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Do you prefer hot or cold temperature?


Do you prefer cold or hot temperatures?  

58 members have voted

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I hate heat. I really do. I love when I go outside and feel my face turning cold. I don't like when it's humid though. Once in a while I also enjoy really cold temperature... but not more than two or three days in a row because you can't go outside for too long :(

What kinds of temperature do you prefer? Feel free to specify ^_^ 

Edit: I should have written it before, but the "hot" "cool" and "cold" are subjective... just vote according to the temperature or choose other or... whatever you do what you want I guess

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When I was in high school in Florida and I told people I was going to college in Chicago, everyone said "but it's so coooooooold there!"


Yes, it is indeed cold in Chicago. There was a solid week where the temperature didn't get above -20F this winter.


But you know what? That was still INFINITELY preferable to a single day of existing in Florida in the summer.


(Of course, currently the weather in Chicago is actually hotter than where I was in Florida, and unlike Florida, Chicago still thinks it can get away with having buildings--like, say, my apartment--without air conditioning, which is monumentally Not Okay.)

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Haha good timing for this poll! It is hot and humid where I live right now, and I don't really do well in heat. I also don't have air conditioning. I like cold better. You can bundle up and stay warm in the cold, but there's not an easy way to escape the heat!

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I don't do well in heat and warm weather. I prefer fall and winter months. Lucky summer in Norway aren't known for being too warm, at least not where I live, but right now it's been between 20-25 C and I'm dying. Air conditioning is not really a big thing here. I live in a new apartment, and I only have a heater, like almost any household here. 

Like @Quinoa says; you can always find a way to warm up when it's cold, but there is no escape from heat.

Plus sleeping is a bitch when it's hot.... Bring on the rainy days!!

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Hold on, hold on. 25°C is hot? 40°C is hot. I wear jeans and a long sleeve top at 25°C and you're calling it hot? I prefer 30°C at least, though I don't really like much more than 35°C.


I absolutely hate the cold. My feet go numb and my hands feel like they are going to fall off. If it's less than 20°C my hands go purple. If it's less than 15°C my hands of purple with orange spots. I have to wear 4 layers if it's less than 15°C. And my hands still freeze.

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18 minutes ago, Ugh... said:
23 minutes ago, Zemaddog said:

I wear jeans and a long sleeve top at 25°C and you're calling it hot?

I do too and I still call it hot ^_^

That doesn't make any sense. If you think it's hot, why don't you wear like a t-shirt and shorts or something? Why are you calling it hot, and yet wearing clothes reserved for weather that's moderately cool?


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2 minutes ago, Zemaddog said:

That doesn't make any sense. If you think it's hot, why don't you wear like a t-shirt and shorts or something? Why are you calling it hot, and yet wearing clothes reserved for weather that's moderately cool?

Because, to me, It's hot even with a t-shirt and shorts on, and I am more comfortable with long sleeves and jeans, also because they keep me from burning under the sun since I hate sunscreen and it doesn't work on my skin most of the time.

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1 hour ago, Zemaddog said:

That doesn't make any sense. If you think it's hot, why don't you wear like a t-shirt and shorts or something? Why are you calling it hot, and yet wearing clothes reserved for weather that's moderately cool?


I do this as well, and in my case there are two reasons: one, because I have a job where even if people occasionally do wear shorts, I personally feel awkward if I did because some people consider it "unprofessional" or whatever and I don't generally wear shorts to class or work anyway...which is mostly due to reason two: people have lots of stupid gendered expectations for certain aspects of personal appearance e.g. body hair, and because I don't pass as literally anything other than a cis girl, I know I'm going to get judged for not conforming to those expectations so I just avoid the situation altogether by wearing long pants.


If I didn't have an academic job (which I'm probably underqualified for) in which I felt the constant need to prove myself to be professional and competent and "normal" because I'm just an undergrad, and in which I'm not sure how well being out as trans would go? I wouldn't care. But that's not the case, so...yeah.

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Heat is horrible. Any temperature above 25°C is too much for me. And anything above 20°C in my bedroom.

15°C must count as "cold" in tropical countries xD Or maybe it will count as cold in 2100 with global warming LOL. Here, true "cold" is -10°C and less. It was -28°C when I was born, with a good snowstorm and blizzard. I like snow, ice, and how it's ideal to go outside with my telescope during windy cold nights because atmospheric turbulence is reduced. It's perfect for exercising too.

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This damnable heat is really kicking my butt.  I'm on a couple of medications that have heat sensitivity as a side effect.  Being too hot, especially for a prolonged period can make me feel very sick, give me a migraine, give me digestive problems, make me nauseous, and make me very fatigued.  And that 'prolonged period' can be as little as half an hour, if it's very, very hot or I have to be physically active.  If I can be pretty still, and the heat isn't above 24C, I can tolerate it for about 3 hours before I start getting sick.


Ive been going from air conditioned place to air conditioned place and staying in our basement TV room.  


I loathe summer.

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Vulcan, as a planet that has an orbit closer to our sun (40 Eridani A), is dry and often have temperatures higher than 43oC. All vulcans are used to this, although there are air-conditioned shelters for humans unaccustomed to such temperatures.


On Earth, I live in a country where the normal average temperature is above 30oC. Furthermore, I was in a sports team and we trained constantly in the sun for hours. I wouldn't call it hot, more like normal to warm. But I guess that's subjective.

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Also: humidity is very much a factor here. I grew up in Arizona, and I would be fine even if it was 95F out...because it's a desert. Whereas in Florida,it would be 80 degrees and I'd be about to melt into a puddle of aro nerd because the humidity never drops below 50 or 60%.

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1 minute ago, Dodecahedron314 said:

Also: humidity is very much a factor here. I grew up in Arizona, and I would be fine even if it was 95F out...because it's a desert. Whereas in Florida,it would be 80 degrees and I'd be about to melt into a puddle of aro nerd because the humidity never drops below 50 or 60%.

It's the same for me in Quebec, but with cold temperatures. A humid -5C makes me want to die compared to a dry -30C (if you forget about frostbites of course).

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27 minutes ago, Ugh... said:

It's the same for me in Quebec, but with cold temperatures. A humid -5C makes me want to die compared to a dry -30C (if you forget about frostbites of course).

Yes, I just returned from Quebec and there was only hot and not humid day and it was amazing compared to just standing up indoors through the night to not touch anything and instantly sweat.

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I have grown up in a country where winter is -20 C, and summer is +40 C in the shade...and dry, we had two days of rain in two months. I hate summer, you go outside for 10 minutes and it's so dusty you sneeze black for days. When it's cold you can at least dress up warm but in the heat you just boil and you actually have to cover up so your limbs don't rub together.xD I'm team cool and cold.

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....depends on humidity. :P


I live in Florida. It's, like, 85% humidity today. I'm melting no matter what the "actual temperature" outside is.

I'm going to say that the ideal for me is 85F, as long as the humidity is decent. I can handle more heat the less humid it is, though, and less heat the more humid it is. 

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