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Status Replies posted by NotHeartless

  1. It's October!! Spooky season has officially begun 👻🎃🦇

    1. NotHeartless


      The best time of the year is here (in my opinion) 🎃👻👽🦴🧡

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Took up writing poems as a hobby. It's a little hard because I default to romance (it's a popular topic for poems) but I can't relate. Otherwise, I'm having a blast!

    1. NotHeartless


      I like poems that aren't about romance (surpise :D). I like the ones about death, missing a friend, dreams, nature, fantasy worlds...there are a lot of topics to choose from. Your creativity is the only limit. :)

  3. Kinda wanna vent abt being greyro & being in aro spaces but i don't kno where to put n i dont wanna upset ppl idk 

    1. NotHeartless


      Why not under "Aromantic Discussion"? Bet a lot of people would love to join in!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Best wishes to everyone for the new year! 

    1. NotHeartless


      Happy new year, it can only get better ^_^.

  5. Its been a while, but I'm back. Probably going to pop in more every once in a while. I really just need to accept myself already.

  6. khfdhfdkjfd I shouldn't be this absurdly happy but I am now that small keychain plushie of my hyperfixation character/rp character over last year or so arrived...

    Normally, I don't really get as many fandom stuff, but I made an exception for this given the year so I deserve something nice fuck it

    1. NotHeartless


      Yes, you do. Sounds really neat B|.

  7. Its been a while, but I'm back. Probably going to pop in more every once in a while. I really just need to accept myself already.

    1. NotHeartless


      Yeah, well...took me several years to accept I'm aro (and ace). You can't rush things but yes, it is important you accept yourself. I think that's the biggest lesson I've needed to learn since discovering my identity (still need to learn sometimes). I wish you the best and hope the forums & community can help and support you on your journey :aropride:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. alskdls really wish i could go back to not thinking i’m aro ngl things were a helluvah lot easier. i mean, sure, it wasn’t fun constantly searching for a crush that was never gonna happen, but now i’m in a far stickier situation and man do i just wanna go back and pretend i’m not aro haha what are you talking about—

    1. NotHeartless


      I get it, it feels like...once you realize you're aro, there is no going back. You see yourself, the people around you, society and probably the world in another light. It can be scary, but you're not alone.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. My roommate and I sometimes disguise us as couple so it's more likely we'll get a rental contract for an apartment. It's kinda funny and sad simultaneously.

    1. NotHeartless


      Yeah, exactly! You get the struggle. Hope you guys have luck!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. so identity question. does anyone else ever hear love songs and fantasize about singing them to their future spouse and getting kind of teared up? also if this definitely does not sound like an arospec thing let me know, i definitely will not take it as invalidating.

    1. NotHeartless


      Alright, but I can't tell if you might not be aro or not. I take people for what they tell me. ;)
      Maybe you just need some more time to figure it out or you might fall into a grey area. Only you can know it.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. so identity question. does anyone else ever hear love songs and fantasize about singing them to their future spouse and getting kind of teared up? also if this definitely does not sound like an arospec thing let me know, i definitely will not take it as invalidating.

    1. NotHeartless


      I can't relate too, but there are aros who like at least the idea or fantasy of romance. You should definitely not take it as invalidating.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Today, I realized (once again) I do love but not in the "typical romantic way" (or what society considers it as such).
    I do not shy away anymore from saying "I love you" because it's far from a "I love you and I need you, otherwise I'm sad"- way. It's more a "I love you, I care about you and I want you to be happy. Do what makes you happy". It feels like I can love people freely. It feels so open, endless. It's hard to explain. But I'm thankful I am able to experience it because, looking at the world, apparently not many people are able to love this way. I don't know, it feels like a gift.
    So while I'm on it: I love you guys. I love the aro community and our diversity. You rock!
    It's kind of ironic an aro person is writing all of this but these are my honest feelings. Maybe I'm actually extremly polyamorous without wanting to bind myself on one person but whatever this is, it feels right. I want to be able to tell my friends, and everyone else I care about, that I love them. Without anyone misunderstanding, that is all.

  13. I don't know how to change the "deactivated" I'm no longer deactivated 

    1. NotHeartless


      Maybe message an admin, they should be able to help.

  14. hello, everyone!!

    1. NotHeartless


      Hello, you've created a status update. Wohooo! :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

    1. NotHeartless


      I agree, especially with the "whether or not they choose to understand is up to them". There are things we can influence and things we can't and it's a good lesson when we learn which is which.
      Usually, I don't really watch videos on spirituality (I'm more into books) but I've found JasonJGallant's channel several months ago as I was struggling with my ego and difficult emotions. His words really helped me and eased my pain. Only a small channel, but great.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

    1. NotHeartless


      Ok, then see how it goes for you. I'm the most sceptical towards not drinking anything (for several days especially) since dehydration can come quicker than you think. When your family doesn't have understanding or will literally freak out, try to remember they love you and are afraid of losing you. Try to see from their point too, even if it's difficult.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

    1. NotHeartless


      I think so too, I mean that your family would freak out. And sorry to be "that person" but please be cautious with pursuing breatharianism. I say that because a young man from my home country died this year in an attempt to live with the concept and other people obviously too (according to research). I'm not going to tell you what is right for you and I hope you informed yourself well enough. I'd only like to point out we have material shape and should not ignore the fact we are part of this earth, our bodies need certain things because in this form right now, we are bound to universale laws of nature.
      I understand your POV because I like to fast and benefit greatly from it (for physcial health and spiritual progress).
      And it's perfectly fine to discover your (bodily) boundaries, experience hunger or thirst for a certain time since it gives you a new perspective on things but still please don't overdo it unless you want to live (or die) with the consequences.
      May you do well.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

    1. NotHeartless


      None of them sound familiar. But I took a look on their channels and I am familiar with the topics their videos discuss (e.g. soulmates, energy, spiritual awakening, etc.). I was very attracted to the spiritual aspects in our lives (still am, but in a slightly different way) and I'm experiencing how tough growth on a "higher level" can be right now. Is it the same for you?
      I'll have a closer look on the channels you've listed, thanks.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

    1. NotHeartless


      Yes, I would say so. It's not easy but the most important thing is to keep going. I believe in you.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

  21. Today I was called disgusting for not experiencing any romantic attraction to those I'd have sex with by a friend :')

    1. NotHeartless


      Yeah....friend? You're sure?
      Maybe that was "just" the initial reaction and they felt sorry afterwards but I'm in doubt.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. I'm feeling a lot more confident in my aromanticism. I'm still not totally sure, but I think I'm ready to break up with my girlfriend... wish me luck! :aroicecream:

  23. I recently met someone and we get along rather well, apart from the fact that she is so frickin romance oriented. She is always looking for a relationship and is somehow always in love. 


    About a week ago we were playing 'would you rather' with a couple of friends (including her) and I got the question 'would you rather never have sex again or would you rather never find true love?'. Well for my aromantic bisexual (and virgin but hey I really want to have sex) ass that was an easy answer, but she then gave me a 30 min lecture about why true love was the best thing in the entire world and that it was incredibly sad that I would pick something as horrible as sex over the amazing concept of true romantic love. I am still annoyed by it

    1. NotHeartless


      I'm glad your other friend supported you! That's a real friend right there - at least that's a positive aspect of the situation.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. I recently met someone and we get along rather well, apart from the fact that she is so frickin romance oriented. She is always looking for a relationship and is somehow always in love. 


    About a week ago we were playing 'would you rather' with a couple of friends (including her) and I got the question 'would you rather never have sex again or would you rather never find true love?'. Well for my aromantic bisexual (and virgin but hey I really want to have sex) ass that was an easy answer, but she then gave me a 30 min lecture about why true love was the best thing in the entire world and that it was incredibly sad that I would pick something as horrible as sex over the amazing concept of true romantic love. I am still annoyed by it

    1. NotHeartless


      A 30 min lecture? Really?
      God. Unfortunately, this is typical somehow. I once had a friend who had a very similar...let's say mindset about romance.
      She pushed the idea of "the one" on endlessly, then had a GF and started to talk bad about people who wanted a "friends with benefits" situation and whatnot. I kind of froze on the inside, never came out to her and kept my thoughts to myself (our relationship wasn't very close anymore at this point). I only told her she should let people do what they want as long as no one gets hurt. Anyway, I understand it bugs you. If this goes on, you should really tell her how you feel (unless you already did so).

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  25. I just watched the below video and wanted to know others' thoughts on it:



    1. NotHeartless


      Heavy topic and I am shoked there are adults who force a child to transition. If a child would say they don't feel like a boy/girl, I'd talk to them about in detail and if it's severe go to see a therapist. But in these cases it's just...plain wrong.
      I'm out of words.
      I happen to be an older transguy and I can confirm a transition is a huge thing. I have thought about it a lot (as writing this, I have not transitioned physically yet). Forcing children to transition like this is irresponsible and it takes away validity from people who are transgender and do feel way better after transitioning (or just identifying as another gender).
      The guy said he was a heavy drinker and took drugs to endure the physical pain and the condition of his psyche - that's me not too long ago. I woke up and forsworn alcohol to finally get my shit together, but I drank to endure heavy gender dysphoria which isn't any better.
      Responsibility lies with the parents, the therapists (the whole healthcare system), every adult involved. Abuse is a very serious issue too and it affects the psyche in ways I can only speculate about but I can imagine it can twist a young mind extremely. Also, children tend to believe what they are told because they are children, still in development, and do not know any better (yet). We must not make the mistake of thinking "you were absued, that's why you're trans / that's why you are homosexual", etc. There are people who act a certain way (to protect their mental health) because they were abused and there are people who just are homosexual or transgender because of nature (put a bit dull).
      Finally, a transition is not to be taken lightly under any circumstances. One must think about the consequences for their mental, social, physical health and many other things. All that being said it's important the video raises awareness for this problem because in all honesty, it's scary and it destroys lives. 
      My thoughts about it.

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