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1 hour ago, Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion said:


I preferred the 11th, and 10th is the best. Also my favourite classic Doctor is the fifth with fourth in close second.


Maybe this could be a thread...


And my #LittleAroThing is forgetting to talk about romance

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47 minutes ago, Louis Hypo said:

I preferred the 11th, and 10th is the best. Also my favourite classic Doctor is the fifth with fourth in close second.


Maybe this could be a thread...


And my #LittleAroThing is forgetting to talk about romance

Ten is my favourite, followed by Twelve and Seven. The reason I didn't put Ten in the # is that he isn't aro like Twelve seems to be.
Four and Eleven are both great too of course :)
My #littleAroThing is feeling an instant affinity with the identities that are dismissed as 'not existing' such as bi and pan, because we are all invisible to most people

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8 minutes ago, Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion said:

My #littleAroThing is feeling an instant affinity with the identities that are dismissed as 'not existing' such as bi and pan, because we are all invisible to most people

Aros, bis, pans, and aces; probably pretty good ninjas or something. :P We're basically unicorns, aren't we? 


Hilariously the national LGBT+ organization here does not apparently think aros exist. Aces do, but they're "basically straight or gay or bi."

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5 hours ago, Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion said:

When your role-models are all robots or aliens #littleAroThings #DataIsSoAwesome #SpockIsGreatToo #12thDoctorTakeMeWithYou


Yes please.


I'm #TeamTen. also #TeamFour and #TeamEleven...ish. I liked the first part of the story arch, but then it got too random even for this show. Nine was also nice, but I found the whole Rose Tyler thing quite creepy.


I love vulcans, we have similar boundaries in some things (even though theirs are culture based and mine are personal comfort levels).


And Data's attempt to date is 100% me doing romance. I dunno, maybe I am a robot? He seemed to have zero problems with developing friendships. :icecream:

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That moment when you go see Tarot cards, and the tarot reader says, "Why did you come see me when you are not even interested in dating anyone?"





*A few years back, my friends and I were bored so we went to see a Tarot card.

I couldn't think of a better question, so I picked the most common tarot question 'Will I be able to get a boy/girlfriend this year'...

The tarot reader said the exact line above, after reading my card spreads.

Considering I didn't even know about aromanticism back then, it was funny :P


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5 minutes ago, AlexisS said:

That moment when you go see Tarot cards, and the tarot reader says, "Why did you come see me when you are not even interested in dating anyone?"





*A few years back, my friends and I were bored so we went to see a Tarot card.

I couldn't think of a better question, so I picked the most common tarot question 'Will I be able to get a boy/girlfriend this year'...

The tarot reader said the exact line above, after reading my card spreads.

Considering I didn't even know about aromanticism back then, it was funny :P


Wow that's really spinny!

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58 minutes ago, aussiekirkland said:

Wow that's really spinny!

I know, right? I don't usually believe in Tarot stuff, but this one was downright scary :ph34r:


My friends who went there with me were busy stifling giggles after hearing her. Because they also knew me well enough that I was just not interested in looking for a future romance. 

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3 hours ago, Kitson said:

When rom-coms are more cringe-comedy than anything else and you just want a good old-fashioned fantasy adventure movie to come on. #LittleAroThings

And then when the fantasy adventure comes on and you realize they stuffed a completely pointless love story in there you just cringe. #LittleAroThings

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On 6/22/2016 at 10:40 AM, Vega said:

And then when the fantasy adventure comes on and you realize they stuffed a completely pointless love story in there you just cringe. #LittleAroThings

And the love story actually has well-developed pacing, in-tune emotional scenes, no insta-love... you know that you should enjoy it and that most people would rate it a smashing success, and you actually do like the movie in some small detached movie critic part of your head, but you can't tear yourself away from the fact that the realm of amazing adventure was shoved away and replaced by this--this filthy garbage plot. All you wanted was for one damned dragon to show up on screen!  #LittleAroThings

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7 hours ago, DannyFenton123 said:

When you get that tiny bit jealous when your friends/siblings/whatevers are going out with somebody, no matter how you rationalise it #LittleAroThings

Because you want human company and companionship. Possibly including physical affection and/or (for aros who arn't also ace) sex.
In practice I can end up feeling intensely envious in such situations. (Don't tend to get jealous though.)

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Tfw you identify really strongly with a particular character in something because of who they are as a person, but they were only originally introduced as a love interest for the main character, and because everything is from said main character's point of view, that's how they mainly continue to be portrayed throughout the entire thing and that's what they're reduced to by a lot of the fans because fandoms often turn into shipping Tartarus, so even when that character shows up a lot at some times, it can still be really uncomfortable because they're always viewed through a romantic lens. #LittleRomanceRepulsedAroThings 


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When someone asks you whether you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and you respond with "Nope!" as matter of factly as possible and with a smile :D. #LittleAroThings

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When you're talking about being aro in a chat, and someone tells you "Well 25 is still very young, it could just be that the time hasn't been right yet"


ANDTHAT PERSON IS 19. I LITERALLY GOT TOLD 'YOU CAN'T KNOW YET' BY SOMEONE YOUNGER THAN ME. :facepalm::clapping: *animated laughing out loud smiley*


#littlearothings (that made me laugh my ass off)

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11 hours ago, Elluna Hellen said:

When you're talking about being aro in a chat, and someone tells you "Well 25 is still very young, it could just be that the time hasn't been right yet"


ANDTHAT PERSON IS 19. I LITERALLY GOT TOLD 'YOU CAN'T KNOW YET' BY SOMEONE YOUNGER THAN ME. :facepalm::clapping: *animated laughing out loud smiley*


#littlearothings (that made me laugh my ass off)

A better tag might be #arodenial or #aroerasure.
Very often those giving this kind of "advice" have no clue that this is what they are doing either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watching a great movie and stifling a scream of agony when it gets to the romantic subplot. #littlearothings

Being oblivious to other people having crushes on you. :rofl: #littlearothings

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/22/2016 at 8:22 AM, AlexisS said:

That moment when you go see Tarot cards, and the tarot reader says, "Why did you come see me when you are not even interested in dating anyone?"





*A few years back, my friends and I were bored so we went to see a Tarot card.

I couldn't think of a better question, so I picked the most common tarot question 'Will I be able to get a boy/girlfriend this year'...

The tarot reader said the exact line above, after reading my card spreads.

Considering I didn't even know about aromanticism back then, it was funny :P



That's so amazing! Whoever did the reading is either actually magical or really good at interpreting body language. Wow.

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  • 1 month later...

Watching Doctor Who and nodding sympathetically every time Rose has to explain to someone that the Doctor isn't her boyfriend, because that's been happening to you with your close friends for your whole life.

On 6/21/2016 at 3:12 PM, Louis Hypo said:

I preferred the 11th, and 10th is the best. Also my favourite classic Doctor is the fifth with fourth in close second.


Maybe this could be a thread...


And my #LittleAroThing is forgetting to talk about romance

On 6/21/2016 at 4:05 PM, Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion said:

Ten is my favourite, followed by Twelve and Seven. The reason I didn't put Ten in the # is that he isn't aro like Twelve seems to be.
Four and Eleven are both great too of course :)

Nine? Anyone? Anyone else for Nine? Because I'm just saying--Nine. No I haven't actually gotten to any other Doctors yet except for a couple of episodes with Ten a long time ago don't judge me Nine is just amazing and that's all there is to it

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