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Everything posted by SkyTuneRein

  1. The first, and most likely only, thing I'd do is pinch myself.
  2. void announceMerryChristmas() { printf("Merry Christmas!"); }
  3. (Station to Station - David Bowie)
  4. I used to be. Then I left after I needed the time wasted watching the endless shitshows spent elsewhere.
  5. Mint choc chip would be good for demiromantics - aromantic until you find the concentrated chocolate chips that slowly melt/warm up to you.
  6. (People - Gorillaz) (Rockit - Gorillaz)
  7. I want the cake too, but weddings are expensive. And besides, not many would marry me.
  8. (Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol) More anti-romantic than un-romantic IMO. But hey, it's fun.
  9. My ma adamantly jabs the keyboard like it's a mechanical typewriter. It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact keyboards don't last if you kept that up.
  10. ...posting on Arocalypse is romantic enough for you.
  11. I had several pseudo-teachers or substitutes that didn't last, one or two thugs and the rest that were awful-at-best teachers, hired by a poor and failing school, that probably thought I was the anti-Christ even just for merely being quiet. I even got in trouble before for merely minding my own business or literally doing what I was told. A few of them didn't even care when I was sick or injured. In fact, the only kind of teachers I didn't have any problems with were the non-sub science teachers.
  12. (Bang Your Head (Metal Health) - Quit Riot)
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