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Everything posted by Lovebird

  1. God should send me a Swedish bf as a Christmas gift.

  2. We broke up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeltaAro


      😢 Heartbreaks are always downplayed, even the word is strangely cutesy. While I also don't "get them", at least I understand that they are very traumatic and painful and wish you healing!

    3. Keith


      I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what I could say, but if it would make you feel better, then feel free to talk to me!! Either way I hope you'll  be alright!!

    4. hemogoblin


      I'm so sorry. Six years is a long time. That's a hard break up. Just take it day by day and take care of yourself. We are here for you. 

  3. PSA don't join in r/aromantic the members encourage ableism / saneism and the mods do nothing about it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lovebird


      @CanadianBird It never used to be like this two years ago, then things started getting really weird. Some also encourage cringe culture and other borderline ableist and outright homophobic things. A few months ago, the mods even tried to prohibit any mention of the word 'sex' to avoid "upsetting the asexuals in the sub". THAT turned out as well as you imagined, backlash from all sides was swift and they since backflipped on the decision. Last rule they tried to tried implementing was something like 'no bashing people for experiencing romantic attraction' the mods are not at all enforcing of that rule as many negative comments & towards romantic people have either slipped through the cracks or have just had a bandaid put on the them (the last post I saw was just days ago and was comparing romantic attraction to symptoms of schizophrenia (they do that a lot there), the post was subscentally locked but never actually removed and as far as I know, the OP who posted their "take" was never held accountable)

    3. Jot-Aro Kujo

      Jot-Aro Kujo

      Yeah, I’m the creator of voidpunk and the subreddit + its associated discord server is so rancid I had to leave. I tried repeatedly to get them to stop behaving like that but the mods were never on my side. It’s vile

    4. Lovebird


      @Jot-Aro Kujo I was not aware that you were the original creator! That's soo cool! My sympathies for having your label being destroyed by utter assholes :(

  4. For the Stolas thing, there is no source to confirm this information, I just read something over a year ago that said something like that. I just thought it was interesting. Why? Actually, I'm not even going to bother arguing anymore. I'll change the headcanon, okay?
  5. "Romance oppression" is a thing though. Queer, disabled and interracial couples have been bullied, mocked and harassed in the streets for simply holding hands - disabled people cannot get married without being forced to sacrifice their pensions because the government thinks we're already useless enough. Attraction to the same gender is still considered a mental illness among conservative circles.
  6. People are right, I should just accept my attractions are a bad mental illness and that I'm not actually attracted to my s/o. I am delusional.

  7. I really don't like this current trend insulting allos for doing absolutely nothing considered actually 'bad'. I dated a bit at a young age and I'm arospec, does this make me immature or bad to you? And can we please stop using brain development as some kind of insult, especially if we're talking about adults? As a mentally disabled adult that is in a relationship, I am capable of making my own decisions and especially choosing on if I want a dating life. Calling out ableism within the aro community is so exhausting.
  8. After two weeks I am back from computer repairs!

    1. DeltaAro


      OMG, 2 weeks, how did you cope?

    2. Lovebird


      I bought a tablet lmao, all the Youtube I want!

  9. Some people argue that if one experiences romantic attraction, they inherently lack in good morale, character or intelligence. Or in summary, "If you experience attraction different from what I do, that means you're a bad person!" Regardless of wherever the person they're targeting has actually done something bad.
  10. Can other aros stop applying negative mortality and intelligence to romantic attraction? Not only does it create an 'us vs them' mentality, but is rooted in ableism. I'm mentally disabled, the attraction I feel to my spouse is not 'all in my head'
  11. The aro communities attitude towards kissing (on the lips) vs other forms of affection is extremely hypocritical.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ikarus


      Different strokes for different folks I guess. People are allowed to think its gross or enjoy it. It doesn’t hurt anyone.

    3. CanadianBird


      "considered okay" yeah but I'd hope they mean okay for them. Sucks when all the aros are bunched together under a set strict guidelines. like hey man, chill. it's a spectrum. don't talk shit about the things other people do, they could very well say the same things about you. golden rule or whatever

    4. Ikarus


      Kissing can sometimes be viewed as sexual. There are a lot of aro aces so in the aro community who are repulsed by the sexual implications. Also kissing on the lips is the signature move for every modern romantic movie / book. 

      Kissing carries strong romantic and sexual connotations. Im not surprised some aros aren’t comfortable with it. 

      With the societal context in mind how is the typical aro view on kissing hypocritical? 



      You can think an activity is gross, repulsive or weird while also thinking it’s okay for others to do said thing. 

      Sex repulsed asexuals don’t think it’s not okay for others to have sex for instance. They can still think sex is gross and repulsive and voice their opinion on the matter.

      Same for aros who don’t like kissing.

      Aros can find kissing weird or not understand the why but still respect others right to engage and enjoy that activity.

      It only becomes an issue if gatekeeping happens, but I’ve never seen kiss averse aros gatekeep smooching aros. 

  12. I don't care because frankly I think people should have the right to privacy and do whatever. I don't ask about peoples relationships unless they actually so and that's how I think it should be.
  13. I have realised I am an enby trans man!

    1. Isa1116


      Ooooooo, congrats on figuring it out! :))))))

  14. Greetings other greyacearo individual.
  15. I personally connect more to the loveloose label, but I still feel more solidarity with loveless/heartless aro than the rest of the general aro community as they're far, far less likely to call me a psychopath for not being platonically attracted to my friends every millisecond.
  16. Been my PFP for a while, little guy. Annd here's maybe version 2.0, amazing how things change. Idk I'm still questioning things.
  17. When I'm sad: Boards of Canada, Alt-J, Lord Huron, Vashti Bunyan, Khruangbin When I'm happy: ABBA, Fleetwood Mac, Doja Cat, Tame Impala, King Gizzard, A Tribe Called Quest When I'm angry: Death Grips, JPEGMAFIA
  18. Now that this thread has risen from its ashes, I can safely and confidentially say that I have since realised I am actually greyplatonic! I am greysexual, greyromantic & now greyplatonic. Triple G!
  19. Yes, both from allos and those who are 'fully' aro. It's the reason why I rarely if ever say I have had crushes & dated people in the past (hell I'm currently dating someone right now for the past 5 years), say I'm attracted to fictional characters, or even like common romantic tropes - because both sides, as I've noticed, said that's either 'bad' or 'cringe' for no reason. It's like they want to feel better about themselves by being the 'purest' aro possible, to try and suck up to other allos.
  20. I like 'straight' romances and I'm still arospec. What you like doesn't have a basis on your orientation, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're just a (gatekeeping) fool.
  21. Lovebird


    As much as I find anti-furry shit cringe, harassing a 12 year old to a bunch of strangers with a microscopic subscriber count isn't going to solve anything. We're not your personal army.
  22. The romance negativity has escalated to a point of ableism: armchair diagnosing people with mental illnesses, comparing romantic attraction to a disease that must be cursed or accusing those are experience romantic attraction to be crazy or outright serial killers. Some aros have even laughed at certain minority groups (often disabled people) who are unable to get married or have marriage equality. As a mentally disabled person, it makes me feel inferior being in aro spaces. And whenever I call this out people just excuse it as "Well they're just venting, it's your fault you got offended!" as if to imply that ableism within a niche community isn't something worth talking about.
  23. It's because some people in the aro/ace community still hold onto their perception of "cringe culture", anytime I spoke up about liking "weird" romantic/sexual things, i'd be called "cringy" for enjoying it. So I've kept quiet to avoid "looking like an allo" for enjoying such things. I know they're not inherently "gulity" as even I agree that contributes to negativity, but it feels so hard to enjoy without that voice in your head being like "don't you know this is cringe and the aros/aces will hate you for it" Like it's literally the reason why I never say I have an s/o in aro spaces because now even having a romantic partner is "cringe" in some aro circles.
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