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What are your pleasures of life?


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It is rather simple, what things you do that causes you to feel super great but at the same time, people don't appreciate them as much as they should be.

For me it is cleaning my earwax with q-tips (cotton swabs). idk why but it causes me to feel sooooo good, and my friends don't see at as something that off the world. :3 Maybe it is me, but I just love it.

So yeah, what are your pleasures of life? Be it an activity, a food, drink, etc. I would be happy to know what things causes us that sense of fulfillment and pleasure.

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this may not be a simple or surprising thing, but traveling.  i guess the thing is, i don't have to be doing a specific thing, like seeing popular attractions or whatever, just being in a different place is so cool to me.  i just walk around and get the feel of it.  i want to go everywhere.  i've heard that it's pretty common for americans to never leave the country, like not because of money or work or whatever but because they just don't feel like it, and that's crazy to me. 

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13 hours ago, aro_elise said:

i've heard that it's pretty common for americans to never leave the country, like not because of money or work or whatever but because they just don't feel like it, and that's crazy to me. 

I have heard this too, and I think like you. I love traveling too and since my budget is kinda limited my preference are cruises (cuz of unlimited food and I just love the sea) and also cuz I can visit more than one place. Only downside is that it is kinda quick, but it is cheaper and "safer" than traveling by myself to a place for the first time.

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I love early afternoon showers. I grew up through a few droughts, even living in one house that relied solely on rainwater for a time, so I am very water conscious and shower maybe once or twice a week. The shower might be hot or cold, but the luxury is the timing. I just think there is something so nice about the day around 12-3pm that makes 'me time' extra special. 

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10 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

I love early afternoon showers. I grew up through a few droughts, even living in one house that relied solely on rainwater for a time, so I am very water conscious and shower maybe once or twice a week. The shower might be hot or cold, but the luxury is the timing. I just think there is something so nice about the day around 12-3pm that makes 'me time' extra special. 

That sounds fantastic mate. As a environmentalist it makes me happy that people are water conscious, because water is a very important thing we need and not everyone has the luxury of having it as available as some of us have. Thanks for sharing!

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Honestly, there are few things I love as much as carrots. ??? They're so crunchy and satisfying, just as they are! 
Another thing that makes me feel super great is american football, but I've never met anyone outside my team who doesn't think it's boring, scary, or both. 

I also think cleaning my ears feels nice, so you're not alone there. It's probably because the skin in the ears is so sensitive? 

Edited by Oatpunk
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1 hour ago, Oatpunk said:

I also think cleaning my ears feels nice, so you're not alone there. It's probably because the skin in the ears is so sensitive? 

Once I knew the answer, but now i do not. But that feeling is so amazing for me that I love it each day with the same intensity.

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I really enjoy the calm moments in life when you are not needed to do everything. Things like being up in the middle of the night when you're allowed to do whatever you want alone, reading, just listening to music in your room etc. The world is so fast and we always have the next thing to do that I just absolutely love those calm moments

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5 hours ago, AroThroughMyHeart said:

I really enjoy the calm moments in life when you are not needed to do everything. Things like being up in the middle of the night when you're allowed to do whatever you want alone, reading, just listening to music in your room etc. The world is so fast and we always have the next thing to do that I just absolutely love those calm moments

Love your profile pic. and indeed those moments are beautiful. I would love to have them once per month tho ^^ no more than that. As someone who has insomnia I can tell you that sometimes you only want to sleep some nights. But I agree with you that the world want us to do everything faster. To maximize time. So when you can take it slow, relax and enjoy a good cup of cofee/chocolate and a good reading, it is blissful.

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Biggest moment of pleasure : not being stuck at an art project :D When it's going well and i don't have a blank i mean. Art is my thing so it bother me a lot when i am stuck. Being proud of my progress


Otherwise : i love to go outside. Walk in the nature (or a rare city i actually like) and observe and discover.

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9 hours ago, Leton. said:

Biggest moment of pleasure : not being stuck at an art project :D When it's going well and i don't have a blank i mean. Art is my thing so it bother me a lot when i am stuck. Being proud of my progress

Same. I love to write and it's frustrating when I can't because I am stuck. Also, I love when I finish something.


I also say music, in particular American musical. Don't ask me why because nobody in my family is into musical and I am not American. I can't even see them live. But I love the music, and the unique way of melting songs into the story. But I know no one who share my passion for that.


I also enjoy some video games, but my father says it's for little kid and I should grow up. I'd like to see him win Fire emblem Fates Conquest in the hardest mode. Then we'll talk.

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45 minutes ago, nonmerci said:

I also enjoy some video games, but my father says it's for little kid and I should grow up. I'd like to see him win Fire emblem Fates Conquest in the hardest mode. Then we'll talk.

^ This is so true. After being rly angry with myself and lots of days later I got through it. I like a challenge, but sometimes the challenge wants me to suffer. And for musicals, the Percy Jackson one I heard is quite good, the music and the story.

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Ah, i play video games too. Not as much as before but i enjoy it

It has less place in my life as before, but never say i dont like them

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My life is very...strange. And of course, gentrification means I pay a mortgage worth to rent an infested death trap full of every kind of violent bigot imaginable. 

And of course, pandemic has taken a lot of escapes away. I miss my library. 

Anyway, pleasures I can still take in: 

A hot cup of strong green tea that tastes.

Nostalgic music on tape.

The few people I know in this city I can speak my native language with. 

A hug from a friend.


I'm returning to this now, but what a post to be interrupted from making (on my phone) by literally being randomly attacked in front of the grocer's I just left. I got away without serious injury, but I want everyone to know, the anti-Asian violence spike from Covid hasn't gone down even if they're not saying "virus" anymore.


Sorry, as you were. I just can't seem to reconcile finishing this without mentioning what happened while typing it.

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4 hours ago, ObliviousPineapple said:

I like cooking, listening to music I like (TMBG, Alex Lahey, The Go! Team, Sleater-Kinney, things like that), cuddling with friends, and all sorts of games (my favorites are strategy/logic/word ones).

I love strategy games. Age of Empires 2, chess, and clash of clans ^^ My selection of music is all over the place.

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The pleasure you mentioned @Blake was not what I expected. But it reminded me of one of my own small pleasures. Picking my teeth. I have these teeth sticks, they're flat not round like tooth picks. And I use them every morning and evening. It's so satisfying, I get lots of little food bits of and it feels good against my gums. I'd encourage everyone to get into this habit. At first your gums might  bleed and hurt, because they have inflammation, but after a week or so of getting cleaned regularly they will get better. That's the end of my PSA ?

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3 hours ago, Holmbo said:

The pleasure you mentioned @Blake was not what I expected. But it reminded me of one of my own small pleasures. Picking my teeth. I have these teeth sticks, they're flat not round like tooth picks. And I use them every morning and evening. It's so satisfying, I get lots of little food bits of and it feels good against my gums. I'd encourage everyone to get into this habit. At first your gums might  bleed and hurt, because they have inflammation, but after a week or so of getting cleaned regularly they will get better. That's the end of my PSA ?

This reminds me of something a friend of mine does. He is always chewing something, always. The only time he isn't chewing is when he is sleeping, and when I asked him, he told me it is his mode to relax. ^^ We all have our little things that makes us happier, even tho it isn't seen as something important.

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Travel - hoping to go to Vietnam next year (virus permitting) to celebrate finishing my masters.

I really want to go to South America though, top of the list is Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Plus a 'few' other countries - Vietnam, Mongolia, Indonesia, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Madagascar. even those will last me quite a few years and I seriously need to find a holiday friend to go with and share flights for them all.

Otherwise I love going to concerts of my favourite groups when they actually come to the UK.


Actual everyday stuff I enjoy is doing ballet and archery, also want to learn medieval sword fighting in the future. Otherwise I just relax with my laptop, a film or a good book

I also enjoy photography and get happy when I get nice photos, I like taking photos of landscapes and nature (what i see on holiday along with ancient stuff) and have photo albums of each holiday with my best photos in to look back at.

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I love coming home after a trip out somewhere. Going away for a week, a couple days, a few hours-- coming home is always the best part. Even if I'm out with friends and I have a great time, it's so nice to close the front door to my house and just rip a giant fart without hesitation.

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Jazz fusion/Citypop/soft rock, listened to on analogue media (I take a tape Walkman out with me, I still own 8tracks at home) mid-mod/nostalgia of when I was a kid, MY BLOODY SPELL CHECK NOT CONVERTING EVERY BLEEDING WORD TO RANDOM FRENCH AND SPANISH ALL OF A SUDDEN, overcast weather around or below 50F/10ish C, tabi (traditional type of sock form the old country), those rare times I do get to speak my native language, my local library in Chinatown, a hot cup of jasmine tea, the soothing burn of certain pain salves, cube glass walls, being at my church (Jodo Shinshu Buddhist), hugs/friends that are OK with affection (harder to come by now that I'm living as male), spending hours with a trusted friend just talking about random stuff, my wonderful house worth of mid-mod everything that's in storage and I miss them, pouring rain on days you can stay home and listen to it while staying dry, and the feeling of looking nice in a suit and tie (which I decided to just wear today when all I was doing was running errands. Why not?) Oh, and a good tailor, because nothing comes short enough for me www

(Who needs romance when there's so many freaking things to enjoy out there?)

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Now that it's too hot for me I love the moment I unglue clothes from my body when I get home and change into light pyjamas, or even better, take cold shower. And doesn't matter what weather but the moment when I put down my heavy bag down.

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Cold showers are amazing. Even more on summer, and I loooove my pyjamas. Since I am currently working from my house, my pjs became my work clothes and no shame in them. I feel more productive in my onsie that I have ever felt in any other kind of clothes. ^^ so I can sympathize with that moment when you just let everything fall from you and just go take a shower and then netflix or the bed.

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