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Queerplatonic ships!


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One of the many joys of being aro is discovering queerplatonic ships.

So, what are some queerplatonic ships you like? I personally love Denji and Power from Chainsaw man and Hilda and Claude from FE3H as queerplatonic partners. I headcanon them all as aro besides Denji but I could definitely see an aro headcanon.

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Legolas & Gimli, LotR, all the way. Elves & Dwarves, at odds since creation, because of their creation, & Legolas & Gimli go


from suspicious hatred to let's travel middle earth together forever & because the elves were supposed to leave middle earth & go back to the sacred undying lands (no outsiders allowed) to literal immortality, Legolas just puts Gimli on a boat & sails over like this is my emotional support dwarf. You can't send him back he's medically necessary

. Ultimate QPR for me.

Edited by merlindfluorite
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IzuOcha (Izuku and Ochako from MHA) is a ship that I would like to headcanon as a QPR. I just keep thinking I don't really want their ship to be romantic or sexual.

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Finn and Jake from Adventure Time! In this iteration they are brothers, so that is more of a familial love but it is revealed that


they reincarnate time and time again and in every incarnation they find each other and become best friends


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Maybe Klaus and Camille from the Originals. Before I knew I was aro I was shipping them, but I didn't want hem together before the end of the show because for me, if they started to date, it would mean the end of their relationship... Now I get that I like them together, but not as romantic partner.

Anne and Diana from Anne with an E. They really are written with this deep friendship, and for Diana it seems to matter even more than her romantic one (I also headcanon her as aro, so...).

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Joan and Sherlock from Elementary - the whole show is centred on their relationship, their deep commitment to each other and the way their lives are inextricably linked. The show actually explores each of them dabbling in romance and dating (not with each other), but ultimately it never works out because their lives aren't suited to 'conventional' romantic relationships. It's not perfect, but in my eyes it is some of the best QPR rep! They care about each other so much and it's not romantic or sexual 😍

And simply the fact that this is a show where the two main characters, a cishet man and a cishet woman, do not fuck each other and have no romantic tension throughout all seven seasons is groundbreaking 👌

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I don't particularly care for QP ships, but I think Saiki & Mera from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K is perfect for it. A lot of people headcanon the protagonist as acearo (sometimes aplatonic), and canonically Mera is one of the few people he actually tolerates (She's a waitress who can make his favourite dessert perfectly, he starts getting to know her better after this).  

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  • 10 months later...

Previous qp-ships: Turk and JD (Scrubs), Scully and Mulder (X-Files), Arisu and Usagi (Alice in Borderland), Watson and Sherlock (Elementary)

I just discovered the new Fantasy Island TV show, and I am LIVING for the idea of Elena and Ruby's friendship growing into a qpp.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/15/2022 at 7:32 AM, Lovebird said:

A lot of people headcanon the protagonist as acearo (sometimes aplatonic),

him being demiplatonic makes more sense; since he did show genuine appreciation to his friends so i think he might be experiencing mild platonic attraction by then. him being aro should be canon since he literally said he doesnt understand romantic love nor does he feel it; so to anyone who says aro saiki isnt canon are watching the wrong show lol

i love mera and saiki in a qar. they bond over their mutual love of snacks and desserts and i find that really sweet. i didnt even know saiki had a soft spot for her; he just seems distant toward pretty much everyone. this is an unpopular pairing but more ppl should know abt this bc its so clever 

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I'd love to see Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shoyo in a QPR!! Because even if I don't necessarily hate the idea of their relationship being romantic, them being in a QPR makes so much more sense to me (in a way I can't really explain).

Besides that, I'd also like to see Sherlock & John in a QPR, but they have been mentioned here a few times already.

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20 hours ago, LoganTheAxolotl said:

Sunny and Basil from Omori

tbh their dynamic is wholesome asf but gets real toxic when theyre both just kids dealing with trauma using unhealthy coping mechanisms. if the main story didnt happen they woulda be the most qar ship ever

i shall contribute by suggesting wolfwood and vash from trigun also gon and killua from hxh. both pairs have delicious dynamics and intense qar energy

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  • 7 months later...
On 4/15/2022 at 1:13 AM, such said:

Joan and Sherlock from Elementary - the whole show is centred on their relationship, their deep commitment to each other and the way their lives are inextricably linked. The show actually explores each of them dabbling in romance and dating (not with each other), but ultimately it never works out because their lives aren't suited to 'conventional' romantic relationships. It's not perfect, but in my eyes it is some of the best QPR rep! They care about each other so much and it's not romantic or sexual 😍

And simply the fact that this is a show where the two main characters, a cishet man and a cishet woman, do not fuck each other and have no romantic tension throughout all seven seasons is groundbreaking 👌

I've not really given much thought to work shipping but I agree with this one. I only watched the first season but I included a scene from a later season in my aromantic moments video and that one was very qpr.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't want to make a whole separate topic because it's only a brief mention in season 8 or so, but the podcast Woe.Begone has a canon queerplatonic couple! Had to rewind and relisten to make sure I was actually hearing "queerplatonic" from a piece of media. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m really not much of a shipper or a “headcanonner” (lol), but I do enjoy imagining Sam & Max from… Sam & Max being in a QPR from time to time.

Max is often shown to be disgusted at the sight or mention of romance and PDA, and generally doesn’t show an interest in finding a romantic partner, so I do consider him to be on the aro spectrum.

Generally, the two are really really good friends. They both go crazy if one of them isn’t around the other. I do also love the thought of them just being best friends, but a QPR does surprisingly fit their dynamic.

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I just appreciate how I'll "ship" some characters and "root for" the ship to become canon..... but when I actually see fanart of said ship being romantic or sexual or both I'm just like "hm, don't like that"

So I think most of my ships I really just want them to be QPRs, lol. There are clear and obvious exceptions, but most of my "ships" are probably QPR

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  • 4 months later...

Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice, Franziska von Karma and Ema Skye from "Ace Attorney" could nicely work as queerplatonic ships, imo. Maybe my total OTP for this moment, Kristoph Gavin and Apollo Justice, could work as qpship, too.

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