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what's your favorite book?


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Probably Shadow Walkers by Brent Hartinger, it's objectively not a great book but it's an easy read and it's always there for me when I need it. Also, I unknowingly stole half of my personality from one of the charachters (Emory) when I was in 5th grade lmao

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The Redwall series, because of the nostalgia, lack of romance, and world building. I aspired to be like the hero characters in the series. Yeah, my only role models from books (and I read a lot as a kid) were talking rodents. ? I turned out fine though. ? 

Now I don't really read anymore since so many "adult" books are all about romance.

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Small Gods

Brutha is one of my favourite main characters, possibly the lack of romance plays into that but he's just good in general.

Mainly though I just love the setup of how the gods work in discworld, its my most loved bit of worldbuilding in any series of books. You get a really interesting interaction where the deities dwindle if they aren't believed in so power rests in the believer but also the god exists and can use power if they have that belief. Om is my favourite grumpy tortoise.

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Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford.  It describes the many contributions my people made to world culture.  Do you like chocolate, vanilla, strawberries, peanut butter, potato chips, soft drinks, gum, avocados, popcorn, pumpkin spice, chili peppers, most of the food you eat, most of the medicines you use, the movement to protect the environment & a democracy where women & poor people can vote (among many, many other things)?  You're welcome.

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currently, it's the Percy Jackson series. i finished reading it a few weeks back and it's sooo good!! i love the fantasy and YA genre, and out of all the books i've read so far, this series is the most well-written one. it's an easy read, everything is explained really well, the story is awesome, and there's a great mix of elements like action, friendship and loss.

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Recently, I discovered the Artemis Fowl series and (platonically) feel in love with it. For those who don't know it, well first of all, stay away from the movie (and I'm going to say it twice for people in the back, stay away from the movie!). It a mix of fantasy (for the fairy and the magic) and sci-fiction (for the weapons and the vessels). What I particular like in these books (and the main reason why you should stay away from the movie, did I already said it?) is Artemis Fowl. That kid has one of the best redemption arc that I have ever seen. Also the humor and irony in the book are excellent. Finally it focused a lot on friendship, with a lot of deep platonic relationships.

If you enjoy fantasy and antiheroes, I think you'll enjoy it. Book 6 and 2 are my favorite I think, though of course it is better to read them in order.

@Leia WilliamsI enjoyed a lot Percy Jackson too. I also read Heroes of Olympus (the sequel, if you don't know). Didn't like it the same way but there are still scenes that are very good (the coming out scene for one of the character, I don't know why but I enjoyed it so much).


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@nonmerci yep, Heroes of Olympus is on my list! i'm hoping to borrow the books from my friend because i don't like reading from my phone.

i did not know that Artemis Fowl is a book series!! :O thanks for the heads up, i'll make sure to read the books first!

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@Leia WilliamsThere are 8 books in the Artemis Fowl though they kinda be read independently (that's a bit like Harry Potter, each book has its own story, though it's clearer if you read it in order). The author also started a spin-off series. I haven't read it yet but I heard the first book was good too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What would it be other than The Lord of the Rings? Unoriginal answer, but you really can't just compete with the masterpiece of storytelling that it is.

My favorite series as a child was Guardians of Ga'hoole, an amazing fantasy series where the characters were owls. I also found a cool new creature fantasy in a similar vein recently called Eyrie, which it, and the rest of its series is definitely a fun and interesting read I'd recommend. It's about Gryphons, and I think that might be enough to get your interest.

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  • 4 months later...

i have a lot of books to read right now so this might be set to change, but currently my fave is They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera. it is a romance, but it's a really beautiful one between two guys who both know they are going to die that day. it made me cry when i finished it, which is kinda big cuz i don't normally cry over books

i also really like The Last Kids on Earth series, which is targeted more towards kids, but they're still really good! it's about a group of kids who are stuck in a monster-zombie apocalypse, so they have to navigate their way through it! it has very fun illustrations too ! there is also a little bit of romance stuff, the main character has a crush on a girl, but otherwise i think it's fine? i'm still catching up on the books since apparently there were 3 new ones that came out and i didn't know

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Six of Crows duology is the most recent series I've fallen in love with. I love the dense worldbuilding and the sense of danger and the character interplay.

This is making a good reading list. I should read the percy jackson series but I keep on forgetting about it. I should check out Ga'Hoole too - the movie was awesome. And I'm down for a series about gryphons.

As a teenager, I was really into Tamora Pierce, because girls doing cool stuff in a fantasy setting, the wicca series by cate tiernan (magic! danger! boyfriends turning out to be evil actually!), Animorphs until book 30 (it owns. mostly)

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...

HANDS DOWN THE BOOK “SPEAK” BY LAURIE HALSE ANDERSON!!!! It’s a book about a teenage girl entering high school who stops speaking because she was r*ped at a party just before school started. It talks about how her trials and tribulations affected her relationships. I, personally, didn’t relate to the r*ped part of the book, but as a freshman who at the time who was dealing with a lot of emotional trauma from at home problems, I related to so many aspects of her story and how entering a new environment didn’t help that. This book is brilliant and I highly recommend it to anyone interested. 

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