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  • Name
  • Orientation
    Asexual, grey, demi, akoi, and biromantic
  • Gender
    Genderfluid, xenogender
  • Pronouns
    They/them pref, any are fine
  • Location
    The abyss
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  1. I took the test and hate the questions. Here's what I got: Your Raw Score is: -380, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous Your appearance is Androgynous (I get told I look more masculine, and I kinda present more feminine.) Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person. (I guess?) You appear to socialize in a masculine manner. (I haven't the foggiest idea, do you really think I pay attention to that?) You believe you have major conflicts about your gender identity. (I mean, I suppose so?) You indicated your were born Female. ANALYSIS: Female to Male Transsexual in doubt about your ability to successfully transition. (I don't have doubt. Help what?? Also I don't even know if I'm ftm??) NOTES: Your Answers indicate your psychological state has likely prevailed since you were quite young. The questions and answers were weird and sexist. I don't really care for this test.
  2. Turns out I'm a gay trans man. 

  3. Can I identify as Greyromantic, lithromantic, and aroflux at the same time? Or would that not makes sense? Do I have to pick one? I connect to each of them, and to clear things up I connect with the term aroflux in my own way because my romantic attraction comes and goes.
  4. Alright, I did find a label that could've explained this, so I was just asking if anyone could recall it. It might just be romance repulsion/negativity and touch aversion. I hate physical touch and am uncomfortable by it, physical affection in romantic relationships feels weird and uncomfortable, romantic media can be cute (when it comes to animated charactera I suppose) but I've been disgusted ever since i was a kid whenever people show romantic affection like kissing I am absolutely disgusted by kissing. It makes me want to physically get sick. If I ever have another in person romantic relationship, there's gonna be no physical affection whatsoever. I'm annoyed by love posts and couples public displays of affection. I can't even define romantic attraction. But I feel this feeling of feeling something "more" that I think is romantic attraction. I can have a strong feeling of affection for someone, but it only lasts until the honeymoon where it either dies down, or goes away leaving me just wanting out of the relationship, or both, where I feel attraction but it kinda comes and goes. I feel like I don't think of romantic partners as much as they do me, I can even easily just not think of them at all. Cold, I know. But there was one time I thought only of someone, to a probably unhealthy extent? I can't tell. Real life romantic relationships are okay I guess, except for the wanting out part that comes and goes, alongside the lack of attraction that comes and goes. Just no physical affection. And certainly no kissing. Like is there a label for someone who experiences romantic attraction just not as strongly, or where it comes and goes?
  5. CatNap

    teen corner

    Daily convenience for others (helping others) and myself. And a little bit of mischief. And definitely word domination. /J
  6. Heck yeah! PBM, wanna go to a cafe and try different types of coffee, and such?
  7. Being oblivious of my identity is when I think I'm bisexual but then slowly realize that I never was bisexual, and was still asexual the whole time. :')

  8. I used to love watching it. Who was your favorite character?
  9. I deny my mental issues. But it's obvious I have them. I got a new, more competent therapist. She said anxiety and ADHD are likely for me. Now I feel like I know what's she's going to say about everything else. Found out my family can see that ADHD and anxiety are likely present in me. :/ So that's great. /Sarc
  10. YMAI you only wanted to date someone because you wanted to fit in. (idk if this was already said or not)
  11. I struggled to understand the difference between romantic attraction and still to some degree kinda do. But at the same time, idk. I relate to some experiences from others in articles when it came to romantic attraction, and I think I probably do experience it but there's more to it than that. Like I might fit under the aromantic spectrum, but I'm not sure. Labels are confusing, and I'm not going to stress it. So if it's okay, I'm just going to use the label aromantic for a bit. Until I can figure it out.
  12. And though I identify as demiromantic and panromantic, there's a tad bit of confusion, not because of my identity, but because of a label someone introduced me to, and past experiences. So, I've questioned if I was on the aromantic spectrum. I've identified as aroace before quite a few times. I told my experiences to a cupioromantic person, and they said I might be post rubor aromantic. I looked up the label and the description for me perfectly. When I had crushes on people, I felt attraction, but it faded away once the excitement died down. It always seemed like I was really enjoying the idea of the sweet words, and actions in a relationship, but not actually the relationship itself? I must sound evil. I've mostly had crushes on friends. And as a kid, crushes were rare for me and I only wanted to date because I wanted to be like everyone else at that time. I'm in a happy relationship with my boyfriend, and want to marry him, and I'm pretty sure I still feel attraction to him. It's like a friendship, but more special than one. I've noted that I've noticed signs that can count as platonic from previous attractions. As a kid I hardly thought of marriage, but when I did, it's because of stereotypes, and I thought I was supposed to. I've struggled to tell apart platonic, queerplatonic, and romantic attraction in the past. Like it was a blur. What makes me think I'm in love with my boyfriend is wanting to spend time with him, be very affectionate towards him, being very excited when he comes online (we're long distance), wanting to marry him. I've fallen in love once before with a girl. The thing similar with her and my boyfriend is they both are really good, great people who are sweet. Qualities I like in my friends, but I like my bf, and liked my ex crush in a more special way. I became obsessed with/infatuated/hyperfixated with someone so idk if that counts.
  13. CatNap

    teen corner

    Monster energy cans. Beinf a teen is confusing.
  14. Breakin' dishes by Rihanna.
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