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  • Name
    Slinky (nickname)
  • Orientation
    Bisexual Aromantic (Zeromantic)
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  1. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it here!

    1. allhailtheglowcloud
    2. P4R4D0X



  3. MondoBilby


    Lol yeah I guess there is a bit more you need to learn with CSS, though HTML can have it’s little challenges too (like understanding all that <form> <legend> <aside> <section> and other different tags for putting things in, and where to use them). I dunno, maybe it was the way my lecturer explained CSS to us, or me being a pretty fast learner, I just didn’t find it that tricky to get a grasp on. The only thing I consistently have trouble with sometimes is positioning HTML elements with “position:”, and making the elements sit beside each other is also pretty confusing for me sometimes.
  4. MondoBilby


    I love drawing, listening to music, playing video games (Just Shapes & Beats, any other rhythm-like games), and sometimes sewing plushies. Also I love both HTML and CSS! I learned them in my IT college course, and I personally find them pretty easy to use (CSS especially, there aren't too many confusing symbols or words like other coding languages). I also learned a bit of JavaScript, but I find that quite tedious and difficult to use, as great and important as it is. I just enjoy making funny websites that look cool sometimes. Planning on making a site on Neocities in the future at some point!
  5. My favourite song on this album, it's so mystifying and pretty sounding. The whole album is amazing though, highly recommend if you enjoy electro-swing or just electronic music.
  6. This isn't really a "confession" moreso just a general embarrasing thing. I found an old recording I made when I was little on my old DSi which was just me singing "much eat such hungry" like doge over and over again. That, and a recording of me singing "beep beep I'm a sheep" from Asdfmovie. The crusty quality of the DS audio makes it all the more charming in it's own awfully embarrasing way.
  7. Alrighty, here's a less formal version (with added things): I think a big problem with amatonormativity in society is that it's often pushed by mass media like movies and shows. Characters who are sad or lost and then finally become "complete" and happy when they get a partner at the end of the story, and characters who are made fun of for not being in a relationship and other plots like that. It pushes the idea to people who engage in these stories that you'll only be "truly" happy and content in life once you get into a romantic relationship, which isn't true at all. Because this kind of thing is everywhere in media, it makes people think it's true and real, and that puts a lot of pressure on people, especially aro people. I especially hate this specific character type where female characters "think" they don't need a boyfriend and are fine by themselves, but at the end of the story they realise that they were "just being edgy and immature" and actually do need a boyfriend (often falling for the main character). It's frustrating to see this character, because it makes it seem like women especially need a partner, preferrably male, in order to be respected and considered "mature". This is why I really want to see more aro representation in media, and even characters who aren't explicitly aro but don't get into a relationship anyways. There are probably heaps of aro characters in niche media like books and stuff, but in terms of popular media and the mainstream, there isn't really that much. The only characters I can think of right now are that character from The Owl House (I can't remember her name sorry), and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. But with these characters (Alastor especially), the only reason we really know they're aro is through outside sources like tweets and things, their identity isn't really talked about or shown at all in the shows themselves. It'd be really nice to see a movie or show that actually focuses more on the aromantic identity of a character, even just for a little bit. I don't know much aro stuff in media right now, but there is that song "The Knack" by Mother Mother that's definitely about being aro (and it's a pretty good song too, I recommend listening to it). There are lots of other aro songs too, and I mostly know about them because of a few threads on this forum about aro-related songs. Anyway, hope this is better and slightly more informative for ya.
  8. Ah ok, so should I just cut out the last paragraph, or should I reformat the whole thing? If it’s the latter, do you have any suggestions for how I should word it? Because I’m not entirely sure how I can change it right now.
  9. I wrote some stuff about this topic in docs, and will copy/paste it here. Sorry if it's poorly written, or if some things are worded weirdly, I just woke up and have college almost completely on my mind lol. Anyways, here it is: "Amatonormativity is very present in society, and has been for many years. It wrongly assumes that everyone will have the same experience in their lives in regards to romantic relationships and attraction, and this assumption is unfortunately further pushed by a lot of popular media. There are so many movies, books, shows and other forms of story-making that tend to push the idea that you will never be truly happy until you find a partner. This is often shown by having protagonists who are lost or sad, and at the end of the story they’re completely happy once they get a partner, even if the main plot of the story wasn’t about that specifically. People consuming so many stories like this start to believe that you won’t have a “happily ever after” if you don’t get a partner. This expectation spreads among other people, who also consume this media all the time, and thus begins the assumption and expectation that “everyone will want a relationship or they won’t be happy.” This expectation puts a lot of pressure onto aromantic people, and can even make them believe it too. It can make aro people feel like there’s something “wrong” with them, or make them worry that they’ll forever feel incomplete and lonely until they get into a “standard” relationship (monogamous, no QPRs, ideally straight according to mass media). I also feel that this especially puts pressure on women, who are often expected to get married and have children at some point. As a woman, I have been asked questions like “have you met any boys yet?” and I’ve been told things like “one day, when you get a boyfriend, you’ll blah blah blah”. Going back to the point about media, it’s especially frustrating for me to see so many female characters have this story arc where they think they don’t need a boyfriend, but after meeting the protagonist they realise that they actually did need one and were just being “edgy”. In conclusion, I think that the previously established amatonormative expectations are only being further fueled by mass media like movies and shows. I think that we should try to make more stories that include characters who are happy without a partner and aren’t considered weird by everyone else. This would educate people that you don’t need to be in a relationship in order to have a happy ending, if you don’t want to." I hope this is helpful for you :)
  10. I’m a bit late, but happy Aromantic visibility day!
  11. As far as I'm aware, nobody has ever been in love with me, but if someone was I would feel extremely uncomfortable and grossed out by it, and I'd probably want to hide in my room lol. I also really hope no one ever has a crush on me because I'd feel really bad telling them I don't feel the same way.
  12. Nice Pfp bro🔥🔥

    1. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      as always bro


  13. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! It’s not a suuuuuper active community, but there are a good few people who make threads and posts pretty frequently 👍 Also, Precious is an absolutely adorable name for a dog!
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