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Everything posted by SkyTuneRein

  1. Don't murder each other over this. You don't want to be known as a cereal killer.
  2. Behold, the Flying Spaghetti Monster...probably alien and supernatural.
  3. If and when they make their presence known, it's likely because they want the Earth's natural resources. If they've already been here covertly, they're likely to only be here for observation (if they're scientists) or reconnaissance (for future attacks or ensuring we're no threat yet). That said, getting here would be a huge feat in the first place which means their tech would be far beyond ours (and they'll be much smarter) and they're determined enough, which probably means they want precious resources or they're very concerned about us. Although sailing over the Atlantic is much easier, looking at what the Europeans did to the Americans during the colonial days, the exploring and travelling between was still a feat that was driven more than just discovery. So one can imagine that all but the most advanced and well-travelled beings won't be just dropping by to say "hi". Whether it's gathering resources or information, there's bound to be a bigger reason and probably not in our favour. The question is, are humans just particularly cruel and greedy, or is it an inevitable trait within interloping/expansive beings? If they're really advanced, and staying out of sight, then it may be in both of our interests to maintain the status quo which is why they're doing it. The less advanced they are, the more they'll need to take stuff from other planets and the harder it is to get there, thus the more likely they'll be here as a threat. So let's just hope they're the former and we'll not hear from them anytime soon...or not?
  4. (Dust in the Wind - Kansas)
  5. https://www.asexuality.org/en/topic/255673-how-do-you-do-fellow-asexuals/?tab=comments#comment-1064707956
  6. Rock, of many kinds, especially 20th century rock bands. Techno, new wave and particularly synth pop like a-ha. Gorillaz, often a mix of hip-hop and electronic music and others. Some ska and reggae too. Aurelio Voltaire, "dark cabaret" Euro-folk music, known for his humorously morbid songs.
  7. For once, I'm going to be useful on contribute on topic...blink and you'll miss it though: Lately I've been pondering that I could be "kinksexual", more than anything. Kinks interest me more than sex and romance, especially in recent years, and the thought of kink play alone tends to spark interest much more than a, if you pardon the expression, full-blown sexual relationship does. I rarely experience sexual attraction IRL as well, nor do I fall hard or long (yes, there I go again) for anyone in that regards. But the libido and possibility of attraction and desire is there.
  8. I wanna go to Hotel California. I hear it's such a lovely place...and a lovely face.
  9. (Cum On Feel the Noize - Slade) (One Vision - Queen) (19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) - Gorillaz) (Dancing In The Sunshine - Thunder) (Carry on Wayward Son - Kansas)
  10. (Take on Me (1985 Single Mix) - a-ha)
  11. I'm offended that you two seem to having a moment.
  12. I don't like to nit-pick, but, this is how your post appears to me with the default theme: 😸
  13. I used to think maybe you loved me now I'm no longer sure
    And I just can't fathom when you lock threads no more
    Now every time I go for the inbox, gotta hold myself down
    'Cause I now know that warnings are exploding all around
    I'm walking on eggshells, wooah
    I'm walking on eggshells, woooah
    I'm walking on eggshells, woooah
    And it don't feel good!

    (A song for lock-happy AVEN. My departure was abrupt, but needed.)

  14. Some of those feigned all cases but one.
  15. Anything but a muted trumpet, please. Although "horn" sounds better, as in "the horn that signalled judgement day or resurrected the deceased". Either doesn't sound particularly romantic.
  16. How many of you would be interested in an anon poll for kinks/fets? I did something of the sort on AVEN months ago. But this place has a small fraction of the activity and I'd prefer to only publish results with enough takers, so it may have to be reduced in options and left open for longer. It'll be hosted on Google forms and open to all, which means one cannot accurately deduce who picked what, but at the risk of having non-members contribute and greater risk of trolls flooding it with spoilt submissions.
  17. Want to know the secret to my heart?
  18. 33. I was going to say I feel old on this site, but now I don't feel quite so old.
  19. The fact one can exist and be meaningful would be a great start, because as I have gotten older it's harder to make friends or anything. People naturally tend to drift apart over time too, but here're the top 3: Trust (is a must) Intimacy (to appropriate/agreed levels) Communication (understanding and needs and barriers) I would list "enjoyment of company" or somebody who's well humoured, but that's a must for virtually all of my relationships.
  20. Think of the irony of having dates on this site.
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