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Jot-Aro Kujo

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Everything posted by Jot-Aro Kujo

  1. Not into any of the others, but I like Queen! Glam rock is so fun :) If you like Queen you might enjoy the Struts.
  2. In full honesty, I've been using Tinder for over a year and I've never encountered that, but I have seen that sort of thing on this very website. lmfao
  3. I don't think wanting privacy necessarily has to do with being aro, lol. There's plenty of alloros like this, and plenty of aros who use lots of social media. If someone hates social media I highly doubt they'd be willing to change that just for romance.
  4. Bestie, you don't need romance, you need therapy and probably medication. Not to be rude, but like, your mom's an idiot if she thinks romance is going to solve the problem. Even if you were allo, in this state a romantic relationship would be very difficult to manage if not outright a disaster. I wish you much luck in your mental health journey and I wish your mom a very Shut The Fuck Up.
  5. I mean, there's gotta be other things in the story, right? That sounds like it's time to break out the ol' literary analysis skills. What sort of conflict does the protagonist experience? How does it change them as a person? What's the setting like, how does it compare to your own home? What are the other relationships in the story- Are there friends, family? If you're taking Spanish class I assume you're in, what, early high school? Most people don't really have big romantic experiences until later in life, so I highly doubt the point of the assignment was "tell us about a time you also fell in love and got married" or whatever the plot of the story is. I mean I can still understand why it would be frustrating, but I can't imagine a story would be picked for a school assignment with the specific point of Just being About Romance. There's gotta be more to find in there.
  6. It's really not that complicated. All my friends know I'm allo aro, does that mean I had sex in front of them in order to convey this? No. I said "Oh, I'm aromantic and bisexual," and they said "Oh, ok." I walk around with an aro pin and a bi pin on my backpack all the time. I think if someone's unable to convey that a character is allo aro without including a sex scene, it just means they're a shit writer who doesn't care enough about the people they're trying to represent to spend so much as five minutes thinking about how they might live. Also I agree that allo aros do deserve to have sex scenes in media that aren't all about, like, how a character is an evil manipulator or something. If alloromantics can have them, why can't we? Obviously media meant for kids is a different issue, but for adult media... Showing two characters having a healthy and respectful non-romantic sexual relationship would honestly do a lot for breaking down stereotypes about allo aros. We're not evil, we're not aliens or robots, we're not just "insecure" or "late bloomers", we're regular people who just aren't interested in romance. And, yes, for many of us, we also have sex. There's nothing wrong with that.
  7. Top artists are pretty accurate, the songs… Are all just from my bedtime playlist, not what I really listen to on a day to day basis. Couldn’t be me, I’m in it for the music AND the lyrics. Bitches love a song about being attentive to your sexual partner’s body language and boundaries and comfort levels baybeeeee!! Not to mention the utter bisexual treat of both Luke Spiller AND Kesha singing them. Fuckin chef kiss
  8. Well, I mean... You can't, or at least you really shouldn't, physically lock someone in a room. Like very much either they will beat you up or you will get arrested for assault. If someone has bad opinions just don't talk to them..? You really can't "punish" strangers other than punching them in the face (totally the right choice in some circumstances but also a risky move), and honestly the idea of doing so is kind of not cool. If someone says something hurtful, be honest with them about it, and if they continue, then just like... Tell them to leave you alone, walk away, don't invite them to your parties, etc.
  9. Oh, well that's pretty simple. It feels like "Woah, I wanna fuck that person". Nothing much to it really.
  10. I'm not quite sure what you mean by physical attraction. Do you mean sexual attraction, or something else?
  11. It's not complicated. I don't feel romantic attraction, I do feel sexual attraction. I have sex sometimes and I ain't dating anybody. Aside from being lowkey ostracized by media and frequently subjected to cruel comments about my orientation, it's not really that much different from anybody else, I would think.
  12. Things have actually gotten a lot better in recent years. Used to be the entire concept of being allo aro was basically unheard of, at least people acknowledge our existence sometimes these days.
  13. Yeah I'm allosexual and I got specific bastards I'd love to fuck. Like, yeah, I like sex as an activity, but there's definitely people who I look at and I'm like ehhhhh pass vs. people who I look at them and I think like. HI ARE YOU INTO WOMEN PERCHANCE. I would also say that the majority of the allo aro community, at least, views sexual attraction as being dependent on specific targets rather than just the desire to have sex in general tbh
  14. Welcome! Always good to meet more allo aros.
  15. I would definitely appreciate an over 18 forum, so long as it's properly locked to people who are over 18. There's plenty of elements of adult life as an allo aro that I've wanted to discuss from time to time, but don't feel should be said in an all-ages public forum, yknow?
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