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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Everything posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. Does it really matter? I don't mean that in a sarcastic way, I mean it genuinely. How important to you is it to have such specific labels? Is it something that brings you joy, or something that brings you stress? At the end of the day, labels are meant to help you. If it's helpful to you to be very specific, then I wish you all the best of luck, but I find a lot of people get way too caught up in hypercategorizing everything they experience to the point of causing themselves a lot of distress. I suggest evaluating how worth it to you it is to use a very specific label over an umbrella term, and then once you've figured that out, go from there.
  2. So it's like a dress-up gacha? Like Love Nikki? Huh.
  3. Scary how many people here I'm seeing say, like, "porn", or "queer something-or-other". That's not a guilty pleasure! That's a perfectly normal, healthy thing to be interested in- Which isn't me saying that everyone is into that, obviously, but like, there's nothing wrong with having an interest in sex or romance or what have you. Yes, even if you're ace and only looking at it out of curiousity (although in that case, I would strongly advise you to take a moment to think about why you're describing other people's emotions and interests as something weird and bad. That's not very nice). Why does that have to be a "guilty pleasure"? Why is sexuality and queerness something negative and shameful to you, instead of something you can unabashedly take part in? I'm not saying this to accuse people of anything, for what it's worth. I'm saying it to try to open people up to internalized homophobia and sex negativity. Why do you feel that being into these things is something negative? Who is telling you such, and why? Is it actually something bad? What message are you sending to others when you describe these things in this way? Ask yourselves these questions. Anyway, my guilty pleasure is the live action Monster High movie lol
  4. I mean from what I understand the definition of asexual is "doesn't experience sexual attraction". You just said you don't find anyone sexually attractive, so... You pretty much answered your own question. I mean, obviously it's up to you to decide how to label your experiences, no one can truly tell you if you're xyz, but like... I mean that does what it do yug
  5. Eh, not really (fwiw I don't have OCD). Why should I have to bother? Allos don't really have pressure to compartmentalize everything they've ever done or felt, so why should I? I'm just living my life.
  6. Mine's Hairspray for sure, though lately I've been into Bat Boy lol. Problematic fav or whatever. I'm not really a fan of Burton Sweeney Todd but I did work on a production of the stage musical that was a lot of fun, if miserable when I had to stay up until 2 AM every night cleaning out the blood 😭
  7. The problem isn't that people are discouraged because the AIs draw better than them. The problem is that the AIs are being trained on art taken from real artists without their consent or permission, and then sold to people who are using this technology to avoid employing human artists. Those artists whose art the AIs are being told to replicate, or being taught how to draw from, deserve to be paid for their work and they deserve to have the work attributed to them. AI art, in the end, is just futuristic plagiarism.
  8. The question of what is or isn't "real art" is always going to be a subjective and ultimately futile one. What we need to be worrying about is not how to define AI art, but rather the impact it has on human artists, which is, at the moment: Some fucked up bullshit. Do I want AI art to shit itself and die embarrasingly? Yeah. Will I say it's not "real art"? No, cause I wouldn't say that about anything. Art is subjective and unquantifiable, but the impact is has on people is very real, and that's the important thing.
  9. Oh, Solaria. Good to see her getting around. I still can't believe such a homophobic song got so popular when it first came out 😭 I mean I can but. lmfao
  10. They are weird but I think they're kinda awesome. I love babies. Wouldn't want to be a parent but I'll entertain a baby when needed
  11. Bestie this is a site largely made up of people who don't date, so I don't think you're likely to find much help here. Have you tried getting into fighting games? There's lots of gay people and everybody loves Shingo Yabuki, so I'm sure you'd have a decent chance.
  12. I have severe ADHD, and I've been on and off medication for it since I was a kid. I'm very much aro and very much not ace. lol
  13. Not into any of the others, but I like Queen! Glam rock is so fun :) If you like Queen you might enjoy the Struts.
  14. In full honesty, I've been using Tinder for over a year and I've never encountered that, but I have seen that sort of thing on this very website. lmfao
  15. I don't think wanting privacy necessarily has to do with being aro, lol. There's plenty of alloros like this, and plenty of aros who use lots of social media. If someone hates social media I highly doubt they'd be willing to change that just for romance.
  16. Bestie, you don't need romance, you need therapy and probably medication. Not to be rude, but like, your mom's an idiot if she thinks romance is going to solve the problem. Even if you were allo, in this state a romantic relationship would be very difficult to manage if not outright a disaster. I wish you much luck in your mental health journey and I wish your mom a very Shut The Fuck Up.
  17. I mean, there's gotta be other things in the story, right? That sounds like it's time to break out the ol' literary analysis skills. What sort of conflict does the protagonist experience? How does it change them as a person? What's the setting like, how does it compare to your own home? What are the other relationships in the story- Are there friends, family? If you're taking Spanish class I assume you're in, what, early high school? Most people don't really have big romantic experiences until later in life, so I highly doubt the point of the assignment was "tell us about a time you also fell in love and got married" or whatever the plot of the story is. I mean I can still understand why it would be frustrating, but I can't imagine a story would be picked for a school assignment with the specific point of Just being About Romance. There's gotta be more to find in there.
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