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Everything posted by SkyTuneRein

  1. We're simply the best, what's love got to do with it?

  2. A pseudo-argument for a rat race lifestyle... Now I've seen it all. But the "hard work" is, has been, and will be increasingly replaced by machines, robotics and AI, which no natural human can outdo. Does that mean in the end, we'll be fit for nothing but breeding? Breeding nothing but machine-maintaining humans that probably would end up being selectively bred, or culled? That's what I call dystopian... Now if you excuse me, I have a date with myself and my depression and a glass of seemingly-purposeless-life. 😺
  3. "Pick your poison" has never before, in my life, been so appropriate to cite in a forum discussion. Sometimes one has to make a choice, to pick the frying pan or the fire, but fortunately in this case I don't have to choose TikTok as it, or anything like it, is not a necessity. Unfortunately, we don't have much of a choice in terms of governance, but we do have more of a choice than those in China does.
  4. It has crossed my mind that I might have, unintentionally, pissed off one or a few because of my lack of understanding, as well as lack of tact. There may have been some who had feelings for me which I haven't yet realised, or will realise...oops...but never mind.
  5. I'm pretty useless at picking up these things towards me, or I'm just sceptical, or people don't sincerely hit on or be attracted on me, usually.
  6. Tired, sore (and also itchy, probably due to pollen).
  7. I've been told I'm "very random", which is a weird way of saying I'm weird.
  8. I was going to say "It appears you're rolling your head on the keyboard, would you like some help?", but I can see some English and quasi-Welsh words in there...
  9. I hope to see less TikTok-esque junk on YouTube. It's getting nigh-impossible to find appropriate stooff with some searches. YT should either stick to what they were for in the first place, or create a separate TT portion. On second thought, it may get worse, as TikTok users may flock to YT with their shorts, dancing in their shorts.
  10. (Knocking At Your Back Door - Deep Purple)
  11. AVEN's been unusably slow and not loading properly for the last 24+ hours, although I've only tried twice.

    1. SkyTuneRein


      It may be a carrier-Amazon issue. A trace-route shows responses up to GTT on the other side of the Atlantic, but no responses beyond that point, a dozen hop-limits later.

    2. SkyTuneRein


      P.S - AWS is a load of crap. And cloud hosting is generally not a good idea for forum-centric websites.

  12. Apart from a few crushes and squishes, everybody else was just "meh" at best when it comes to romance. The very few people I ever have been entertained by on the prospect of a romantic relationship, were those I'd already gotten to know and develop some kind of relationship with, never strangers or acquaintances. Demiromanticism is interesting, even if confusing, because it's not unusual for romantics to not be romantically attracted to people at first. But for me, I'm not even fond of the idea of developing romantic attraction - I just enjoy the feelings of somebody I really like choosing to share some time with me, or even just seeing them around one way or another.
  13. Oh no. Anyway, when's your funeral?
  14. There're some images floating around of some statues with their original paintings, albeit quite faded and worn in some areas. I wouldn't bet that they didn't like garish colouring, but the original intact ones indeed looked more mellow. Such statues were also more prone to losing arms and heads than paints and gold leaf. 😸
  15. From my stream: https://imgflip.com/m/not-taught-at-school
  16. Tlingit (I wanted to research how it was pronounced)
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