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The Gray Warlock

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Everything posted by The Gray Warlock

  1. Princess Jasmine, Elisa Maza from Gargoyles, and Naga the Serpent from The Slayers. Does it look like I have a "type"?
  2. yum Southern style fried chicken and waffles
  3. If it's rock n roll I'm good with it. Hair Metal was big when I was a kid so there's a nostalgia thing for me in the power ballads. But not country. This whole week I've had to listen to country on the pa at work and I am totally fucking over it. Every day I hear 20 different "I'm in love/ I love my wife/ we broke up/ my spouse is dead" songs in each category. If I had any remaining doubts about being aro they have been put to rest for good.
  4. I'm working tomorrow. Otherwise I would have spent the day binge watching the Ash vs. Evil Dead series.
  5. After having many conversations about my own relationship status and (non)interest, it seems South Dakotans have a word for it: Smart
  6. When I was a kid I was neighbors with a girl about my age, 10-11 at the time. She had a huge crush on Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block. About the same time was when I first heard of a girl having a crush on me.
  7. When I was a teenager my mom listened to the Oldies station a lot. In those days that meant mostly music from the 50s and early 60s. I noticed almost every song was love-themed. I asked mom why that was. She told me that when she was a kid she asked her father the same thing. His answer was "Because you can't sell a song about a hamburger."
  8. Well, you might not want to come to South Dakota then. I have a picture of a wolf spider I took next to a dollar bill, it was bigger than the President's portrait. And in the spring and fall on an open field on a foggy or misty morning you can see the webs they've spun all over the ground.
  9. In fiction: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien Dragonlance: Dragons of Winter Night by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman Fantasy, as you may have guessed. In non-fiction: Will soon be starting Shiva: Stories and Teachings from the Shiva Mahapurana by Mataji Devi Vanamali I don't really have one. I suppose Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson comes closest. My interest in reading ranges. It depends on what I'm into at the time. Generally I like mythology, esp. Norse and Hindu, Jungian psychology, Western Esotericism (academic and practicing) and Yoga, philosophy and practice.
  10. Many. Cats, dogs, some hamsters, a rabbit. I had a half beagle named Nike because she had a mark on her head that looked like the Nike logo. I'm down to one cat. I'll probably hold out before getting any more. She does not take well to new animals in the house. I have about 10 plants, 5 different kinds of succulents and a couple of cacti. Low maintenance and they look cool.
  11. I myself am just getting used to the idea that I might be an asexual. In fact I probably am. Learning about Aromanticism was pretty straightforward and accepting it was just a matter of letting my mind settle in, and even that didn't take long. But then again I've had enough life experience for me to look at and say "yup, that makes sense." But Asexuality, as with sexual subjects generally, is proving to be a quite a bit more complicated. The thought hadn't even occurred to me that I might be ace as well. But reading some threads here and some accounts of ace people got me thinking. And that got me researching. And the more I learn about how different aces experience it, the more I think this fits me. But even as I write this I fear I'm being dishonest if I go about saying I'm aroace now, instead of just aro. But I also realize the case is exactly the opposite. For the first time in my life I'm being honest with myself about these things. What I thought about myself before now was ideas thrust on me by society and I had accepted into myself. This is my advice. Don't force anything. Don't try to convince yourself. And don't feel bad about being confused. And don't feel bad about feeling bad, that'll just make you feel worse. Take your time, let your mind process. Self-study is one of the hardest subjects you'll ever learn. And if I may, I'd like to recommend a song for that playlist, it's one of my favorites https://youtu.be/w3zcypsjO8o
  12. Hello and welcome. If you learned English as a second language I wouldn't say you're dumb. Native speakers have trouble with it sometimes lol. I totally get the dragons thing. I have a respectable collection of my own.
  13. Here's an article from Men's Health I just came across. Thought it would be of interest. https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a26572805/what-asexual-people-fantasize-about/
  14. I'm never sure what they think things like this are going to accomplish. I went to grade school in Missouri (say no more am I right!) where there was no sex education until late middle school. But guess what? We all found out anyway. We knew what "the wild thing" was and told dirty jokes on the playground. And this was when the idea of a publicly accessible world-spanning computer communications network was a dream of some MIT undergrad. Even if this thing passes how on earth do they think they are going to shelter the tech savvy kids of today with all the world's knowledge literally at their fingertips from any kind of sexual issues? Especially when it'll come to their attention from hearing all the stink everyone is kicking up about it. Ever hear of the Streisand Effect folks? It's almost as if the politicians who come up with this stuff either don't think these things through or don't really care beyond using it to muster their voting base to the polls. Interesting this comes up just in time for the Mid-Terms eh?
  15. I have experimented with various psychotropic botanicals and fungi. I started working out with kettlebells in 2002, when that form of training was just being revived in America. I can sit in Half Lotus for an hour. Working on Full Lotus.
  16. You still have Diamonds and Clubs. And don't forget the Tarot cards and the variations of them there are these days.
  17. Question: Want to join me in a flash mob where we reenact Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch? Answer: I'm going to Katmandu!
  18. First of all, ditch your "friend." Secondly, you did the right thing. That is not acceptable. I'm sorry this experience made you feel so badly. But you can learn from it. Grow stronger, and don't ever let anyone devalue you.
  19. Yeah I was on a few of those forums. It was pretty cool. You were part of exploring a new way of communicating for the first time. And there was kind of a "culture" around it. It's one of those you-had-to-be-there things. Like being part of a scene, like Seattle Grunge. If that makes any sense.
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