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Everything posted by HelloThere

  1. Can you add a “same!” emoji to the reactions? I’m honestly amazed how often I’d use that, I’ve just said that like 40 times and I think itd be a cool emoji to add.
  2. The worst assumption that people can make is absolute, binary assumptions about certain groups. Like that all republicans stand against abortion or that all democrats support LGBTQ+ rights. It’s just more prevalent, not constant. It’s an issue that I’m still trying to stop inside myself in some ways. There’s always grey area in things, and that just makes it all the more diverse and beautiful for it.
  3. I haven’t seen this type of stuff said in a conversation but I’ve heard plenty of it.
  4. It’s also just a better color for keeping the house from overheating and saving on electricity. White walls and roofs in hot areas actually help the environment in several ways.
  5. Bad aro: -I kinda like well written queer romance but often just the cartoon kind that doesn’t get excessive. -I’m not revolted by romance but over the top kissing and long boring dates just bore me or make me uncomfortable. -I occasionally sorta just think about the possibility of marrying but it’s just the glamour of partying with friends or the aesthetic. -I was never super against the idea of dating, generally I’d just do platonically fun things no matter the persons gender. -I experience loads of aesthetic attraction or have a physical response to seeing pretty people but it’s almost always minor. -I experience occasional alterous attraction and that was very recently. -I like the idea of living with people in maybe a qpr, so marriage would be a very mild possibility but not the same kind, only tax reasons.
  6. Tbh that sounds sick. Or maybe I could bring my friends into that where it’s all the stuff that would be romance but it’s jokingly done in that way. I just created a fake date didn’t I? Some would just call that an outing but I want to intentionally make fun of the social requirement of romance by doing all the stuff normally done (minus anything like kissing) on a date but with all my friends.
  7. Okay, that last part legitimately made me smile. Seriously, if someone’s telling them that then I don’t know what to say but the homophobia has gotta be real.
  8. Nope, liking romance in the media, no matter the kind is totally fine. It’s not feeding into amatanormativity, in fact it’s breaking the romance-repulsed stereotype. It’s entirely based off of attraction to people romantically, not on if you like that stuff, though often it’s a sign.
  9. Oh yeah, there’s some feeling from looking at someone of the opposite gender with me but it’s DEFINITELY not romantic. It’s just common and weak aesthetic attraction every single time. XD
  10. Who else here has spent so much time thinking that they liked people romantically because they found others pretty or had some emotional response to looks rather than a desire for romance? Share your experiences, it’s a real piece of crap sometimes to be confused about it. XD
  11. I wish my family wouldn’t care. I mean they’d ask questions and I don’t have great alibi’s to answer it without coming out. They certainly wouldn’t make a big fuss about two random rings though.
  12. If what im guessing you mean is correct, I’ve been there. XD
  13. I have no idea in this situation, an aromantic site probably isn’t the best place for this but Jot-Aro Kujo seems to often be the bearer of good advice. Though I truly have no idea, don’t go seek out Kujo yourself, I just see them as a better person for answers.
  14. I hate having to say “a girl that is a friend”, it’s annoying to draw a clear distinction because every time that I have a friend that is a girl, my parents think I have feelings for that person, and then I have to remind them I don’t.
  15. I still don’t understand some people. I mean I can grasp the cause but only intellectually, not any strong understanding.
  16. I’d pull out “platonic relationship” but never “platonic friendship”. I mean that’s kinda what friendships are, but a relationship is often just living together and being together more often than others.
  17. Bro they gotta have made that on purpose right? That’s a huge convergence of evidence. XD
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