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What Life Advice Would You Give Your Fellow Users?


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This can be something very practical and everyday, something philosophical and deep, funny, serious, it's all fine.


If you're trying to learn to cook, don't worry about it being to most amazing thing ever. Is it edible? Did you not set the kitchen on fire? Well done, you succeeded :D

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Try and participate in everything: if you have a good answer for a question of experiences, do it! If you you want to decide where the characters of One Sentence Story go and what happens to them (heck if you just want to kill one of them off) then do it! Dive straight in and no one's gonna judge and that's all there is to say.


Edit: whoops now I realise this is in general not just on the forum

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Don't make assumptions. People have lots of reasons for choosing to act the way they do, and not all of those reasons have anything to do with you.

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Take time to choose your friends. Also choose them wisely and if you realise someone hasn't been a good friend to you for a while now, don't waste another minute with them and if you're finding it hard to figure out, just think about who talks to you most (as in they're sparking conversation because they want to talk to you).


Equally spend a bit of time with lots of people to help find the interesting ones. Yes a lot of them won't do but you will find great people anywhere (that isn't a bigotry convention) and whilst you should let it be fluid, there'll be people you cling onto and never want to let go. Those are your best friends (unless you stop clinging) but nothing's permanent anyway so don't beat yourself up about it.

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Find those who will actually listen to you when you speak about what you love, those who will either speak with you because they have the same interest, or ask question about it to have a better understanding of who you are and what you do. The others are only wasting their time and yours in the meanwhile.

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Okay this is less random or motivational and more specific/practical but...

Make sure that you check events of a place you are planning to go on vacation. Because sometimes you could potentially run into some weird conventions or people you may not want to be around *coughs awkwardly* The hotel rates also might go up.


(Totally not speaking from experience here :ph34r: )

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5 hours ago, Spud said:

Okay this is less random or motivational and more specific/practical but...

Make sure that you check events of a place you are planning to go on vacation. Because sometimes you could potentially run into some weird conventions or people you may not want to be around *coughs awkwardly* The hotel rates also might go up.


(Totally not speaking from experience here :ph34r: )

That sounds like an interesting story. Willing to share? :D (Also we haven't spoken in chat for ages :( )

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13 hours ago, RedNeko said:

That sounds like an interesting story. Willing to share? :D (Also we haven't spoken in chat for ages :( )

Let's just say I ran into a Bronie convention by pure coincidence. And one person at McDonalds was wearing a giant cape and then looked at my brother and gave him the Star Trek symbol or something... it was really strange. I don't know if he thought he was a 'fellow bronie" or something but it was very uncomfortable for my brother I'm sure O.o I don't have anything against bronies, but the people you find at conventions tend to be the more... extreme versions O_O Also it was just a little strange to be walking around a city and constantly see people in giant rainbow, with plushies, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Spud said:

Let's just say I ran into a Bronie convention by pure coincidence. And one person at McDonalds was wearing a giant cape and then looked at my brother and gave him the Star Trek symbol or something... it was really strange. I don't know if he thought he was a 'fellow bronie" or something but it was very uncomfortable for my brother I'm sure O.o I don't have anything against bronies, but the people you find at conventions tend to be the more... extreme versions O_O Also it was just a little strange to be walking around a city and constantly see people in giant rainbow, with plushies, etc.

I've actually been to a MLP convention xD Conventions are weird for outsiders, aren't they? I don't know why they would give your brother a Star Trek gesture, that's very strange :eyebrow:

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11 minutes ago, RedNeko said:

I've actually been to a MLP convention xD Conventions are weird for outsiders, aren't they? I don't know why they would give your brother a Star Trek gesture, that's very strange :eyebrow:

The most awkward part wasn't the actual convention, because it kind of just turned into more of a funny story... but it was explaining what "bronies" were to my parents.


They had no idea. So my brother and I had to basically give them a lesson on bronies and the internet when we slept at our hotel that night.

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  • 2 months later...

Probably... don't get caught up in the details. Sometimes you do have to put effort into every single part of a project or situation, but most of the time you cause stress for yourself by overthinking things. I used have problems with stress when I was younger but now I try to work towards solutions rather than thinking about things I can't fix anyways. The more you try to do this the easier it becomes. Sorry if this seems vague, haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't try to "save the world," or micromanage people's lives when you think they're making bad decisions. It's not your job to run their lives. It's okay to worry about you, and only you. There's nothing selfish about that.

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Get enough sleep.


Don't shrug it off. Don't say it's impossible. Seriously, even during the worst of your stress, make sure you find time to sleep. You might not get a good night's sleep every night, but being consistently well rested is the difference between bad stress and flared-nerve-endings levels of stress. Now that I know what sleep deprivation does to my physical health, mental health, and how well my brain functions in general, I know damn well to only pull all-nighters when there is absolutely no other choice.

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Respect yourself even when nobody else will.


You can be polite to people without having the slightest shred of respect for them. Being polite to horrible people makes them behave better (usually).


Even if you do everything right, some people will still abandon you anyway. There's nothing wrong with you, though.


It's okay to let go of and give up on people when necessary. Even ones that were really awesome at some point in the past.


Don't close yourself off so much that you ignore the good people when they actually show up. They do exist and they could show up anywhere, at any time.


Figure out how your intuition works and learn to trust it.


Don't be afraid of failing at something. Failing is the best way to learn.

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