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organs and bone

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    she her
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  1. oh my gosh I love the soundtrack of spirit stallion of the Cimarron wha 😭
  2. it is ai 😂 it’s made with mid journey ai
  3. my knees are cold. it’s just my knees. ahhhh 😭😭😭

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      my friends put bright green sticky notes on it and my k n e e s were cured c:

    3. An Aro Passes Bi

      An Aro Passes Bi

      Gonna have to remember that next time my knees get cold

    4. organs and bone
  4. omg I hate math 😭😭😭😭
  5. so true I have a hydration issue omg 😭😭 tpbm haven’t eaten ice cream in a long time
  6. I looked it up omg. honestly it’s not that bad and not knowing the backstory I wouldn’t have been as creeped out lol i have two (I actually have a lot more) for this qotd. everybody (in this case everybody who was not born with ovaries, etc) can lactate (produce milk). it can be triggered by starvation. concentration camp survivors were given food after being starved for weeks and for some reason, they started lactating.
  7. Hello, how do I use an SIP calculator online? 

  8. just went out and saw the northern lights for the first time :o

    1. allhailtheglowcloud


      Wow that's so cool! Were they bright?

    2. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      unfortunately not :c you could see them quite well through a phone camera though!


  9. at cotillion one time. instructor was like “raise your hand if you would like to go on a date someday” me be like
  10. oh my god that is so fucking scary. I’m so thankful that you were able to get out of it.
  11. that’s a good question! I have an angel kiss birthmark right smack dab on my forehead. haha thankfully it’s usually not too visible. but honestly I probably ran into a tree branch too hard haha
  12. upvot, like, lik, and sub for mor SOUOP
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