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Status Updates posted by Lovebird

  1. updated my lgballt sona thing!!

  2. Can someone please tell me why the aro community nowadays thinks it's so 'weird' to have crushes on celebrities / fictional characters when I've met just as many aros who have admitted to crushing on celebrities / fictional people than allos??

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lovebird


      Victim-blaming people for being rampantly harassed isn't cute, regardless of wherever they're allo or not. I've literally seen aros do almost the exact same thing. You've clearly misunderstood what I mean when ALL cringe culture is bad. There's no such thing as 'good' cringe culture.

    3. The Newest Fabled Creature

      The Newest Fabled Creature

      I just believe that at the end of the day, none of us have the right to shame each other, and there's never a greater or lesser evil when it comes to this. Our existences, both aspec and non-aspec, are very complex and deserve respect, each of their own - and it shouldn't be tolerated when someone (regardless of whoever they are) turn their experience of something into an excuse to shame another person. I am not saying people don't have the right to talk about how romance and sex has negatively affected them. Sometimes it's easy to become mad at the world and at random people because of how saturated romance and sex is in multiple cultures. But, it shouldn't be excused if someone takes that anger out and utilizes it as shame.

    4. DeltaAro


      No, there is no good "cringe culture". At least if we define "cringe culture" as coming from a desire to mock and shame innocent people. This is indefensible, no exceptions. Good that I didn't defend cringe culture then. And blaming victims of online harassment is just awful. Good that I didn't engage in that.

      Some threads here on this board admittedly give off a very strong cringe culture vibe, e.g. "Things you've never understood about romance". Similarly, all the many posts like "Isn't <something romantic> weird?"

      And yes, this may feel hostile and off-putting for those who experience romantic attraction or are favorable towards it. I understand that.

      (That was the context, very obviously, not some hypothetical aro who uploads screenshots from a dating profile of a neurodivergent kid and mocks it. Such a person cannot be defended. Does anyone seriously think otherwise?)

      Yet, to put those posts in the same category as the "furry / cosplayer / ... cringe compilations" is strange (to put it mildly). Because what's radically ignored here is: "Isn't <something romantic> weird?" and the like can be interpreted charitably. It might not have a nasty motivation but come from genuine frustration, confusion, cognitive overload or anxiety.

      I'm all for efforts to be nicer and quit / restrict / hide the stuff mentioned. I wouldn't miss that stuff. But maybe, maybe, members of a marginalized community, in their own space, should be interpreted charitably? And that's seriously lacking sometimes. I know that a couple of users left because of this.

  3. I wish the aro community extended grace, patience and support to ppl in abusive relationships instead of either ignoring its existence or telling the victim to "just leave"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      I think that going along with this problem, people also forget about the grey-aros and the arofluxes, etc…  it’s really sad to see this happening.

    3. smac n cheese

      smac n cheese

      Yeah, abusive relationships are a terrible problem that I am so sorry other people have happening to them, and some aros are like "I don't get it so your suffering isn't valid". I don't understand how people can be so terrible and I'm really, really, really sorry on behalf of all aros.

    4. Lovebird


      It also completely shits on aros & aces who have also been trapped in abusive relationships, there are aroallos in abusive FWBs, there are alloaces in abusive marriages, aroaces in abusive QPRs. Aroace minors in abusive family situations??

  4. my controversial opinion as an aspec person is i DON'T think it's 'evil' or 'shallow' to be attracted to complete strangers or unattainable ppl (ie. celebrities)

  5. God should send me a Swedish bf as a Christmas gift.

  6. We broke up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeltaAro


      😢 Heartbreaks are always downplayed, even the word is strangely cutesy. While I also don't "get them", at least I understand that they are very traumatic and painful and wish you healing!

    3. Keith


      I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what I could say, but if it would make you feel better, then feel free to talk to me!! Either way I hope you'll  be alright!!

    4. hemogoblin


      I'm so sorry. Six years is a long time. That's a hard break up. Just take it day by day and take care of yourself. We are here for you. 

  7. PSA don't join in r/aromantic the members encourage ableism / saneism and the mods do nothing about it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lovebird


      @CanadianBird It never used to be like this two years ago, then things started getting really weird. Some also encourage cringe culture and other borderline ableist and outright homophobic things. A few months ago, the mods even tried to prohibit any mention of the word 'sex' to avoid "upsetting the asexuals in the sub". THAT turned out as well as you imagined, backlash from all sides was swift and they since backflipped on the decision. Last rule they tried to tried implementing was something like 'no bashing people for experiencing romantic attraction' the mods are not at all enforcing of that rule as many negative comments & towards romantic people have either slipped through the cracks or have just had a bandaid put on the them (the last post I saw was just days ago and was comparing romantic attraction to symptoms of schizophrenia (they do that a lot there), the post was subscentally locked but never actually removed and as far as I know, the OP who posted their "take" was never held accountable)

    3. Jot-Aro Kujo

      Jot-Aro Kujo

      Yeah, I’m the creator of voidpunk and the subreddit + its associated discord server is so rancid I had to leave. I tried repeatedly to get them to stop behaving like that but the mods were never on my side. It’s vile

    4. Lovebird


      @Jot-Aro Kujo I was not aware that you were the original creator! That's soo cool! My sympathies for having your label being destroyed by utter assholes :(

  8. People are right, I should just accept my attractions are a bad mental illness and that I'm not actually attracted to my s/o. I am delusional.

  9. After two weeks I am back from computer repairs!

    1. DeltaAro


      OMG, 2 weeks, how did you cope?

    2. Lovebird


      I bought a tablet lmao, all the Youtube I want!

  10. The aro communities attitude towards kissing (on the lips) vs other forms of affection is extremely hypocritical.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ikarus


      Different strokes for different folks I guess. People are allowed to think its gross or enjoy it. It doesn’t hurt anyone.

    3. CanadianBird


      "considered okay" yeah but I'd hope they mean okay for them. Sucks when all the aros are bunched together under a set strict guidelines. like hey man, chill. it's a spectrum. don't talk shit about the things other people do, they could very well say the same things about you. golden rule or whatever

    4. Ikarus


      Kissing can sometimes be viewed as sexual. There are a lot of aro aces so in the aro community who are repulsed by the sexual implications. Also kissing on the lips is the signature move for every modern romantic movie / book. 

      Kissing carries strong romantic and sexual connotations. Im not surprised some aros aren’t comfortable with it. 

      With the societal context in mind how is the typical aro view on kissing hypocritical? 



      You can think an activity is gross, repulsive or weird while also thinking it’s okay for others to do said thing. 

      Sex repulsed asexuals don’t think it’s not okay for others to have sex for instance. They can still think sex is gross and repulsive and voice their opinion on the matter.

      Same for aros who don’t like kissing.

      Aros can find kissing weird or not understand the why but still respect others right to engage and enjoy that activity.

      It only becomes an issue if gatekeeping happens, but I’ve never seen kiss averse aros gatekeep smooching aros. 

  11. I have realised I am an enby trans man!

    1. Isa1116


      Ooooooo, congrats on figuring it out! :))))))

  12. I am considering on leaving any and all aro themed social networks, I cannot deal with the constant invalidation and failure of knowing I am not a "true aro"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Isa1116


      I'm really sorry.. I hope you can feel better. I'm always here if ya need it ofc.

    3. hemogoblin


      It's really hard, especially if you suffer any sort of mental illness, to not let the loud negative voices outweigh the supportive positive ones. I have found practicing mindfulness to be helpful with this. It helps me to stop and take pause and realize "oh this negative voice hurts more, so I put more weight on it, but [look at all the people on this post who have spoken against the negativity. Remember these circumstances in the past where people accepted me without fight or argument or interrogation, etc.]." It's really an invaluable skill that will benefit you in so many areas.

      I have also made the tough decision to leave communities before because they were harming my mental health even knowing there were good parts to it. If that's what you need to do, that's 100% something you should do. But please think hard about if you're making this decision to help your mental health (meaning, you will also work on replacing this space with good self-care - such as self-validation regarding being valid as an aro - and concentrated efforts to support your mental health) or simply to further punish yourself (falling into the negative spiral of "well, I'm not wanted here, so I should be alone and not near anyone so I can't bother them or upset them or ever hurt anyone ever again with my mere existence").

      Best of luck. I wish you very well, and I hope you're able to accept that you're a true aro and that the random negative voices will become easier to shake off.

    4. Lovebird


      @hemogoblin I'm not sure, but it feels like both to me.

  13. The way (some) ppl in the aro community will talk about those in toxic & abusive relationships is incredibly disturbing and extremely invalidating as someone who was previously in a toxic relationship and is still arospec. Plus the constant "bragging" of "I'm aro therefore I'm immune to (all) abuse!" which is an extremely privlidged position to hold.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antioch


      Yikes, I've never encountered this and I am so glad. I was in a physically and emotionally abusive friendship. Thinking that we're immune is so dangerous.

    3. Atypique


      Same thing for me. I'm aro, I won't get myself in a toxic relationship. However I did go through really toxic friendships, never realized it, and and decide to accept everything that the person could do... Because they were a friend

    4. Lovebird


      @Antiochit's quite common on the r/aromantic subreddit, tho tbf the sub itself is full of batshit people who think aros can never experience negative relationships, only aphobia.

      @Atypique I was also in a toxic friendship and it nearly killed me, I only thought those in romantic relationships were abusive at the time. I was totally wrong.

  14. Extremely anxious rn.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hemogoblin


      There's actually quite a big asexual kink community. If you would feel better asking anonymously, try any of the tumblrs: millenniumfae, fuckyeahasexual, or platonikink (may be inactive). If you're over 18, I also have the invite to a Kinky Aces discord I can invite you to. And here is a kink-specific thread over on AVEN: https://www.asexuality.org/en/topic/105805-kink-bdsm-and-cake/?tab=comments#comment-1060869891

      You can also DM me if you'd like. I'm asexual and have delved into kinks, though I'm not super active in the physical scene. At the very least, I may be able to point you in a better direction if I know more. :)

      No pressure either way! I know how intimidating and nervewracking it can be to open up about this.

    3. the more the merrier

      the more the merrier

      @SkyTuneRein may also be very knowledgeable on this, especially from a researched perspective of you not being alone in this! They may be another person to share thoughts with, if (and only if) you would both be happy to communicate with each other in this way! 

      @AroAcedragon13 Yes! :aroicecream:

    4. SkyTuneRein


      I can give some insight to the anon results from my poll, including numbers of particular kinks. If we get a bunch more takers or enough samples for each selection, then we don't have long to wait before I publish the first charts, if that'll help.

      I have a particular kink/fet too which has made me question my (a)sexuality, as well as sanity at one point, even though it's not that bad. It's something that I'm comfortable admitting and talking about, but not with a large and open audience, or on a public forum. It can be a great way to bond, at least if done right, but, like many kinks, can be mistaken or mis-associated with things that isn't acceptable, not to mention it also, like other kinks, can evoke disgust to at least some who don't share it. So far my poll has more than 10% who at least partly shares it though.

      My experience in the field is like my experience in relationships though - next-to-non-existent. So like hemogoblin, I've delved deep in the knowledge side but not in the physical. Being demi and with social anxiety, one can guess it's hard-at-best for me to share let alone practice. AVEN, however, was the first place I could open more and discuss sexual topics, and even mention some words, without a lot of people losing their heads or getting banned, so that helped.

  15. Realised I'm grey-ace!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. illumi


      grayrose ppl ftw


    3. Storm_leopardcat


      Huh, what label were you using before, again!

      Congratulations, by the way!

    4. Lovebird


      @Storm_leopardcat I just considered myself an allosexual pan

  16. I declare Instant Crush to be a greyro anthem. No particular reason. I just love Daft Punk.

    1. the more the merrier

      the more the merrier

      Yay for Random Access Memories! 

      What are your fave Daft Punk tracks, Lovebird? Would this be one of them?

    2. Lovebird


      Veridis Quo, Doing it Right, Touch, probably a billion more I cannot think of but those are my top favourite.

  17. Happy New Year from Australia~!

  18. I'm so tired of having to explain to people why I, an arospec willingly date people, among the thousands of questions others ask and make to sound in a condescending way. Just leave me be, let me do what I want.  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nix


      Oh wow, so they are gatekeeping? Nasty. No one can know how other people feel and/or experience themselves. Telling someone their feelings are ‘wrong’ or ‘lesser’ is the sort of moral superiority that makes me sick. You do you @Lovebird


    3. Deltalorian


      Yeah, I get this sort of condescending tone from the ace community at times, by virtue of being sex favourable and having a libido. Some people really just need to stop and consider just what they're doing with their lives to think that they need to make sure everyone who identifies one way meets their standards of said identity

    4. Lovebird


      @Nix @Deltalorian It's to a point where I no longer choose to engage in aro communities too often because of the invalidation. I'm currently questioning if I'm asexual spec too and I really don't want to experience the the same troubles. I'm just tired of my private life being judged and I'm scared to find out if irl aro communities are just as bad. 

  19. lovebirds should be the national animal for all cupios 

  20. Seeing an aro positivity post shouting out aplatonic romo aros be like "omg that's me 💚

  21. I have changed my pronouns slightly from she/he to she/they, proud of the self-discovery I'm going through :) 

  22. I have a weeks worth of online content to browse after not having proper internet access due to travelling :v 

  23. Humans kissing: ??‍♀️

    Birds kissing: ???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MaxIsCosmic


      so true birds are my beloved 

    3. Lovebird


      I named myself lovebird for a reason ❤

    4. MaxIsCosmic


      a good display name choice 10/10

  24. Idc about Vday but I love the creativity of valentine's cards 

    1. MaxIsCosmic


      same it's honestly cool what some people come up with 

    2. Lovebird


      When tumblr was at its peak people were making purposely bad looking cards with suggestive puns in comic sans for different fandoms, and I remember making one for my favourite band, DEVO, the text saying something like "I wanna see ur space junk" referencing their song Space Junk. It was the funniest thing I ever came up with at the time.  

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