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Arocalypse Discord Server


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We now have an Arocalypse Discord server! If you want to join us in some voice chat please feel free to join us. Even if you don't have a mic and just want to listen to those that do, you're still welcome. It would be preferable if you could make an account on discord if you plan on going there regularly, although this is not a requirement. I would also recommend downloading the client, but that's completely up to you, and doesn't affect anyone else. To join a voice channel, simply click on the voice channel you wish to join. Same with the text channels. Overall, Discord is just has more functionality than the inbuilt chat on this site.


Here's the link: https://discord.gg/H2KcsWR

Please come along and say hi!


Most of what is written below is outdated and I can't be bothered updating it. More up to date information is given in the text channels under the "info" heading on the server itself.


So far we have the Septapus bot which will make comics from the text chat, and Wildbot, which does a variety of things, but mainly plays music which you can request. Don't worry, it has it's own channel so if you don't want to listen to music, you don't have to. We recently added UB3R-B0T which does a variety of things which cannot be explained in one sentence, you'll just have to try it for yourself. There's also the mee6 bot which gives everyone XP and levels for chatting as well as allows us to create custom commands (which can be requested by anyone).


  • To get septapus to create a comic simply type @septapus (a little dialogue box will appear. just click that) then type "comic" and then the a number from 1-10. (I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
  • To use Wildbot's commands, type ++ then the command. It's best to start with ++help as it will send you a list of all the available commands. To listen to music type "++voice music" and it will enter the music channel (assuming you have the permissions. ask either xavo or I for such permissions). From there type "++request" and then a link to the song you would like it to play and it will add it to the queue (please only request music in the music_sharing text channel!). Type ++volume and then a number to adjust the volume of the music. Type ++playlist for the current playlist.
  • To use UB3R-B0T's commands, type . and then the command. Again start with .help to get a list of available commands.
  • To use mee6's commands, type ! and then the command. Type !help for the list of commands. If you want a custom command, just ask me what you want it to be called, and what you want it to say and I will make it.


We also take requests for different coloured names. It can be any colour you want, just ask.


At specified levels, you will receive a new role, which I'll call "titles". All they do is display your name separately from those who don't have these titles. The titles are:


  • Approved: You receive this title at level 5.
  • Aronauts: You receive this title at level 15.
  • Established: You receive this title at level 30.
  • Veterans: You receive this title at level 45.
  • Grandmasters: You receive this title at level 99.


They are mainly there to show everyone who spends a lot of time in chat, or has been on the server for a long while. They also give you something to work for if you so desire :). The approved role however does have a purpose. The admins were getting annoyed that people would keep joining the server and not say anything, or barely talk at all. To combat this we introduced the approved role. When a new person joins the server they will have 30 days reach level 5 and get the "Approved" role. If a person fails to reach level 5 within the 30 day period, they will be kicked from the server by the automated system we have in place. If you get kicked, you are free to join the server again but your level will be reset and you will have to work your way to level 5 within 30 days once again to avoid being kicked. The approved role also gives access to other channels which are not visible to new members.


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New info, yay! It's the last paragraph of the original post, but if you can't be bothered reading that I'll quote the nw stuff here:


We recently added UB3R-B0T which does a variety of things which cannot be explained in one sentence, you'll just have to try it for yourself. There's also the mee6 bot which gives everyone XP and levels for chatting as well as allows us to create custom commands (which can be requested by anyone).


  • To get septapus to create a comic simply type @septapus (a little dialogue box will appear. just click that) then type "comic" and then the a number from 1-10. (I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
  • To use Wildbot's commands, type ++ then the command. It's best to start with ++help as it will send you a list of all the available commands. To listen to music type "++voice music" and it will enter the music channel (assuming you have the permissions. ask either xavo or I for such permissions). From there type "++request" and then a link to the song you would like it to play and it will add it to the queue. Type ++volume and then a number to adjust the volume of the music. Type ++playlist for the current playlist.
  • To use UB3R-B0T's commands, type . and then the command. Again start with .help to get a list of available commands.
  • To use mee6's commands, type ! and then the command. Type !help for the list of commands. If you want a custom command, just ask me what you want it to be called, and what you want it to say and I will make it.


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I've added new roles (which you would know about by now if you've been on the discord server in the past couple of days) which you get at specified levels, which I'll call "titles". All they do is display your name separately from those who don't have these titles. The titles are:

  • Chat Regular. You receive this title at level 15.
  • Chat Veteran. You receive this title at level 50.
  • Chat Grandmaster. You receive this title at level 99.
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On 02/08/2016 at 8:50 AM, Zemaddog said:
  • Chat Regular. You receive this title at level 15.
  • Chat Veteran. You receive this title at level 50.
  • Chat Grandmaster. You receive this title at level 99.

I need to get back into chatting on discord so I can get some of these.

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1 hour ago, RedNeko said:
On 02/08/2016 at 5:20 PM, Zemaddog said:
  • Chat Regular. You receive this title at level 15.
  • Chat Veteran. You receive this title at level 50.
  • Chat Grandmaster. You receive this title at level 99.

I need to get back into chatting on discord so I can get some of these.

Yes. Yes you do. xD. We already have 3 chat regulars with a few more who are almost there.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to put this here to bump this thread but I do have an update on the server which I should more readily available (The announcements channel on the server is a bit of a jumble and I can't be bothered reordering it).


Around two months ago we added a new role: approved, which is obtained at level 5. The reason for this is that the admins noticed that people were joining and not really saying anything. We want to cut down on this as we want the discord server to be small but with a high activity rate. We also figured that if you aren't interested in talking on the server then there wasn't really any point in joining the server in the first place. So we decided that when a new person joins, they have 30 days to get to level 5 else they will be kicked. They will be able to rejoin the server and try to get level 5 in another 30 days if they want. This doesn't stop people from joining, getting to level 5 in a day, then never saying anything again. However, getting to level 5 requires at least one hour of chatting, which is at least a bit of investment in the server.


What this approved role also allows us to do is to have channels on the server that new members cannot see. Members on the discord server sometimes share information in these channels that they would rather not share to a new person who just joined and has no investment in the server and who they don't know at all.


I hope people understand why we made this decision and don't think it's too harsh. The admins all agreed that level 5 was low enough to be easily obtainable, but high enough that you still have to talk a fair bit to get to.

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On 12/12/2016 at 3:47 AM, Zemaddog said:

I hope people understand why we made this decision and don't think it's too harsh.

I fully support this. The Discord server is like a family almost at times, and families talk about personal stuff. Having people lurk during family time isn't particularly nice for us. I love that some channels aren't available to new users, though I have to ask: what channels do new users see? General and announcements?

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3 hours ago, Kai Pufflehugs IV said:

I fully support this. The Discord server is like a family almost at times, and families talk about personal stuff. Having people lurk during family time isn't particularly nice for us. I love that some channels aren't available to new users, though I have to ask: what channels do new users see? General and announcements?

Omg I totally forgot to tell everyone. Thanks for reminding me xD. The channels that are visible to new users are: general, random, announcements, music sharing and no mic.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/15/2018 at 6:59 PM, AroAce_Fangirl said:

My discord says the invite has expired. Can someone post a new one? Please?

Same issue here; I'd love to join and see what shenanigans people are up to if there's room

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On 7/16/2018 at 8:29 AM, AroAce_Fangirl said:

My discord says the invite has expired. Can someone post a new one? Please?


On 7/20/2018 at 2:41 AM, running.tally said:

Same issue here; I'd love to join and see what shenanigans people are up to if there's room

Sorry, I don't check the forums very often anymore. I've edited the OP to have a valid link. But i'll post it here too: https://discord.gg/jmzNe3g

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  • 4 weeks later...

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