QPR something you are willing to consider?
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