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Everything posted by queer_kaleidoscope

  1. When someone has a crush on me it's just this weird tornado of negative emotions. I mostly experience a lot of repulsion/disgust and guilt. I remember once I found out my closest friend (at the time) had a crush on me and I actually I started shaking and sweating and feel sick. I also felt guilty for not being able to reciprocate his feelings, especially since he was going through a lot at the time and I thought that me being able to be in a romantic relationship with him would help.
  2. Is it just me, or does Elsa sort of give off aro vibes?

    1. Arsenic


      Yeah, a bit. She looks like a lesbian demi-aro, and asexual. And Merida, for me, is aroace.

    2. SilentShadows


      I was thinking about that the other day, haha. She definitely does read as aro to me!

  3. Hey Alex, welcome to arocalypse!
  4. I can relate to this one a little bit too much-
  5. I am on discord and watch youtube, but other than that I don't do social media. I'm trying to stay away from it because I feel like it would erode my self esteem and mental health...
  6. I bought chocolate covered almonds with my sister.
  7. I'm an older sibling (I have one younger sister). As far as I know nobody else in my family is queer, however I don't want to jump to conclusions since people might be closeted.
  8. Hey, welcome to arocalypse! :)
  9. False? Maybe? I've never really thought about that to be honest... TPBM is procrastinating right now.
  10. Hey! I can sort of relate to what you were saying, I felt the same way when I was questioning. I realized I was aromantic when I was 14. I don't think you can be 'too young to know' if you're aromantic. If you feel like the label aromantic suits you and you feel comfortable with it, then you should use it. Keep in mind that your romantic orientation might change in the future, and that's ok and totally valid. I think it's important to find labels that suit you, while understanding that there's the possibility that they might change. Good luck, and I hope you're able to figure this out :)
  11. ahsldkfskh that's so gorgeous! you're a really talented artist <3
  12. Other people have already said this, but I feel like being aromantic allows me to focus on aspects of life other than romance. People seem to be really preoccupied with finding a partner, and I'm a glad that I don't need to worry about that. I also sort of feel like it lets me appreciate my non-romantic relationships a bit more. It feels like others tend to prioritize romantic relationships over friendships, and stop paying attention to their friends for the sake of romance. Or maybe that's just me...
  13. True, I'm just not very good at it TPBM has a username starting with a lowercase letter
  14. I'm as straight as an arrow.


    Get it... because... aromantic. (I'm so sorry, this may be the worst joke I've ever made-)

  15. I don't think I've heard the term before, but now that I think about it, I'm probably asensual. I generally don't experience sensual attraction. I hate being touched or touching other people, sometimes I get very anxious about it. Although there are times when I'm okay with being hugged by friends or hugging them, those are pretty rare.
  16. 🏹 ♠️

    why did this take me so long?? arrow ace... like... aroace.

    this is so stupid but i love it so much-

    1. Ikarus


      Clever, simple, and makes me inspired to use these two symbols with my fashion somehow. A subtle way of saying im aroace hehe…

  17. I only realized a few days ago that the song "Cake by the Ocean" is not in fact about cake.
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