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Everything posted by SkyTuneRein

  1. I am the one and only, you can't take that away from me...
  2. That does sound a wee more enticing to return to. Alas, my warning wasn't entirely undeserved, something of which I can't really disagree with, even if excessive and missing the joke or the point of most of the posts. I would've done better if I had gotten a nudge ASAP, but I guess at least somebody on the team at the time didn't like me. I don't like it when people don't like me and don't tell me. šŸ˜¾ And by "somebody", it's probably the majority. But what really set me off ultimately, many months later, was when I saw some critics get banned, adding to the list of other evidently harshly punished members, even ones which did AVEN a service, revered or not. Sure one or two of them sounded a wee too complain-y and paranoid (I mean, who isn't these days?), but all the mod/admin and especially BoD critics got trigger-happy-banned. And the Site Comment controversies and tactless community-ignoring BoD decisions, then the plethora of members leaving, etc all added to my desire to leave and not to return. Leaving communities on the whim is my style, but this time it was because the management went to the dogs and I outstayed my welcome. Besides, hardly anyone would've missed me, if even noticed I did a disappearing act... Arocalypse however is much easier to keep up with, with not-so-much to lead me into losing hours each day. So that and the low-stress chilled community and admins/mods still wins.
  3. We (I) are the champions... šŸŽø
  4. I don't experience romantic attraction easily. Sometimes I envy, more than wonder, those who do. Other times I wonder "WTF are they on?"
  5. You may call me "deadbeat". Mein pronouns are "they" or "he", and I'm pretty sure I'm demi.
  6. I'm also cold-hearted. šŸ˜¼
  7. Psychologists call this "splitting". It's when one can't understand or tolerate the complexities or uncertainties of complex beings, a bout of cognitive dissonance causes mental upset. I think it's also when one is addicted to somebody, as in lust, but otherwise can't deal well with them in other social situations. Lastly, there is personal or emotional insecurity, maybe jealousy, where one feels vulnerable or their relationship is in jeopardy or they see a threat to their wellbeing, with their partner at the centre of it. Frustrating...for us too.
  8. (I Guess We're All Falling Out (Demo) - Queen)
  9. Aye, I'm a wee cold right now. TPBM is not too bothered about what happens after they die.
  10. I nicked borrowed this from @Alaska Native Manitou, because it's too amusing to not (re) post. I apologise if you've already done so...
  11. I tend to zone out when I lie on my bed too.
  12. I'm offended y'all had been let down. Rick Astley would have never let you down.
  13. Checking on cringeworthy posts on AVEN. Well, it's not a favourite, but a worthy mention.
  14. Twitter has become an even bigger irritating cesspit, and I don't even use it.
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