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attitudes toward touch?


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1 hour ago, ArrowAce said:

I am touch starved imo, i seriously want hugs and stuff. I just don't receive them often enough. 


If a ya know situation happens with a lot of touching, once in a blue moon, I'm good for a year. But theoretically I can feel touch starved, I guess.

I can't say that I dislike specific types of touching, but if it has a romantic vibe to it, it can feel uncomfortable. Which is most true for cuddling.

Also, I don't like LOOOOONG touching. Cuddling is always kind of looong. And after 30 minutes at least, you need to get away from me. I need to breathe.

Some people can cuddle for hours and I would find this extremely uncomfortable. Even the cutest, cleanest and nicest humans have some peculiar bad / annoying qualities that I just cannot stand for too long.


On 1/24/2023 at 6:42 PM, Nix said:

Cuddling I don't like at all, except with my mom maybe?

With cats maybe?

On 1/24/2023 at 6:42 PM, Nix said:

Kissing (three times) is sort of the national greeting here, but I don't really like that.

🤒🦠 Coronavirus says: "I approve this greeting. Thank you for helping me remain an issue!"

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23 minutes ago, DeltaAro said:

With cats maybe?

cuddling and petting dogs and some other animals, yes!  not humans because they're not cute (used as a synonym for 'hot' is obviously different, and i don't find babies/children cute)

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It's honestly really confusing for me. I mean I think I quite like hugs, or at least I love the idea of being hugged/hugging somone, but I'm always to embarrassed to ask for any, so I don't get hugs/hug other people often. And about other stuff... Well, I also quite enjoy holding hands as well! (But I don't do it often, for the same reason)

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i mean i will sometimes allow physical touch, but only if i know/am comffortable with said person, but holding hands (i only do this with one person, and theyre dating someone already) i will sometimes do because Anxious habit

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15 minutes ago, aro_elise said:

cuddling and petting dogs and some other animals, yes!  not humans because they're not cute (used as a synonym for 'hot' is obviously different, and i don't find babies/children cute)

Cats yes... 🐈‍⬛ meow!

Though I used the word "cute" for humans, I actually don't think adult humans are ever really cute... (I guess I just adjusted myself to the romantic language to call grown ass men or women "cute" ... though my actual reaction to this is "what?"). Sexy or hot, maybe but not "cute".

I can understand "cute" applied to babies and small children to some degree. I mean they're much smaller for starters (not a > 50 kg human clinging onto you).

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1 hour ago, DeltaAro said:

Also, I don't like LOOOOONG touching. Cuddling is always kind of looong. And after 30 minutes at least, you need to get away from me. I need to breathe.

Some people can cuddle for hours and I would find this extremely uncomfortable. Even the cutest, cleanest and nicest humans have some peculiar bad / annoying qualities that I just cannot stand for too long.

Oh no, 30 minutes is my max too. There’s always an arm or a leg that’s getting cramped…

1 hour ago, DeltaAro said:

With cats maybe?

…except with cats yes! My cat weighs a little under 5kg so he’s not too heavy and also soft and warm :)

1 hour ago, DeltaAro said:
On 1/24/2023 at 6:42 PM, Nix said:

Kissing (three times) is sort of the national greeting here, but I don't really like that.

🤒🦠 Coronavirus says: "I approve this greeting. Thank you for helping me remain an issue!"

Yeah it’s really weird how most people in the Netherlands just straight up ignore that the virus isn’t gone? I mean, last friday I was invited to a party but I chose to hang with two of my friends to start watching The Last of Us. And now I hear from a friend that did go that about 2/3rds of the party goers has Corona now, her included :-/

Touch can be really dangerous 😬

(And I also wouldn’t call an adult cute, they’re just… not.)

Edited by Nix
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/8/2023 at 2:45 PM, KoconutBounty said:

i mean i will sometimes allow physical touch, but only if i know/am comffortable with said person, but holding hands (i only do this with one person, and theyre dating someone already) i will sometimes do because Anxious habit

Alright. I am now VERY anti-touch with people I don't know. someone pinched a large portion of the back of my neck, and I know it wasn't an accident because you cant just do that accidentally

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/8/2023 at 12:42 PM, aro_elise said:

i don't find babies/children cute

Same with me -- they're usually loud, annoying and needy. Just yesterday at my work, a little boy said "hi" to me in a friendly little kid voice, and I even find THAT annoying. Also, babies are ugly as fuck. Childfreedom reigns forever!

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1 hour ago, GoodbyeRepublicServices said:

Same with me -- they're usually loud, annoying and needy. Just yesterday at my work, a little boy said "hi" to me in a friendly little kid voice, and I even find THAT annoying. Also, babies are ugly as fuck. Childfreedom reigns forever!

I wouldn’t take it that far because some do want kids but yeah, I just don’t.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like the only “touch” I’m interested in is like platonically scratching someone else’s back because that’s nice. Hugging is just awkward, kissing is disgusting and I’m glad I don’t have to, cuddling is kinda just “meh”, and let’s be honest here the whole sensual aspect is something I don’t understand.

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I like physical touch. I wouldn't say it's a love language for me, but I'm also pretty touch starved as well so I guess that makes me more open to it nowadays I guess? I really like casual things like hand holding and cuddling, but it feels like you can only really get those things out of a relationship :/ which sucks. I know it's sort of normalized with girls who are friends, but not so much guys, which also sucks I guess.

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  • 5 months later...

I personally don’t like touch, the farthest I even consider a handshake as too much, the only stuff I’m okay with is a shoulder pat or fist bump, though depending on the person and circumstances I can do a hug.

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I like hand shakes and hugs and holding hands but anything else feels uncomfortable. I do kinda want to be hugged more or cuddle with someone, but that's about it. 

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I love physical touch, but it comes with an asterisk. 

1) I'm demisexual, so I don't really desire nor want random physical touch or affection from people I don't know very well, but for the people I do know well, I love hugging, cuddling and whatever physical touch they are comfortable with. It makes me feel...closer to them, like on a spiritual level. 

2) That physical touch I may have with friends NEEDS to be private. I cannot stand PDA and am repulsed by it. I do not want people to perceive me as being romantic with someone and I also physical touch is very intimate for me and PDA feels very...inappropriate is the best word I can use to describe it. Hugging is the extent I will tolerate in public. 

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i'm weird because i generally don't really like being touched yet i'm also kinda touch-starved? like most days the extent i can take is a handshake or something but other days i find myself craving a lil hug now and then. one thing i absolutely wouldn't like though is a prolonged cuddle, it sounds nice in theory but in practice they make me feel suffocated and want to escape lol. i think overall i'm kinda like a cat in that i'm fine with occasional minor displays of affection but only on my terms.

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On 1/25/2023 at 8:38 AM, Lunar Nova said:

does anyone have a specific reason theyre Anti-Touch/Touch Repulsed? or am i the only one?

(other than the ones who already stated why)

When I was assessed for autism, one of the statements on my official diagnosis letter was how I dislike being touched. So I guess it's an autistic trait.

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I love hugging my parents and I'm fine with other family members, but that's about it. My friends aren't very huggy people anyway.

For me, hugging is great for my mind. Giving my mum a good hug really comforts me and makes me feel safe. With other people, I feel a bit awkward. I can sit closely to my friends though, to the point where our shoulders are pokin' each other. Even then, that feels kinda breachy though lol.

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  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 12/8/2023 at 9:25 AM, Dark Confidant said:

I cannot stand PDA and am repulsed by it. I do not want people to perceive me as being romantic with someone and I also physical touch is very intimate for me and PDA feels very...inappropriate is the best word I can use to describe it. Hugging is the extent I will tolerate in public. 

i totally agree.  and i know you're talking about platonic stuff, but also i wouldn't kiss a sexual partner in public, or do anything to indicate we were anything other than friends.  well, if it's like a club or party where that's the vibe, sure, but not like, in broad daylight.

Edited by aro_elise
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I really love hugs and cuddles, sometimes even kissing with some specific people and in veeeery intimate situations, but it's all innocent and non-romantic (often even non-sexual bc of my asexuality) in my head and I strugge to make people understand it. We live in a world in which if I ask friends if I can hug them they either think I'm flirting or I'm weird

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