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  • Orientation
    Cupioromantic asexual
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  • Location
    somewhere on the earth... probably...

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Beelzebufo (4/4)

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  1. Anyone else just burnt out in general?

    Cause I know I am

  2. Goodnight (I instantly see pretty much any spelling error)
  3. I'm actually sooo excited to watch it I also haven't gotten any spoilers yet so happy about that
  4. Kinda sucks just cheesing him (that one barely makes sense im bad at this ok) FKGUI
  5. Yeah it has been a while hasn't it Well see you whenever you randomly decide to check here again
  6. social anxiety is just that fun... Honestly though i'm happy I don't feel romantic attraction because I can't imagine what that would be like with social anxiety
  7. Somehow i _on't have any missing assignments but im hanging in by a threa_ so its only a matter of time (also the letter between c and e isn't working on my keyboar_, so i replace_ it with _
  8. I'm offended that you apologised in that response
  9. No, bc I haven't eaten yet today TPBM likes a small band or group that no one knows about
  10. While I don't have a label to add to this, I was just thinking about how to the outside world not many people even know what being aro/ace means, but people within this community are well researched enough that there are sublabels that are more or less well known than others. idk I just find it cool that the community is close enough that people know about certain more known sublabels in an orientation that not many people know much about.
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