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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Everything posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. I mean, I would like to think that "education should be accessible, and knowledge should be verified via firsthand experience" are pretty good philosophies to have. He was also often compared to Martin Luther in his day, though admittedly he didn't really care. I guess I can see where you're coming from, though, but I tend to think of alchemy and philosophy as being inherently connected, so that's why he came to mind
  2. I like Paracelsus because he was an early supporter (in European history, anyway) of things such as "Lectures should be done in the language of the common people, not Latin, to make them accessible to the public," "You should learn via practical lessons and test things for yourself too, instead of just unquestioningly following books written hundreds of years ago and taking them as 100% true and letting that be your entire medical education," and "You should wash your hands and keep wounds clean and protected instead of literally rubbing cow shit in open wounds." (No, seriously, that last part is true. Horrifying, but that was genuinely a thing that was done at the time.) He was also a hell of a sarcasm master, and didn't stop fighting against bad practices in medicine and academia even when everyone else told him to shut up, which as a punk myself I find admirable tbh. I'm not saying he was a perfect guy ofc, but there are definitely things about him I think are at the very least pretty interesting.
  3. Can I ask who exactly is involved in making this site? The reason I ask is because I haven't heard any like... community-wide discussion of starting an aro advocacy site, and considering the thing with TAAAP needless to say I am uh. Currently a little wary of unknown individuals just up and starting projects like this out of the blue, yknow.
  4. I'm not very fond of it... The full name is fine, but it's hard to remember, and the acronym sounds like some sort of weird medical thing hkjdfhkdhg sorry!! I know you're trying your best and acronyms are tough, but I... feel like this is not the one, lmao.
  5. That's something the aro community, and especially us allo aros, have been fighting against for a long time. I'm sorry you had to find out about it this way.
  6. Honestly, as an allo aro myself I fucking HATE the term "friends with benefits". My friends are a benefit in themselves! I don't need any "benefits" to my friendships, friendship is already top tier for me, and it's not some sort of business transaction. I can't stand language that puts down friendship like that. Nobody is a lesser friend just because they're not interested in having sex with their friends, and the only "benefit" in friendship is all the wonderful ways my friends make me happy, with or without sex. Personally I would love to have a term for "friend who you also have sex with in a purely non-romantic way" that doesn't make other friends seem lesser.
  7. It's your identity, man. I mean, you sound aro to me, but who am I to label you? Only you can decide what you want to call yourself.
  8. Yeah, sure. There are plenty of romance-favorable aros, nothing wrong with it. It's definitely possible to have a healthy romantic relationship as an aro, too. Just do what you want my dude, it doesn't make you any less aro than anybody else.
  9. Ah yes. We're so very privileged. That's why my family called me a heartless robot who uses people for sex. Love that privilege
  10. Oh god, yeah. It's like you watch one (1) clip from a TV show involving two characters, and next thing you know your YouTube recommendations are like "HERE HAVE 20 DIFFERENT PUZZLESHIPPING AMVS, YOU LIKE THAT RIGHT? RIGHT?? KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE" no. die
  11. I've known I wasn't like everyone else from the time I was about 10. I didn't know how to put this into words until I was 18, but I'm a week shy of 21 now and I still feel the same way. If you feel it, you feel it.
  12. Lucky Star is... kinda grossly sexual though. I mean, it is definitely a funny and relatable show with fantastic music, but it's also designed to brainwash you into buying Haruhi DVDs pretty creepy re: teenage girls, in the way that most anime of its genre are. I think that's worth mentioning, at least.
  13. Unfortunately, yes, yes I am. For the 8th year in a row. Oof...
  14. I'm eclectic pagan. I was more or less raised that way, although I was never forced into the religion and my mom wanted to make sure I was exposed to multiple religions in order to make my own choice, so I went to a UU church as a kid. But I wound up feeling most drawn to paganism anyway, lmao.
  15. Oh yeah, all the time. Mostly because I want to be allo (aka accepted) but I don't want to date men, lmao.
  16. I know all the words to a certain version of the Parting Glass (old Scottish/Irish folk song) due to working at a renaissance faire, and for years I thought a certain line was "there is a faire, made in this land" and not "there is a fair maid(en) in this land", and thus didn't understand what it had to do with the girl sung about in the rest of that verse, lmao.
  17. I was never really scared of anything except the elephant graveyard from the Lion King, and the pipe organ from the Beauty and the Beast Christmas special. (You know, the "I'm BOLTED to the WALL!" guy.)

  19. Maybe I'm materialistic because stuff is more reliable than people... ?

    1. arokaladin


      books cant date each other and leave me...

    2. Costati


      Nah that's just being smart and practical.

  20. Disappointment is finally finishing a skirt after like a week of working on it, excitedly trying it on, only to be met with the discovery that it needs a side zipper because you can't fit your butt in it

    1. Apathetic Echidna

      Apathetic Echidna

      it is fixable though right? I well know the pain of a miss-step while sewing. Even if you have to unpick big sections fixing it will be worth it. Though as a skirt could you put it on from over your head if it is a tight waistband issue?

    2. Jot-Aro Kujo

      Jot-Aro Kujo

      Yeah, the first thing I did was try putting it over my head, but that didn't work... But yeah, I did put a zipper in it. It wasn't a huge deal in the end, I guess.

    3. arokaladin
  21. No, you're not "more educated than most adults" just because you watch Time Warp Trio, Tutenstein, History's Mysteries, Ancient Almanac, Naked Archaeologist, Mythbusters, etc. You know a lot about history, and you like learning, and that's great! But you don't know how the world works. You don't know how the government works, or how to do algebra, or anything about many foreign cultures. You'll learn more by not being an asshole than you will by watching the same 30-minute TV shows 20 times. (Oh, and do you know what the Holy Roman Empire is? The bakumatsu? The Cuban missile crisis? Yeah, I didn't think so. Please study something other than the ancient Middle East and Mediterranean sometimes.) Refusing to use slang, emoticons, etc. also doesn't make you smart, and putting other people down especially doesn't make you smart. It just makes you a dick. It's ok to like girly things. It's ok to wear clothes other than sweatpants and t-shirts. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. I know you think you have to assert your dominance over boys by knowing more about Star Wars than they do, but honestly, the idea that "other girls" are stupid, that girly interests make you stupid, etc. is more sexist than any doubts your average 10-year-old homeschooler is going to have about whether or not you know how Chewbacca dies. On that note, I have good news and bad news! The good news is Star Wars 7/8/9 is not just an unattainable fantasy, and will happen much sooner than you think it will. The bad news is it's nothing like what you expect. Don't get too attached to the EU, especially not the Skywalker/Solo family, because they're going bye-bye. Oh, and Avatar and Teen Titans will also get sequels of some manner or another. Don't bother with those either. The future is full of disappointing franchise revivals, kid. But the good news is that the live action Fullmetal Alchemist is great! (Bad news is that Rie Kugimiya isn't in it and it doesn't feature any music by l'Arc~en~Ciel, but you know, it's equivalent exchange.) Yugioh isn't just edgy rich boy Pokemon, it's actually pretty cool. It's about friendship and ancient Egyptian ghosts. Stop refusing to watch it. Wyd Grades on assignment are not the same as your overall grade in a course. "Straight As" does not refer to assignment scores, nor do you need straight As to get into college. Getting a B on a math test does not mean you're doomed to be homeless. Everyone who does something starts out as a beginner at some point. Nobody is born with amazing innate knowledge of anything, so don't hold yourself back from trying new things just because you feel like you need to already know how to do something in order to do it. You don't need to be an Author™ as a career in order to write, you don't need to have an in-depth knowledge of anatomy to draw, you don't need to be Marie Antoinette's tailor in order to sew. (By the way, sewing machines aren't that scary, you just need to not make it go 500 MPH and then you'll be able to actually sew straight lines.) Yes, there is such a thing as Thursday in Japan. Please don't blindly accept everything you read in the comments section of YouTube.
  22. Oh god, I just realized next month is pride month. Kill me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jot-Aro Kujo

      Jot-Aro Kujo

      I'm aro and bi, I'm invalidated 24/7 365 days a year babey (finger guns)

    3. Mae_


      I'm actually going to London Pride and I'm just literally preparing to be invalidated lul

    4. arokaladin


      my group of friends might want to go there again this year. last year I just got hot and worn out and saw nothing for me.

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