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Everything posted by Holmbo

  1. Maybe choose the label you want to be true and then you can always change later if it doesn't fit anymore. If you'd like to try to find a romantic relationship you could id as demiromantic. Or you can just say you're questioning. That's a valid identity too, there are people who spend their lives never really being sure if they maybe are capabel of feeling romantic attraction. I recommend reading about relationship anarchy cause it could help you think about relationships in a more individual organic way rather that just having to categorize them as binary romantic or platonic. For example you could look at this relationship anarchy smorgasbord to reflect on what kind of items you're looking for in different relaionships.
  2. @Acecream in swedish ledig also means "not taken". So I wouldn't want to use that here ? About the term single, I don't use it for myself but I don't mind using it in forms of such if it comes up. I think solo is a better word. It sounds more permanent.
  3. Holmbo

    Start a new life

    That is totally depending on your circumstances. I recommend asking here for help on how to make a budget. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/
  4. You're right. It's more he's showing some tendencies. His relationships were all brief and we never saw any deeper feeling for him about them. He never even dated Rachel cause they both felt too weird about it.
  5. I'm thinking about dating platonically once the pandemic calms down. To create some online profile stating that I'm aromantic asexual and looking for friendships that are a bit outside what's considered normal platonic relationship. That include cuddling, maybe some kissing and emotional intimacy. Not necessarily a qpr because I don't want to be someone's "special someone". I won't consider that friendship better than my other ones. But I feel hesitant because it feels so personal putting it all out there in a public dating place. I don't normally talk in debt about my orientation to people who don't know anything about a-spec. So I was curious to hear about others experience of dating platonically. What did you do and how was it?
  6. How's your communication about relationship labels and such in general? When it's not about you. Can you talk to him about the concept of relationship talks among friends? Or maybe relationship anarchy. Maybe he has an idea that friendship is a very defined thing and outside that is romantic and sexual aspects he doesn't want.
  7. I think a lot of us have the experience of having fake crushes (either just for others or also for ourselves). If you still did it today, who would you choose? I would pick the actor Wes Chatham cause I think he's very good looking and he also seems like a thoughtful and interesting person.
  8. Welcome! In this forum people tend to give out ice cream. Since people eat ice cream after breakups. ??
  9. I stil haven't fullt figured out my sexuality. I have decided that it's not that important though. I have a low libido and I'm fine with just abstaining from sexual activities. It just seems easier than to get into the murky waters of gray sexuality.
  10. I'm working on my third aromantic moments video and I want to include a scene with Joey from friends. Since he is clearly at least a bit in on the aromantic spectrum. But I have trouble thinking of a good scene that would show this. Most of them is more about how he has a lot of causal sex and I would like something that is a bit more about a disinterest in romantic relationships. Any suggestions?
  11. I like that idea! And if we do really expensive weekend it works with your first suggestion too ?
  12. Holmbo

    Ways to be hopeful

    If you're into reading I recommend the book Feeling good by David Burns. It's about how to use CBT to affect your feelings and mood.
  13. What are aromantic and asexual called in your language? Or in some other language you know? In Swedish it's called aromantisk och asexuell. You could also share other a-spec related words.
  14. Let's celebrate all of them ? What would you do on a friendship day? Except make the greeting card companies rich?
  15. That's cool! I don't want children myself but I want to be involved in children of my friends and siblings. Unfortunately no one has any yet.
  16. What are some English words that have different meanings in other languages which you find funny? In Swedish children like this sentence in English "I buy pink sheet" because in Swedish "Aj baj pink skit" it means "Ouch poop pee shit" Also, kiss means pee.
  17. I agree that's a great scene. I've not watched LotR since I learned about aromanticism. For the Aro video I'm looking for people who have some aro or aeospec vibes. But I'm also collecting clips for a broader themed video of relationship diversity. So I'm putting the death scene on the list for that one. Together with scenes from Amelia and Sense8.
  18. I'm very active in climate change and environmental topics so I hope those protests start up again. Extinction rebellion are planning a huge disruption in Oslo for all activists in Nordic countries at the end of August, hopefully we'll be able to go through with it I think the positive aspects is mostly appreciating all the things we can't do atm. In the future whenever I'm tired and don't feel like making an effort to meet up with people or going out I'll be thinking how much I missed that during the pandemic. Cause I really enjoy being around people.
  19. I've never had, but probably yum Freeze dried buffalo worms
  20. Books are fine. Most of the time there are audio versions so I clip from that. And if not I'll do some kind of scroll by of the text. But yeah it can be difficult to find something that works out of context. Especially if the book really isn't about the aromanticism.
  21. Thanks! Do you have any suggestions of clips for my third one?
  22. I begun yesterday to look at the scenes I've been suggested. I don't have enough of them to make for a whole piece yet, I discarded some of the suggestions cause the scenes where to hard to get without context. So far I got: Sex and the city, bloom into you, The Good Place and Loveless. So I'm happy to take suggestions for other scenes to include. Something that gives you Aro vibes for a character These are the previous videos I made: Aromantic moments Aromantic moments part 2
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