I know it’s been a while, just needed somewhere to talk about this.
my friends (one of whom is bi and the other is an ace lesbian) are very sweet and I love them to death but often when we start joking about not being straight, they say things like “no no, [Echo] doesn’t count.” Or “you’re not even actually gay” or “you wouldn’t get it.”
I’m not disagreeing with the fact that I’m not gay (which has from my observations slowly been becoming a bit of an umbrella term for someone who is LGBTQ, when it was originally mostly just meant to refer to male homosexuals/homoromantics). It’s more of the message that I’m not “queer” enough to also joke around with them. It feels a bit invalidating, hearing them say that I don’t even count as anything and that asexuality(but mostly aromanticism) is seen by them as not “truly” part of the LGBTQ community.
I really wish things like this weren’t an issue. While being aromantic/asexual may not be as easy to identify, it is still very different from being heterosexual. If someone chooses not to identify as LGBTQ I feel that is their choice, I just want there to be a choice.
It’s getting better, luckily, as it’s more talked about, but it’s frustrating feeling like I constantly have to prove that I belong in the LGBTQ community.