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Everything posted by SkyTuneRein

  1. It is an anagram of...something. Enjoy the mystery.
  2. Currently it's Urahara Kisuke from Bleach, a rather unassuming Shinigami/soul reaper captain known for his laid back and teasing nature. I relate to him quite a lot, being the scientific and creative kind not prone to anger, who actually has few real friends and looks quite scruffy and favours casual over anything not necessary. I also like cats more than people.
  3. In almost every case I "flirted", it was clearly sarcastic or as part of a joke. I know how uncomfortable or offensive it can be to some people, so I'm quite careful. Though in the past I was a lot less tactful. For pet names these days, it's exclusive to pets. If anyone flirts with me, they may have to go further because while I'm good at reading something between others, I'm a wee hopeless with understanding how somebody feels about me, unless it's in the spectrum of "hatred".
  4. Up to now, about once or twice every few months or so. Now that I have left AVEN for good, and remembered this place, I may be seen much more often.
  5. A cantankerous teenage boy starts seeing ghosts, attacks them with swords and runs a secret life with an ancient teenage girl and a shopkeeper who hired two kids and has a talking cat as a best friend. Actually, the last bit didn't sound so bad.
  6. Crêpes also seem to be popular in Japan too.
  7. R.I.P AVEN. I did emailed for reactivation over 24 hours ago but there's been no response yet. It doesn't look as if things are going well there anyway.
  8. Chocolate, specifically dark chocolate, is the gateway to my heart.
  9. Some advert shoves a romantic scene in my face from the onset AHGAUHGHUAAA...just kidding, I'm actually immune to your futile attempts to sell. But I can instruct my ad-block to say hi...


  10. I haven't visited in months. I didn't even drop by to say I'm still alive. (I am still with the living by the way, more or less)
  11. I do much the same on AVEN, I just spend more time goofing-off than contributing anything on topic. Here I just don't feel taking part as much (most threads don't really apply to me either) and there're only a few slow-going game threads.
  12. People typically don't try to get intimate with me, if at all, especially in this era. I think people are wise enough not to do so anymore, or maybe it's because I don't exactly prepare myself like I'm going on a date every time, ever.
  13. I gave up trying to be open after it backfired too many times, and seen the overwhelming evidence that many humans love to judge the less they know. It also gets tiring to explain myself each and every time.
  14. SkyTuneRein

    Being normal

    I think those who demand others to be their idea of "normal" are the least comfortable with others being any different from themselves.
  15. I'm the youngest and probably the most LGBT+ of them all, or they're good at hiding it.
  16. The thing for me that breaks the ice most of all is a passionately shared interest, and a minimum level of trust. Most people however have to wait some time and persist in showing they're to be trusted before I open up to them. The problem is, they might not be able to shut me up if they manage to get me talking. ? That is pretty much needed for deepening relationships too.
  17. 1940 (Only ~2,250 years to go at this rate ?)
  18. I'd describe myself as "socially lazy". Over time I've become apathetic if not avoidant towards socialising at the very least with new people. Meeting and engaging with them, getting to know them, etc is getting tiring and boring, and with them seldom developing into anything more meaningful it's getting a wee pointless too. I am an introvert but I'm also demi so there may be some attraction towards those I've grown close to, I just don't feel like building anything up enough anymore.
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