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Everything posted by alto

  1. Once, a girl asked me out. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I said yes. Our relationship lasted one and a half years. It wasn't bad at first, but it became horrible over time. Honestly, it would have saved a lot of time and heartache to just say no. So please, for the sake of your own peace of mind...just say no.
  2. A friend has recently told me she loves me, and it is very awkward for me because I don't think I love her back. I mean, i'm willing to support her and be her friend and everything, but...love? On the other hand, I have a male friend that I would totally say "I love you" to if I felt it was appropriate. But I don't feel it is.
  3. Well, I can't give you advice because...i'm behind you. I still live with family, but hopefully will be going off to school in the Spring. However, I do question whether our current model of the nuclear family is really healthy. Wouldn't co-housing situations be emotionally healthier for everyone, not just aromantics?
  4. I went to prom three times. For my first prom, I went with one of my closest guy friends and it was awesome. For my second prom, I went with my friend Robin and it was awesome. I also had matching costumes with my crush (he was Light and I was Misa). I don't recall planning this, it just happened that way. For my third prom, I went with my girlfriend. It actually didn't go so badly.
  5. I have been in four romantic relationships. My happiest, most successful one was with another aro. The others were pretty much disasters from beginning to end, although I did sort of like my first girlfriend. Still ended very unhappily though. I realize I may end up in a romantic relationship again. However, for now, I am happy having just friends...especially in this era of COVID.
  6. thank you I love my best friend deeply...but idk if we could ever have a relationship or if it would even be desirable.
  7. This is from the AVEN wiki and I think it is good enough. Put as simply as possible, it is a distinct fondness or affection toward someone that differs from what you would feel toward friends, family or people you admire. It may be characterized by a unique, almost surreal anxious-euphoria when sensing or thinking about this person and is distinguishable from hero worship. It typically involves butterflies in the stomach, heart fluttering or “melting” when interacting with them, some obsessiveness, all over warm and fuzzy feeling, and being swept into a dreamy state of mind, but experiences may vary depending on the individual and intensity of the case. Desires such as wanting to bond or be physically close with them are extremely common when experiencing romantic attraction
  8. I am not sure if I am aro, but I do enjoy the (I feel) very unique way that I experience love. Wouldn't give it up for the world.
  9. Kids, teens, and adults try to destroy a monster. They occasionally work together.
  10. I am actually more comfortable in queer-disabled spaces, simply because they are very familiar to me.
  11. Something that has helped me is finding a group for queer disabled people (i'm schizoaffective and autistic).
  12. Of all the animals I own, I absolutely love my dog. She is an enormous jerk, but I still love her to death. She sleeps with me every night :)
  13. I am so happy staying at home all the time, and I am happy with the friends I have. I just wanna keep like this...
  14. Yes, the other person def needs to consent to it. And I guess I would just ask, "Do you want to be in a queerplatonic relationship with me?" Prepare to do some explaining, and maybe have some articles on it on hand to back you up.
  15. Hey guys! I have just started a YouTube channel. If you want to watch the first video, here it is :) Warning: Light romance If you like it, here is my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/corvid_19
  16. I define romance by open mouth kissing and I HATE THAT But it's also a certain ambience you give off, that according to my exes I have never exuded.
  17. Welcome to Arocalypse! I like to read too.
  18. I've only seen a few of his videos...but I like him too.
  19. I thought I was straight up aro at around seventeen, when I discovered QPRs and squishes. However, I now think I am more aro-spectrum.
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