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    Cupioromantic asexual
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    somewhere on the earth... probably...

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  1. Yeah a lot has happened since you last showed up :)
  2. Trust me when I say it is not as bad as you would think it is. Of course it's different for everyone, but it really does feel similar (just a bit more work) But you still have a bit until then either way :)
  3. Age wise I'm about a year and a half away, but i'm a junior rn (11th grade) so i'm still two years away school year wise
  4. Gen alpha actually starts in 2010, so you're a lot closer than you think :)
  5. YES My family has two dogs but I am somehow still slightly more of a cat person :) TPBM is a long way from an "average height" (either considerably shorter or taller)
  6. Oh wait I just realized i'm only about 1 1/2 years from being gen alpha... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Don't have anything against gen alpha ofc but I am just shocked... that's what happens when you have an early birthday ig
  7. Time does some weird things... But seriously, between this, gen alpha being in high school now, and gen z is almost 30 years old, it's weird to think about :)
  8. If you want the short answer, look at @allhailtheglowcloud's signature, (and know that I don't agree with it ) If you want the long answer, then look at the several paragraph basically essays on the previous page :)
  9. Tbh you haven't missed much unless you care about the mashed potatoes argument
  10. I actually think I'm going insane from sleep deprivation... but school must go on I guess If it weren't for theater I wouldn't have even come :3
  11. Welcome!!
  12. nvm I guess I'm back lmao

    My schools restrictions that blocked this site were almost immediately taken down bc they blocked pretty much any site that could be used for research projects, so that just didn't work for them :)

    1. That_Gurl_Sparklez


      Yippie! Welcome back! :D

  13. Yippee time for me to mysteriously disappear again for a while :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TrueEvergreen


      Well I've done it mysteriously enough times, figured I'd try something different

      But seriously, my school finally blocked this website and I just don't have enough time at home to consistently check this forum

      Might come on every once and a while but not as consistently as I have been :)

    3. That_Gurl_Sparklez


      Aww that's sad- I'm always paranoid my school will do the same- 

    4. allhailtheglowcloud


      Aw I hope we still see you around from time to time :(

      that really sucks about your school blocking the site... Bye for now and stay safe 

  14. Banned bc you are like the third separate person to use that reason, get more creative with your reasons :)
  15. Banned bc it obviously wasn't obvious, as you just said :)
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