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Everything posted by alto

  1. alto

    Aros in Spain?

    I am not from Spain, but am ENFP too :)
  2. I think that whole debate is stupid. We need to have a way to talk about people who are not aromantic or asexual or aren't just one of those things. Allo is a way to do that. And yes, I think people who are both allosexual and alloromantic have privilege. They just don't want to look at it, that's why they are so resistant.
  3. You can, but it draws a crowd of dogs who start following you everywhere. This is great at first, but gets old after a few years.
  4. After reading this, I am not sure i'm fully aro. I want a relationship, just not a romantic one.
  5. Sylvia Plath kept bees. Not sure how that is relevant to the conversation, but...
  6. You can talk about what dating is like as an aro, prejudice we face, and stuff like that. You could also talk about prejudice ace people face, in the dating realm and outside of it.
  7. alto

    The music thread

    I think he wants to support his favorite artists financially more.
  8. Please don't make overalls our official clothing. How about hoodies instead?
  9. I want to learn to dance too! I don't really have a lot of spare time these days, or finances, but I totally would if I could. Ever heard of Gay Square Dancing? Or Contra Dancing?
  10. More queer representation?
  11. Do I want to kiss them? Not really. Bleh.
  12. How do I tell if I have romantic feelings for my friend, vs the scenarios described above?
  13. My squish just told me that he has asked a girl out on a date, and she said yes. I feel a bit jealous. Does this mean I am no longer aro?
  14. I'm undecided leaning towards no. I prefer dogs and cats to babies.
  15. I would say yes, you can be aromantic and in a romantic relationship.
  16. Nah. I think many of us have experienced that.
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