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Everything posted by alto

  1. True TPBM has travelled outside their home country.
  2. alto


    That does sound annoying. My sympathies.
  3. I like alone time, but I also like social time. When I took Myers-Briggs, I scored extrovert, but came very close to scoring ambivert. So I need both.
  4. alto


    Pressure to have sex when you're in a relationship. The expectation that you will change your mind once you are in a relationship. (if you are bipolar) if you temporarily become demisexual or Gray Ace while manic, your asexuality the rest of the time is automatically invalidated. If you have a squish on someone, people assume it's a crush. If you are willing to try sex under normal circumstances, you automatically cannot be asexual anymore. I have experienced all of this.
  5. I once invited a couple to live with me. They ignored me. And I used to call the woman my best friend....
  6. PSYCHIATRIC TALES and MY FRIEND DAHMER have no romance, but I love them. They both have little to no romance in the story.
  7. Hi! Aroace here. And what a gross situation.
  8. I say it quite a bit, and I wince every time I do. It's just so automatic and hard to stop myself.
  9. I only squish on boys and the occasional girl. But really, my female squishes are so rare that I usually don't take them into consideration and I consider myself "straight"
  10. I woke up at around 5am absolutely starving today, but there was no food in the house. So I suddenly remembered something my Mom said before I met my first boyfriend, which was, "Wouldn't you like to have a boyfriend that you could talk to every day?" I think I just gave her a funny look at the time, I had only dated trans women until I met Marty. But today I thought of that quote again. Now, about the whole boyfriend thing...I am only in it for the social times. I don't care about anything sexual or romantic. That makes me even less straight than I previously thought. Heh.
  11. False. TPBM speaks a language other than English.
  12. alto

    PDA and repulsion

    I have found that the best way to deal with this is just to break off the friendship. I'm sorry. But it's not worth it. It's really not. You will just have to watch them be all over all the time, and... ...in my situation, the two had a lot of mutual interests that I didn't have so they wound up leaving me out of stuff a lot anyway. So yeah. I strongly recommend leaving them and making some new friends. I'm sorry.
  13. Just live your life and everything will be revealed in time?
  14. Kinda? I have various projects that i'm working on, but it's not a novel. Or THEY'RE not novels.
  15. When I was younger, (one of my) best friends asked me to prom and I accepted. It was heaven because there was no hanky-panky or expectations of romance.
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