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Everything posted by Holmbo

  1. I think that's a pretty normal experience. After all our thoughts do affect our feelings. Maybe it would help you to reflect back on your thoughts and feelings before you knew about aromanticism? You can also read the thread about early signs you were aromantic on this forum. Maybe you will recognize something there
  2. I think it's good you're thinking about this. I agree that we must reflect more on what we need since there are no frames for us to go by. How do you feel about coliving with others? Is that an option where you live and something you'd be open to? That could be a good way for you to ensure you have friendships close by.
  3. Since most of us don't understand romantic attraction or relationship like that it's easy to make up explanations for why people act like they do. Do you have any theories that you know logically isn't true... but still they feel like they are true sometimes
  4. I don't really understand why other people want romance. Deep down I think I believe that they could learn not to want it and it's just a cultural thing ?
  5. Interesting! I tried googling Lucifer aromantic but got nothing. I'll try reddit again to see perhaps.
  6. Here ya go https://tyandthatguy.com/ I've only read up to book four. So far I feel the story works better as a show. But I usually like my book sci-fi either weirder or more about social dynamics.
  7. @eatingcroutons @DeltaV I'm listening to a podcast about the show with one of the book writers and one of the actors and I was so happy to hear that the writer Ty Frank absolutely hates the kiss in season 2 episode 5. He goes into why it doesn't make sense and why they never intended that moment to be romantic and the kiss makes it sexist. It's a great listen. The podcast is called Ty and that guy, I'll share a link if you're interested.
  8. I asked on aro ace Reddit forum about including Todd and got no objections. Although one poster said they didn't like him as representation cause he's dumb. I've not watched it like I said but I feel like a dumb character would be good representation since there are already many smart aro characters who "don't care about feelings".
  9. @Erederyn I've not seen such a list of neopronouns before. Nice to see the different options. In swedish we just have one.
  10. One thing I forgot to say at the meeting is that I enjoyed the pronouns used for the witch. I like that is was a bit of a mix between him and her. Although I feel like it should be "se" rather than "ze". But maybe that just seem natural to me cause it's similar to how it is in swedish. How did y'all like the pronouns?
  11. Peanut butter. I've never had marmite but it doesn't sound good. Would you rather live in Sweden or Switzerland? ?
  12. Yeah I saw further up that you already said it was the same link so I deleted my comment.
  13. So I've recently begun to masturbate after many years thinking it didn't do anything for me. I tried it as a teen but just felt bored. Now as a 30 yo I wanted to give it another try and I went to aven for some advice on masturbation for asexuals. I got this link http://www.asexualityarchive.com/an-asexuals-guide-to-female-masturbation/ I tried the advice on it and after just a few times I got an orgasm. So if you've given up on masturbation, thinking it's nothing for you, you could give it another try.
  14. I'm planning a post corona party when I want to invite everyone I know. I suppose that's a bit like one would feel when planning their wedding. At first I was planning it as a belated 30th birthday party but then I realized I don't care about my birthday, I just want the party.
  15. Yeah such a wasted opportunity to do something fresh with the portrayal of relationships. Why not have them be asexual and in a romantic relationship? There's plenty of humour to be had there, with defying their friends expectations and such.
  16. I live with a friend at the moment and it's been great! And if he ever gets a jealous girlfriend (or just a regular girlfriend who wants to live with him) I can move out and choose some other communal living situation. I don't have to consider the convenience of anyone else.
  17. I plan to call it aromantic moments. Maybe I'll ask around a bit online before I post it. Then I could also ask what people think about including a scene from the big bang theory. There's one that I think has huge aro mood, but the writing of that show is so problematic that it might sour that scene for some.
  18. I'm up for including aspec. But could people take offense and see it as allo ace erasure? Since there are so few characters that are allo ace. Fewer than Aro ace I think.
  19. That's cool. I really liked Loveless. I have read though that some people felt the supporting characters weren't well written and I can see their point about that.
  20. Welcome! Which show was it? I'm always looking for more clips to add into my aromantic moments compilation videos.
  21. Maybe choose the label you want to be true and then you can always change later if it doesn't fit anymore. If you'd like to try to find a romantic relationship you could id as demiromantic. Or you can just say you're questioning. That's a valid identity too, there are people who spend their lives never really being sure if they maybe are capabel of feeling romantic attraction. I recommend reading about relationship anarchy cause it could help you think about relationships in a more individual organic way rather that just having to categorize them as binary romantic or platonic. For example you could look at this relationship anarchy smorgasbord to reflect on what kind of items you're looking for in different relaionships.
  22. @Acecream in swedish ledig also means "not taken". So I wouldn't want to use that here ? About the term single, I don't use it for myself but I don't mind using it in forms of such if it comes up. I think solo is a better word. It sounds more permanent.
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