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Everything posted by Lovebird

  1. Are you serious?? Long distant & online relationships are just as valid as close ones. Tired of my relationships being invalidated like this.
  2. updated my lgballt sona thing!!

  3. Hii!! I use he/it pronouns too
  4. Can someone please tell me why the aro community nowadays thinks it's so 'weird' to have crushes on celebrities / fictional characters when I've met just as many aros who have admitted to crushing on celebrities / fictional people than allos??

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lovebird


      Victim-blaming people for being rampantly harassed isn't cute, regardless of wherever they're allo or not. I've literally seen aros do almost the exact same thing. You've clearly misunderstood what I mean when ALL cringe culture is bad. There's no such thing as 'good' cringe culture.

    3. The Newest Fabled Creature

      The Newest Fabled Creature

      I just believe that at the end of the day, none of us have the right to shame each other, and there's never a greater or lesser evil when it comes to this. Our existences, both aspec and non-aspec, are very complex and deserve respect, each of their own - and it shouldn't be tolerated when someone (regardless of whoever they are) turn their experience of something into an excuse to shame another person. I am not saying people don't have the right to talk about how romance and sex has negatively affected them. Sometimes it's easy to become mad at the world and at random people because of how saturated romance and sex is in multiple cultures. But, it shouldn't be excused if someone takes that anger out and utilizes it as shame.

    4. DeltaAro


      No, there is no good "cringe culture". At least if we define "cringe culture" as coming from a desire to mock and shame innocent people. This is indefensible, no exceptions. Good that I didn't defend cringe culture then. And blaming victims of online harassment is just awful. Good that I didn't engage in that.

      Some threads here on this board admittedly give off a very strong cringe culture vibe, e.g. "Things you've never understood about romance". Similarly, all the many posts like "Isn't <something romantic> weird?"

      And yes, this may feel hostile and off-putting for those who experience romantic attraction or are favorable towards it. I understand that.

      (That was the context, very obviously, not some hypothetical aro who uploads screenshots from a dating profile of a neurodivergent kid and mocks it. Such a person cannot be defended. Does anyone seriously think otherwise?)

      Yet, to put those posts in the same category as the "furry / cosplayer / ... cringe compilations" is strange (to put it mildly). Because what's radically ignored here is: "Isn't <something romantic> weird?" and the like can be interpreted charitably. It might not have a nasty motivation but come from genuine frustration, confusion, cognitive overload or anxiety.

      I'm all for efforts to be nicer and quit / restrict / hide the stuff mentioned. I wouldn't miss that stuff. But maybe, maybe, members of a marginalized community, in their own space, should be interpreted charitably? And that's seriously lacking sometimes. I know that a couple of users left because of this.

  5. He's either aroallo, aroace, or demi- depending on my mood. I also think he's non-binary as hell too. Doesn't care what pronouns you use for them.
  6. Hobie Brown is so aroallo to me.
  7. I wish the aro community extended grace, patience and support to ppl in abusive relationships instead of either ignoring its existence or telling the victim to "just leave"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      I think that going along with this problem, people also forget about the grey-aros and the arofluxes, etc…  it’s really sad to see this happening.

    3. smac n cheese

      smac n cheese

      Yeah, abusive relationships are a terrible problem that I am so sorry other people have happening to them, and some aros are like "I don't get it so your suffering isn't valid". I don't understand how people can be so terrible and I'm really, really, really sorry on behalf of all aros.

    4. Lovebird


      It also completely shits on aros & aces who have also been trapped in abusive relationships, there are aroallos in abusive FWBs, there are alloaces in abusive marriages, aroaces in abusive QPRs. Aroace minors in abusive family situations??

  8. Lovebird, arocalyptic bird, god of winged creatures, creativity, and wisdom
  9. I've never celebrated it, even in romantic relationships. I only like it for the aesthetic.
  10. my controversial opinion as an aspec person is i DON'T think it's 'evil' or 'shallow' to be attracted to complete strangers or unattainable ppl (ie. celebrities)

  11. You're contradicting yourself, you just said this earlier. And what even is an 'alternative relationship' in your definition? I did read your replies, they sucked, and it's no wonder you're being criticised for it.
  12. How do you react when someone like me has dated two people in the past? Plus insisting an aro just get into a QPR is a form of platonormitivty, not every arospec experiences platonic or queerplatonic attraction, nor does every arospec desire a QPR/QPP.
  13. I was also in a formally toxic relationship, thankfully I was able to leave as it was an LDR. It was still scary and traumatising. And the fact I had no community to vent of my heartbreak was frustrating. The biggest takeaway anyone can come out of this, is that nobody is immune to toxic and abusive relationships, no matter what their orientation is. I'm tired of acting like it's an exclusively allo "trait".
  14. An update for anyone who cares; they dm'd me on another account, saying they already have a new girlfriend. Their GF doesn't let them contact anyone else, and according to them they say their family thinks online relationships are "unhealthy" so they chose someone closer instead. I'm not forgiving them. The aro community was right all along, romantic relationships never last and are all terrible. I'm never getting close to anyone ever again.
  15. I'm seeing my psychologist today actually lol. I'm still on the fence about seeking another people.
  16. Both allos and some aros have implied that heartbreak isn't that deep and one should get over it at least a week max, and if you haven't, it's like you 'failed' because that proves you're somehow 'clingy' or 'hungup' about them.
  17. I know that it's not the healthiest to imagine getting back together. The first time I did get back with my first ex, it was terrible. I'm trying to not let the get over it quick get to me, but it's hard
  18. It's the longest, and most serious relationship I've ever been in. I expected myself to get over it quicker because well, people keep saying that's something you *have* to move on quickly from. And it's like, I just simply can't??? Another thing I'm scared about is that I'm never going to get over it.
  19. Its like someone said here, heartbreak isn't really taken seriously, it can even be quite traumatic at times. A part of me feels like I shouldn't be so upset or whiny over it, people all the time insist that being "single" is superior. But that wording doesn't help me at all. If anything, it makes me feel bad for being in a relationship in the first place. I've tried filling that love of my ex with a new fictional man to obsess over, it helps but after the hyper fixing wears off, it's like I'm back to my own bleak reality again. I'm not sure if I can even be friends with them ever again, I don't harbour any bad feelings towards them post break up. But it just feels beyond awkward to be friends with them after all this. It's the thought that counts, thank you 🤗
  20. Some may know that more than a week ago as of writing this, my spouse and I recently broke off our six year relationship. I thought I'd take it well considering my previous (albeit problematic) relationship breakup was much easier. But no, every time I think I'm over it, it comes up to hit me again. I still love and cherish them so much, everyday I secretly await for a text asking me to give it another shot. But it's been days since and nothing at all. It feels like a losing battle. I've lost so many people I've considered important in my life this year; including them, we had a future planned and everything (living together, kids). And while it was a very distant LDR, we made it work for six long hard years in spite of personal hardships from the both of us. I'm not sure if can handle interpersonal relationships, including romantic-coded relationships ever again. They always seems to fizzle out of fail due to my negligence. Every time without fail, I become even more of a hermit because of it. I'm having a harder time trusting people I have nobody else to talk to about this with, my alloro friends don't have a comprehensive dating history to really understand my situations, while the aros I've tried talking to seem to think my relationship type is invalid or think attraction is stupid, pointless or some kind of distraction. I feel even lonelier than ever and nobody gets it. I feel, unloved, I suppose. Only real reason I'm venting here is because I trust you all enough to be non-judgemental, at least I hope so.
  21. I just went through my second heartbreak last week, I'm not really coping with it well, personally.
  22. God should send me a Swedish bf as a Christmas gift.

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