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Acronym for Aro-spec Community Website


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FINAL ROUND CLOSED AND THE WINNER IS AUREA (Arospec Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy)


A few of us have decided to put together a website similar to AVEN for aromantic advocacy and resources.

We wanted to pick an acronym that is different from AVEN but is also short and official-sounding. We looked through a bunch of options but we wanted an option that is also free as a domain name for the website.


If you don't like the acronym (or even if you do like it), let us know if you have any suggestions for a better one.


Website Info:

We haven't announced the website officially yet. :) We're still planning what will go on the site and how it will be managed (as well as who our core volunteers/admins will be).

We will likely be including:

- intro to aromanticism


- term glossary

- pamphlets/resources

- news and aro-related events

- media contact (for interviews, guidance, etc.)

- volunteer contact (for those who want to volunteer with us)


Much of what Sennkestra wrote (post linked in this discussion!) is what we're aiming for - an official space with aros who can be contacted by media outlets to talk about everything aro. We've been thinking of adding:

- a tab for ongoing surveys/research information

- tracking aro-related fiction/art/media

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I'm not very fond of it... The full name is fine, but it's hard to remember, and the acronym sounds like some sort of weird medical thing hkjdfhkdhg sorry!! :( I know you're trying your best and acronyms are tough, but I... feel like this is not the one, lmao.

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The acronym sounds nice as an acronym, but it feels a little wordy in the full expanded form. Might need to think a bit to find an acronym that isn't taken yet though so I don't know if I can necessarily do any better though.


(It looks like ANREA isn't used for anything except obscure shipping policy, though, so that's a plus in it's favor)


On the other hand, for the domain name specifically, I'd recommend going for a full word or two rather than an acronym - it makes it more obvious what your site is and is also more advantageous for SEO and making it easy for people to remember you. (This is part of why AVEN, for example, is asexuality.org and not aven.org). You can still use the acronym elsewhere.


Aromantic.org (which used to be the National Coalition for Aromantic Visibility) looks like it's been snapped up and is likely too pricy to buy back, but maybe consider something like aromanticnetwork.org or another more descriptive url?







(Aromantic is more clear but aro is more concise so that could go either way. I also haven't checked availability for any of these).


I also had some thoughts about that recently here: https://nextstepcake.wordpress.com/2019/04/01/the-chance-to-be-the-change-you-want-to-see/


On a side note, if you need or are open to monetary donations for supporting initial domain or hosting costs, please let me know! I've been wishing someone would set up something like this but didn't have the time do it myself, so I'd like to support in the ways that I can!

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Hmm What about AAN which would stand for aro advocacy network it’s not as wordy and it’s short if people like short acronyms idk if there’s anything else using this but it’s another suggestion

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1 hour ago, sennkestra said:

Might need to think a bit to find an acronym that isn't taken yet

I'm not entirely sure it's feasible, some acronyms already existing do double up... It'd be preferable, but I'm not sure if necessary


1 hour ago, sennkestra said:

for the domain name specifically, I'd recommend going for a full word or two rather than an acronym

Okay, point, I think we (well, @running.tally ) came up with something that is alright and not an acronym


42 minutes ago, HotRamen said:

What about AAN which would stand for aro advocacy network

I think it'd be hard to pronounce, at least as a word, without spelling it out (unless you meant for it to be spelled out..??)


Other options (my faves) include:
ANREA (Arospec Network for Recognition, Education and Advocacy), ACARE (Arospec Community Alliance for Recognition and Education), AURA (Arospec Union for Recognition and Advocacy), ACURE (Arospec Community Union for Recognition and Education)

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Thank you for your input so far, everyone! Acronyms are hard and we appreciate the honest input and resources. :)

As for domain name, we may work that out in a separate topic (to keep things focused on the acronym here) once we've discussed our options a bit more.

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Re: AAN as a proposal - how do you feel about acronyms that sneak in a few extra letters, like AroAN for Aromantic Advocacy Network, for example.


That gives you more acronym options without having to add in more words that can start to feel a little redundant, especially since I feel like advocacy already covers a lot of recognition and education efforts.


Alternatively, if you leave the S for Spectrum in, while ASAN is taken, other options like ASAC (arospec advocacy coalition, center) are more available.


(On a side note, ACURE is my current shampoo brand, so that one might be a little confusing lol)

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+1 to "Advocacy" being a good word and umbrella term to cover the rest.


3 hours ago, running.tally said:

A few of us have decided to put together a website similar to AVEN for aromantic advocacy and resources.


If you don't mind me asking -- is this something you've announced already? Do you have specific plans for what your website will do? Like -- is it a place for FAQs and introductory pamphlets, analogous to stuff like this and this, or something else?

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@Coyote I've added some elaboration on the site in the description of this post! :) 


ARENA and ARNA have also been suggested by some Google Forms folks!

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3 hours ago, running.tally said:

We will likely be including:

- intro to aromanticism


- term glossary

- pamphlets/resources

- news and aro-related events

- media contact (for interviews, guidance, etc.)

- volunteer contact (for those who want to volunteer with us)


Cool beans.


Since it sounds like some of your pages will involve definitions of terms -- I have a request to make. Will you please, please, please make sure not to define quoiromantic as "can't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings"? The linked post has some detailed information on its history and some suggestions for better phrasing. And more generally, I would like it if glossary makers at large would more regularly take umbrella crunching into account.


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Other options (my faves) include:
ANREA (Arospec Network for Recognition, Education and Advocacy), ACARE (Arospec Community Alliance for Recognition and Education), AURA (Arospec Union for Recognition and Advocacy), ACURE (Arospec Community Union for Recognition and Education)

i like aura and acare most. 

acure sounds a bit like an ableist autism org though, so id rather not do that one.


Hmm What about AAN which would stand for aro advocacy network it’s not as wordy and it’s short if people like short acronyms

yeah, i like this one too

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Can I ask who exactly is involved in making this site? The reason I ask is because I haven't heard any like... community-wide discussion of starting an aro advocacy site, and considering the thing with TAAAP needless to say I am uh. Currently a little wary of unknown individuals just up and starting projects like this out of the blue, yknow.

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@Jot-Aro Kujo Definitely! A few of us here were inspired by the recent chats from the Carnival of Aros and formed a group chat in Discord about the need for something to happen. We have peeps from these forums, mods from some blogs on Tumblr (e.g., aromantic-official and other active participants in discussions), for example. We can let y'all know the core roster once we figure that out.


We are only a few days in and are working on the logistics before we make any official announcement (i.e., figuring out what the costs would be and how much manpower is needed to address the concerns we've seen on Tumblr, these forums, and the Discord).


We're going to be reaching out to people who we've seen be active activists (lol alliteration) and who we think have unique skills we would need for a core team! We want to make sure we don't overload anyone with responsibilities (especially those who are already quite busy with blog stuff or IRL stuff) and that we have people who work well together to launch the site.


Once those little things are set up, we're going to make an announcement everywhere we can (here, Discord, Tumblr, prob Dreamwidth and AVEN as well) and ask for more community input before everything goes live. Then once we launch (hopefully smoothly) we can begin the call for more volunteers.


Constant feedback is something we want to have because the core team we're trying to keep small so it's manageable.

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Summary of Suggestions:

  • ANREA (Aro-spec Network for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy): Is a unique acronym but is a bit long, hard to pronounce, and kinda awkward feeling.
  • AAN (Aromantic Advocacy Network): Is concise and the words are relevant, but it cannot easily be pronounced as a single word
  • ACARE (Arospec Community Alliance for Recognition and Education): is slightly long and less intuitive; focus on recognition & education is a bit specific whereas advocacy is more open ended.  Might be hard to search for since auto-corrected in "a care".
  • ACURE (Arospec Community Union for Recognition and Education): Similar issues to ACARE, but "a cure" has bad connotations/can comes across as ableist.
  • AURA (Arospec Union for Recognition and Advocacy): Is relatively concise and clear; is a recognizable word which has a good aesthetic BUT it also makes it harder to search for.
  • ASAC (Aromantic Spectrum Advocacy Coalition/Center/Community?): similar to AAN but can be pronounced aloud; also emphasizes spectrum more; last word for "C" is unclear. (switching out Network to avoid overlap with ASAN).
  • ARENA & ARNA ( @running.tally what did people suggest these stand for?)



  • People like the word "Advocacy"; it is clear, relevant, and broad
  • Factors to consider: clarity & conciseness, acronym being pronounceable, acronym being recognizable and easily searchable
  • People seem to prefer AAN, ACARE, and AURA the most...I also think ASAC is a good one to consider (I don't know how many people noticed it/it hasn't been commented on).
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As for AAN as an acronym why does it need to be pronounced as a word? A lot of three letter acronyms are usually pronounced by their letters. Like UFO. Asac sounds cool too tho. A poll would be helpful.

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It looks like we're pretty ambivalent about ANREA and many people don't like the acronym so I think we can open up another poll with all the options now, yes!

I've updated the description of this poll to include a Google Form link for the new poll. We'll keep this one open for much longer, since this initial polling was a first poke.

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21 hours ago, Coyote said:

Since it sounds like some of your pages will involve definitions of terms -- I have a request to make. Will you please, please, please make sure not to define quoiromantic as "can't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings"?

That's a very useful history, since the original definition of quoiromantic (and quoisexual) makes a lot more sense. At least to me.
Unfortunately the other definition appears on Urban DictionaryLGBTA Wiki and Aromantics Wiki. To name a few.

It appears that quoiplatonic does not, currently, exist.
How's this?
quoiplatonic; “what even is 'platonic attraction'? Divide by zero. Error 404 Plato not found”

Which seems to fit with the Note on Quoi


20 hours ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

Can I ask who exactly is involved in making this site? The reason I ask is because I haven't heard any like... community-wide discussion of starting an aro advocacy site, and considering the thing with TAAAP needless to say I am uh. Currently a little wary of unknown individuals just up and starting projects like this out of the blue, yknow.

Considering TAAAP and the wider '& aro'ing, I think it's vital that "Recognition, Education, and Advocacy" comprehensively covers aromanticism.
Especially challenging the 'aro as a subset of ace' idea.

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2 hours ago, running.tally said:

I've updated the description of this poll to include a Google Form link for the new poll. We'll keep this one open for much longer, since this initial polling was a first poke.


Cool beans. Is there a reason why it's select-one-only, instead of checkboxes?


1 hour ago, Mark said:

Unfortunately the other definition appears on Urban DictionaryLGBTA Wiki and Aromantics Wiki. To name a few.


Hence my concern. =( 


Which is also why I'm relieved to hear that @running.tally @bydontost and whoever else are soliciting input and dialogue along the way in the formation stages, as opposed to just self-appointing to call all the shots (-- and run the risks that come of trying to speak for an entire community without bothering with so much as a drafting phase).

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@Coyote Yes, I want people to really think and choose a favourite, since it's important. If it becomes an issue and many people want multi-select, I can go in and edit it. :)


I'm also glad we've been approved hahaha! We agree that self-appointing and becoming kind of dictators is beside the point of this whole community. We just happen to be the people who decided to start things up and get the site live.

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14 hours ago, bydontost said:

I wanted to suggest another one - aurea (arospec union for recognition, education and advocacy)?? it is a word, in latin (better than english tho) and an acronym for a software company 

That's a good one! Also, "aurea" specifically translates to golden, which is cool because yellow/gold is kinda an aro color (since yellow symbolizes friendship and also is in the aro allo flag).  It's also cool because I think a lot of people like AURA because it sounds nice and this sounds similar to that but would likely be a lot easier to search.

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