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Everything posted by queer_kaleidoscope

  1. Jaiden Animations has a video on being aroace! It's really nice to see another aroace person talk about their experiences, kinda makes me feel less alone. 


    Also literally everything she's saying is so relatable-

    1. A User

      A User

      I knowwwwwww

      Jaiden literally just spit facts

    2. Ikarus


      Imagine all the aro/ace awareness that video will bring! Now this is a BIG deal!

    3. SwiftySpeedy


      and i came from it (:

  2. I use the same username as I do on other forums, like TrevorSpace and AVEN. It's not a super interesting story to be honest... I think the word "kaleidoscope" is really fun and I'm queer. So yeah. queer_kaleidoscope was born.
  3. Hey, welcome! I hope you like it here :)
  4. Hey Lovely, and welcome to Arocalypse! I'm pretty new here too. I hope you enjoy it :)
  5. I wish saying "I love you" to friends was more normalized. It's kind of annoying that telling someone you love them is typically seen as a romantic thing. 

  6. Arocalypse is alive again!

  7. You learn enough to transfer to Intermediate Rabbinics, but forget all other languages you know in the process. (...does that make sense? idk) I wish I had more good story ideas.
  8. False. I don't really listen to choral music, but it's still pretty cool. TPBM is bilingual.
  9. Hi! I'm pretty new here too, I hope you like it here. :) (also your pfp looks really cool)
  10. Joking Elephants Wander Earnestly Loving Radishes Yellow (yeah idk-) CHOCOLATE
  11. I ate sand as a toddler.

    AroAce Memes for Inclusive Teens - Posts | Facebook

    It all makes sense now-

    1. MaxIsCosmic


      I still eat sand :|

  12. Honestly, it makes me really angry. When someone takes the aromantic flag and twists its meaning like this it feels very invalidating. Aromantic people are already misunderstood and underrepresented, even within the lgbtq+ community. By claiming that the aromantic flag stands for "dreamsexuality," whoever did this is just making that problem worse.
  13. Sometimes it's just so weird being aroace in a society that places so much emphasis on romance. It feels like I'm always being sent messages like "romance is the most beautiful thing in the world, romance should always be chosen over friends and family, you're not complete if you don't have romance, romance makes life worthwhile." It feels like everything is a reminder of what I'm supposed to be feeling. But I can't feel any of that, and sometimes it makes me feel broken. 

    1. Jazpir strom

      Jazpir strom

      I know what you mean I grew up being told by my grandmother that one day I was going to meet a girl that would make me cear about how I looked I never knew how to respond

  14. I think it was a bunch of little things, but mostly how I never had crushes. The few "crushes" I had back in elementary and middle school were just ones I made up because I thought it was normal. I tried to convince myself to like those people for years, but it never really worked. I also remember thinking I was pansexual because I experienced the same amount of attraction to everyone (none).
  15. I didn't know that was a thing... Happy aro-spec awareness week to you as well! :)
  16. The aro vibes this song gives off-


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