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Everything posted by Lovebird

  1. A lot. Mainly because I've experienced romantic attraction before (abet rarely) and am currently dating someone. Also because I'm aplatonic and do not relate to the aro communities version of 'love'. I'm constantly worried I won't be welcome in aro spaces because of those factors, especially in real life spaces.
  2. I am autistic and intellectually disabled
  3. I'm very happy to be with someone who treats me with respect as my last ex was unfortunately quite toxic and didn't respect the fact I had cognitive disabilities (despite him being autistic). After that, it left me with sour taste towards romantic relationships; Which was unfortunate for me as I'm quite a romo aro and fantasise a lot about romantic coded things. But after meeting my current s/o I feel so much happier 😊
  4. My boyfriend and I are both arospec (I'm greyro & cupio, he's nebularomantic). We met via a Facebook group chat from a mutual friend, we had the same interests so he added me and started talking. It slowly became a friends-to-lovers relationship, he confessed he liked me, and I was sort of confused because I didn't know how to properly respond and I wasn't sure if I liked him romantically or not, so I sort of said yes on impulse 😅 We've been together for nearly 5 years now, we're in an LDR but we've seen each others faces and such via video chat. I'm always wishing he comes over and visits someday, of which if he does I'll want to expand our horizons from there.
  5. I'm so tired of having to explain to people why I, an arospec willingly date people, among the thousands of questions others ask and make to sound in a condescending way. Just leave me be, let me do what I want.  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nix


      Oh wow, so they are gatekeeping? Nasty. No one can know how other people feel and/or experience themselves. Telling someone their feelings are ‘wrong’ or ‘lesser’ is the sort of moral superiority that makes me sick. You do you @Lovebird


    3. Deltalorian


      Yeah, I get this sort of condescending tone from the ace community at times, by virtue of being sex favourable and having a libido. Some people really just need to stop and consider just what they're doing with their lives to think that they need to make sure everyone who identifies one way meets their standards of said identity

    4. Lovebird


      @Nix @Deltalorian It's to a point where I no longer choose to engage in aro communities too often because of the invalidation. I'm currently questioning if I'm asexual spec too and I really don't want to experience the the same troubles. I'm just tired of my private life being judged and I'm scared to find out if irl aro communities are just as bad. 

  6. Not sure, though I deal with a lot of anxiety in regards to imposter syndrome
  7. Winnie the Pooh. Of which I ripped off with my bare hands for some reason. I was like, two. 😐
  8. I'm just aplatonic. People seem to think it equals down to 'platonic repulsed, has no friends' but it's more diverse than that. I have friends, I (sometimes) want friends, I just don't experience the feelings of "Wow, I want to be this persons friend, they're so cool" nor do I "love" my friends but I still enjoy their presence.
  9. I'm an Aquarius rising. Relatable lol.
  10. lovebirds should be the national animal for all cupios 

  11. Vanilla Pepsi & hot chocolate
  12. Anything with rice, it is the most versatile staple food and that's based
  13. It's taken me a long time to accept I was arospec for the above reasons. I really want to see more romantic love stories with arospec characters but I'm scared the aro community will hate it and accuse of it not being "real representation" despite said experiences fitting me to a T.
  14. I despise gambling, it's overly romanticised in my country right alongside alcohol. In my country, most gambling advertisements are banned, except for sports betting ads as sports, specifically football is the #1 most popular sport, and the head company (AFL) heavily relies on advertising, alongside those who actually watch the game. So many sports betting companies will "collab" in order to get more views for both, the problem is, a sports betting app ad will play every 5-10 minuets leaving many fans of the game and non-fans alike questioning why a game that advertises itself as "family friendly" or "all ages" constantly advertises an activity that is strictly adults only. If you head onto the 'official' subreddit for Australia, there will always be at least one person who asks "why aren't betting ads banned yet?" three times a week, and yet there has nothing has actually been done by neither state nor federal governments.
  15. Congrats!! I recently realised I was librafeminine and changed my pronouns too, it's also part of the demigirl 'spectrum' I'm unsure if I'll ever come out myself, but if I do, I just say I'm agender or nonbinary as constantly explaining what my gender actually is takes too much mental strength to explain
  16. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I love it so much that it's majorly influenced my art style and character design. The mangaka is a nice guy too.
  17. I discovered the term aromantic a few years ago after realising I rarely experienced romantic attraction, but thought just aro on its own did not encompass my full experiences -- I have been attracted to people in the past but only on very rare occasions. I then found the greyromantic label, which fit my bill.
  18. Sadly no. I've googled some and it turns out shipping prices are very pricy due to living in another country. I do have a mini rainbow pride flag siting on my desk, but that's really it.
  19. Type of aro: loveless aro reprsentation: appearance headcanon fodder tarot: cups aro flag vibes: lithromantic/akoiromantic
  20. I'm on the fence about it. I'm only willing to do it because my boyfriend wants to change his surname to mine. This biggest issue is that fact I'm scared I'll lose my pension if I do marry him, we're both disabled. Besides the fact I don't really care about wedding culture and think it's kind of toxic, it's also rather expensive, though small yet cheap weddings are becoming popular in my country so I might consider it. And I'm also worried I'll lose my Miss title, I don't like the idea of going by a mrs and prefer to be my own independence instead of being 'owned' by my future husband. I'm also not keen on the idea of told my relationship is only valid via a government certified piece of paper, I feel like we're emotionally & spiritually married already.
  21. I am certainly sure of my romantic & platonic orientation, but have been questioning my sexuality recently. I've been saying I am pansexual, and while I'm still attached to that term, I wonder if I'm greysexual too
  22. Seeing an aro positivity post shouting out aplatonic romo aros be like "omg that's me 💚

  23. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Kepler22-b
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