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Everything posted by alto

  1. alto


    I write and my books can be found on Amazon. My website is www.deadonthevergeofblooming.wordpress.com
  2. I have two squishes right now. Sometimes I call them "special friends" or "preferred friends". I met the first once on Discord during lockdown/the pandemic, I had just discovered I was a therian and had joined a therian pack. He was probably the only person to make a private DM with me and say hello. We liked each other pretty much right off the bat. He calls me aunty now, it's been almost two years. I would ask him for a QPR, but I don't want to spoil the magic. Relationships wise, everything I touch turns to shit and I don't want to risk losing him in that way. I met my other squish on the bus. I first noticed him because he greatly resembles my ex boyfriend in terms of his build and how he styles his hair. The resemblance was so great that I just had to say something. So I did. I told him he resembles a friend of mine, though, because who wants to be told they resemble an ex? Anyway, the conversation was really awkward at first but it started to flow after a while. By the time I got to my stop, things were going pretty well so we exchanged phone numbers. We've spoken almost daily ever since. I can't imagine life without him. I would ask him to be in a QPR with me, but again, relationships-wise everything I touch turns to shit and I don't want to risk losing him that way. He is also a minor, and while there are no laws against non-sexual QPRs with minors (i'm ace), I would still feel like a pedophile.
  3. I have a YouTube channel!!!!!!!! my name on YouTube is CORVID-19, I talk about all kinds of stuff.
  4. alto


    Recently I dreamed I was a cat sleeping with my music teacher and his girlfriend.
  5. I like goth, punk, and emo.
  6. I generally have none lol. But I occasionally fantasize about my bestie as woman. Less so as of late.
  7. I am not exactly like you, but I can understand where you are coming from. I could see myself as being a bit like you if I was allosexual, maybe. I don't know. But i'm aro too. And the aro umbrella can be very diverse. There are aro aces, aro allos, aro demis, and everything else under the sun. So I don't know for sure, but maybe you have a place here. You do sound a lot like some of the aro allos that i've come across on here.
  8. I don't keep track of who knows and who doesn't. So I don't know if i'm out or not. I don't hide it though.
  9. alto

    Questioning Myself

    Remember that romance isn't something you do, it's something you feel.
  10. Hi! I'm a cat therian, and reading WARRIORS awoke some of the earlier signs in me I think. Nice to meet you!
  11. Even the term skoliosexual is controversial. Skolio means bent/broken and most trans people don't want to be seen that way. I know there's a less controversial term, but honestly even the concept itself is controversial. So-called "admirers" have a history of not behaving well to their trans lovers.
  12. alto

    10 Questions!

    Now 1: I love ALMOST all food 2: Frappe 3: American Beauty or Jojo Rabbit 4: The Queen's Gambit 5: The Girl's Guide To Rocking 6: 7 Years, cover by Twenty One Two 7: Doggos 8: I don't play games :P 9: Playing the ukulele 10: A law permanently confining my ex to Los Angeles Young 1: Something Indian? 2: Lassi maybe? 3: Memento 4: I didn't watch TV 5: Inheritance Cycle (don't blame me, I was young) 6: Any Putumayo CDs that were in the house 7: Doggos 8: I didn't play games 9: Chatting with old friends on Facebook 10: A law banning school
  13. It's hard when anyone expects you to be different than who you are. I know this isn't the same thing, but I wear a headscarf and i've had friends and family try to get me to take it off in the past. They try to do it either in a subtle way or in a more obvious way. And it is really annoying.
  14. I am similar to you. I have found no such label.
  15. Hi! I lived in Southern California until very recently.
  16. False. The person below me IDs as OtherKin and/or Therian
  17. Following this thread because I have two friends I want to be in a QPR with.
  18. I had the weirdest dream last night. I woke up in my music teacher and his girlfriend's bed. They were already awake. The girlfriend cried out in dismay, "And it doesn't even purr!" I am a cat therian, but still.
  19. For me, a crush is wanting to kiss someone. If I don't want to kiss you (and I never have), it's a squish.
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