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organs and bone

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About organs and bone

  • Birthday November 16

Personal Information

  • Name
  • Orientation
    lesbian oriented aromantic asexual 🌱
  • Pronouns
    she her hers
  • Occupation
    sleepimg + making my delusional ideas come to life in the form of art

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6,252 profile views

organs and bone's Achievements


Beelzebufo (4/4)

  • Frog
  • Young Frog
  • Tadpole

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  1. opinions on sheltopusik anyone
  2. @allhailtheglowcloud @kira- Mashed potatoes are not considered a soup because they have a different consistency and preparation method. Soups typically have a liquid base, such as broth or water, and are often served in a liquid form. Mashed potatoes, on the other hand, are made by cooking potatoes and then mashing them with ingredients like butter and milk, resulting in a thick, creamy texture rather than a liquid one
  3. FINALLY terraforming my acnh island and making it cottagecore or goblincore themed - it’s gonna take awhile but hopefully then end product is worth it
  4. “Remove cattle from the stage”????????
  5. does anyone here own a budgie / parakeet?

  6. IMG_0558.jpeg

    1. DeltaAro


      While I support FemboyFishing, I'd even more like it if there was a vegan version of it. Like FemboyMushroomPicking (or better not, that's too dangerous, and I'd fear for the femboys - PSA: don't trust Google Lens for ID, ever!! Bad idea, bad, bad!)

  7. I agree. I do think that that would be amazing.
  8. anybody else watching the Sãu Paulo F1 qualifying 👀👀

  9. how are y’all doing?
  10. fucking proofs still make no fucking sense
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